I like to point out that
@24hreup carries some of the rarest authentic pharmaceutical goods in the market.
For example, we carry British Dispensary products. British Dispensary is a Thai FDA approved brand registered and prescribed all over Thai hospitals/pharmacies. Some of the brands are the legendary Anabols (last Pharmaceutical Dianabol) sold in pink 5mg/ and yellow 10mg tabs.
Next we go to British Dispensary Androlic (Oxymethelone) Anadrol. Another Thai FDA product prescribed in Thai hospitals. These, Iran Hormone Anadrol and Turkish Anapolans are last in exsistence. These are also very unique as they have a score in the middle to split the tab in 25mg increments.
Next we have British Dispensary Azolol (Stanozolol) that is one of the last Thai FDA approved medicines in exsistence dosed at 5mg and prescribed in Thai hospitals for children and women.
Lastly, we have Bodyresearch blueheart Danabol (Dianabol) and Testolic (Testosterone propinate). Both medicines are Thai FDA approved drugs registered under Thai database.
Fun fact: Testolic and Farmaks are the last 2 testosterone propinate products in exsistence. Medicine has 0 pip and flows very smooth.
All these medicines are just examples what
@24hreup carries in his line and more.
So go ahead, try them for yourself, review them, get labwork, lab analysis, share your overall experience with the community as we like to hear your feedback and we will be sure to credit you in return as a thank you.
Heads up, in the pictures you might notice products have expired dates. We just want to inform you your products will have fresh lots. These are just pictures of some products we carry.
Take care everybody