6 grams of Test lol

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
  • Start date
says he was active on RX muscle last night. Interesting read. I’d love to see his blood work and shit today.
Wow, whole other world over there. He even has his own Q & A thread. I logged in and took a look at it. He talked about a new injury in the last two years that was not the same one I was describing. Falling apart!
says he was active on RX muscle last night. Interesting read. I’d love to see his blood work and shit today.
Sent him message, see what he says if he replies.
I told him you would send nudes, so ensure you hold up your end of the bargain, that you had no idea was even taking place, until now.
I'm going to add and be Captain Obvious here but some people are going to respond better at 600 mg than other people, we all know this right?
There are people out there probably someone reading this right now that are taking about 2g of gear total, and look like your average gym rat. They will downplay their dosages and they will never tell the truth because they will feel inferior and also because they need to realize that their diet and some other things are obviously not in line. I am talking from personal experience because I was there.

Story time you savages:
I was natural for 37 years and was already large when I started taking steroids. I thought it was magic and then when I started taking it I was going to blow up and become super huge.
Around my third blast I pulled out the stops and started taking higher dosages. It didn't have the effect that I thought it would because I was not eating enough Surplus as I found out but at the time I was thinking it was going to be magic something from nothing. I was new and I had only read stories in heard and saw all the stuff in bodybuilding and thought that once I started taking the magical Elixir that I would be proportion that no one would ever have imagined.
Other people that asked, that we're also using, I downplayed my dosages because what they were telling me about their dosages, I felt like maybe something was wrong with me or I was just non-responder with those low dosages. Maybe they to were downplaying.
Of course I know how to diet and I knew it was a lot of the problem and it was easily fixed and I found out steroids weren't freaking Magic but I also found out that higher dosages with higher calories does produce larger results to a certain degree.
I brew my own gear but I also provide for only one other person in this world and it is a brother that I have deployed with many times.
He was also large when we first started but I could tell you that when he started at 500mg this fucker blew the hell up like what the hell.
It could be that he was large had great genetics but wasn't near the end of his genetic limit or anywhere close. It could be that he is a better responder.

Okay I know right now everybody's thinking wow cool story bro I'm starting to think that myself but all I'm saying is many of us on here have been there. Hopefully this is readable because I'm doing text to speech LOL.
this is such a good point, some people blow up, some barely look enhanced no matter how much they eat, train and use gear.
this is such a good point, some people blow up, some barely look enhanced no matter how much they eat, train and use gear.
I just don't believe that. If they do the diet and training and use a bunch of gear, then they will grow. Use enough of all three, and the person is not going to "barely look enhanced."

You can take a petite woman and turn her into a disgusting mass monster with diet training and gear.

I am not disputing that there are differences in how much one might respond, but given enough of those three factors, there just are not folks who are going to look "barely enhanced." If they do look that way, then at least one of those three factors is lacking, guaranteed.
I just don't believe that. If they do the diet and training and use a bunch of gear, then they will grow. Use enough of all three, and the person is not going to "barely look enhanced."

You can take a petite woman and turn her into a disgusting mass monster with diet training and gear.

I am not disputing that there are differences in how much one might respond, but given enough of those three factors, there just are not folks who are going to look "barely enhanced." If they do look that way, then at least one of those three factors is lacking, guaranteed.

I agree, i didnt mean it litterally, it was more to prove a point. I meant in comparison to the way some people respond to the same diet/drugs/training, it can be a huge difference.
I just don't believe that. If they do the diet and training and use a bunch of gear, then they will grow. Use enough of all three, and the person is not going to "barely look enhanced."

You can take a petite woman and turn her into a disgusting mass monster with diet training and gear.

I am not disputing that there are differences in how much one might respond, but given enough of those three factors, there just are not folks who are going to look "barely enhanced." If they do look that way, then at least one of those three factors is lacking, guaranteed.
Like Big J Cutler said no matter how much steroids you give to a chihuahua it wont become a rottweiler
See you guys on the other side:
Inexperienced look the other way. I can tolerate high dosages. DRUGS ARE BAD.
Plus new avatar for luck. Should do the trick.

Feeling cute, on a blast, and said screw it, let's experiment now.
I can make 400 or 500mg/ml of Test D later.
300mgx6days+150mg one day=1950mg
Close enough to 2g. Most likely over because my gear has slight overdose.
Test D is 300mg/mL in MCT oil 1%BA 18%BB
1mL of Test Decanoate ED, well 6 days of the week. 1 day is 0.5mL Deca and 0.5mL Test D.

On calendar:
TD=Test D
TRE=Tren E
Total here is
1950mg Test D
600 Deca
400 Tren E

Still have 5 weeks of Anadrol at 50mg ED.

I will be adding:
12.5mg Aromasin E7D or E5D
0.2mg Pramipexole E5D
20mg Nolvadex E4D
10mg Cialis ED

27G 1" with 1mL syringe for 1mL injections rotating quads and delts. Just got these in yesterday.

24G 1" with 3mL syringe for Glutes.

Also doing solubility experiment on Anadrol.
Last edited:
See you guys on the other side:
Inexperienced look the other way. I can tolerate high dosages. DRUGS ARE BAD.
Plus new avatar for luck. Should do the trick.

Feeling cute, on a blast, and said screw it, let's experiment now.
I can make 400 or 500mg/ml of Test D later.
300mgx6days+150mg one day=1950mg
Close enough to 2g. Most likely over because my gear has slight overdose.
Test D is 300mg/mL in MCT oil 1%BA 18%BB
1mL of Test Decanoate ED, well 6 days of the week. 1 day is 0.5mL Deca and 0.5mL Test D.

On calendar:
TD=Test D
TRE=Tren E
View attachment 158756
Total here is
1950mg Test D
600 Deca
400 Tren E

Still have 5 weeks of Anadrol at 50mg ED.

I will be adding:
12.5mg Aromasin E7D or E5D
0.2mg Pramipexole E5D
20mg Nolvadex E4D
10mg Cialis ED

27G 1" with 1mL syringe for 1mL injections rotating quads and delts. Just got these in yesterday.
View attachment 158757

24G 1" with 3mL syringe for Glutes.

Also doing solubility experiment on Anadrol.
View attachment 158758
View attachment 158759
Keep in mind that you get about 65% of substance on test d.
I don't see as a high dose what you are about to run. 2 g is the norm for me and many guys that I know. Running 2-3 g of test is something usual for guys that takes this hobby to a higher level but not competing.
I also tolerate high gear with 0 problems and have done some real high dose cycles and I am fine no problem whatsoever. Is overrated the side effects of steroids imo. The lifestyle of bodybuilding cause health problems not the steroids directly but they help.
And anadrol is soluble in alcohol but at 15mg only I managed to do that