Any test results yet for Odin products?
Not yet. Results would've been back already had I sent the gear when I first had planned to. I'm not to proud to admit this was my first time sending gear off to be tested.
I've been part of small groups getting together to pool resources to have gear tested. My role has been transferring bitcoin not actual hands on prepping the pkg for shipping.
I wanted there to be no mistakes and wanted to be sure to follow jano's instructions. Old Dog/new tricks. I start feeling my age and at times feel as though I'm not teachable.
I have a woman who has been with me for a long time. Started off as a bookkeeper and quickly became my "Go To" for things like dropping off and picking up dry cleaning, wrapping X-Mas/B Day/Valentines Day presents for my wives(on #2) to doing my Taxes and packing and shipping for my wife's Ebay page.
I'm an Ebay and Grailed junkie. Our PayPal acct has been around a long time and has seen a lot of action. I had no idea how much money I was wasting. All kinds of shit. I was being double billed for a Premium Acct at* for more than 2 years. Every once in a while I'll somehow be signed up for automatic monthly repeat payments. She saved me significant amounts of $$ as well as kept me from being a sucker/victim/mark on more than one occasion.
She's a perfectionist and takes pride in whatever she signs off on. OCD without question. I've had to ask her not to bring me into the madness that is her OCD in 5th gear. Every half hour or so she has to check her car alarm.
I've watched her her leave and come back to be sure she's locked the drawers in the office and then the door to the office. Ritualistic to the core.

For the gear testing project I had to step in to get it done. She ordered 1ml vials off of Amazon. Then another kind from a place she found on ebay.
I saw receipts for supplies that included an exacto knife, a soft cover book one day and a hard cover book the next.
It was an expensive lesson. Had to scale down the first attempt as Fed Ex was going to run me $150 plus to get the stuff over to where it had to go. I don't mind spending money but I knew there was no reason I was at the total I was going to be at for supplies to ship and then the shipping itself. I trimmed the fat to get to a reasonable dollar amount spent and got it out.
Promo running :

*does not apply to bulkdeals / Deus / Hilma

Promotion ends March 17th

US Domestic 3-5 days
Fastest way 3-8 days
EMS 8-15 days
Airmail 14-25 days (we had some TD'S take 30 days+)


Thank you
Not trying to do a good deed or a shill. Not a second account . I apologize if that wasn't aloud. I been in this game for a long time and had issue with fake ugl labs over the years. Some that were good at one time on here also . Just had good success with these guys and wanted to keep thread active to see if others comments that's all. I decided to go with these guys and get good pharmacy stuff had good success again that was all i meant .
Pack landed in 4 days. Sadly the Odin anabolic's DID NOT come with the original packaging. I have no way to check authenticity. I read somewhere in here that they ship with ALL of the boxes and packaging.

Looking into sending it out for testing because of this. Anavar also does not have a box or authentication code with it.
@24hreup. Does your Odin line ship with its original authentication box code?

Pack landed in 4 days. Sadly the Odin anabolic's DID NOT come with the original packaging. I have no way to check authenticity. I read somewhere in here that they ship with ALL of the boxes and packaging.

Looking into sending it out for testing because of this. Anavar also does not have a box or authentication code with it.

Hey @24hreup what's up with this? I was waiting on some test results to decide on trying you guys out. This isn't a confidence builder.
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Pack landed in 4 days. Sadly the Odin anabolic's DID NOT come with the original packaging. I have no way to check authenticity. I read somewhere in here that they ship with ALL of the boxes and packaging.

Looking into sending it out for testing because of this. Anavar also does not have a box or authentication code with it.
None of mine did either but I checked the site and 24hr was a verified seller so that was good enough for me. My assumption was its easier to ship without the box. Would be nice to check tho, I agree
Hey @24hreup what's up with this? I was waiting on some test results to decide on trying you guys out. This isn't a confidence builder.
I tested the anavar. Mine came with the verification code and box. Was nearly spot on at 25mgs. Hope this helps bro, I’m looking at sending in more for testing as well.
I tested the anavar. Mine came with the verification code and box. Was nearly spot on at 25mgs. Hope this helps bro, I’m looking at sending in more for testing as well.
I saw this and ordered due to the verification boxes. I find it odd that the consistency isnt there with what comes with orders and what doesn’t between members.
I saw this and ordered due to the verification boxes. I find it odd that the consistency isnt there with what comes with orders and what doesn’t between members.
I believe its the Odin manufacturer/distributer that ships to us. It certainly isn't 24hreup cuz they're overseas. When I took delivery the orals didn't come with boxes. I honestly didn't know they usually have boxes and authenticity stickers. I'm thinking the rep or whoever answered "Yes" assumed because they are coming from the Odin people themselves that they would come dressed to the nines? Just a guess.'re concerned what? That the ugl Odin has counterfeit gear floating around? I seriously doubt there is an issue like that? If they are supposed to come with batch #'s that actually mean something then that would be a concern. I have yet to see a ugl that has batch #'s that mean anything. Usually just there as window dressing no matter what they say. I wasn't familiar with Odin before they were on the 24hr list.