6 grams of Test lol

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
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Why not add lats and chest and VG? If you are going to be pinning daily, you might as well spread the pain around.

Lats are absurdly easy, much easier than quads.

Chest can take the 1 ml with no issues and take some pressure off your delts.

Why no VG?
I can't get a good angle on my lats, I can barely reach.
I tried Chest twice. Got a yellow bruise both times. When doing a cable fly, it was painful and could see a lump.

I rotate glute areas, one injection will be dorso(lower), and next time around ventro.
Alot of videos and drawings misrepresent where ventro actually is.
I prefer the hump where the maximus overlays the medius, so slightly more Posterior.

Some people may not realize this. But I have tried 4ml in glute. The swelling puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, causing short a bout of sciatica.
I have a massage gun and also doing the piriformus stretch can loosen it up..
However, I'm not getting any swelling or pip from Test D, so it could be doable.
Jordan Peter
Something that sticks out when some speak on high dosages, but now they take and preach low dosage.
People downtalk high dosages, after they have done them for a long time, to get where they are. Then they want to downplay it like it's not what propelled them. Now they preach low numbers.
No. I am not saying it's only the drugs of course. Everything else was needed.
I mean look how people react when they hear the truth about high dosages being used. They are blown away because no one is honest out there. They hear of these guys using 400 Test and 300 Deca, and don't realize how crazy it can really get.
They are all genetic freaks, but some may respond like genetic freaks and can use lower dosages.
Jordan even speaks on once you have that much mass, you can dial it back some.
However you still ran high dosages to make yourself a mass monster.
It's dangerous, but somebody had to do it.
I typically run 720 Test, 600 Deca, and may add 400 Tren E. I don't need to blast higher anymore. However, I fell off slightly because of COVID, last bloodwork was fine, and I felt fine... so now I'm doing a 3.1g experiment.

Anyone newer reading this, just know that I could take everything an Olympian takes, and I won't look like one. So higher dosages won't necessarily make you that level. There are people running high dosages that look like average gym rats.
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Jesus christ....yes people take that much...like fuck
What do you think? If I take 500mg of testosterone, and I get to a certain size, but stop, and I need to be bigger, then I am not going to try 600mg?

And will I not keep adding a little here and there every time I max out whatever the previous doses would give me?

I mean, if I have worked my way up over time to doing 2 grams, and I take fourth or fifth place, and the judges say I need just a little more size to place better or maybe win, am I not going to try 2.2 grams because 2 is a lot? No, way, 2.2 is too much. It's crazy, right? LOL! No, if I really want to do well I am going to experiment with more to add more size until it stops working. Then maybe a little more to see if that helps.

If 2 grams got me bigger than 1.5, then why would I not conclude the same about 2.2?

And would I not keep increasing until I hit some limit where it just does not work anymore?

And if 2.2 is not that limit, am I not going to push it up to 2.5 if I still need more size to win?

And so on?

That is how this works.

And there is a big difference between getting to Jordan Peter's size and somewhat maintaining some of that size.
I typically run 720 Test, 600 Deca, and may add 400 Tren E. I don't need to blast higher anymore. However, I fell off slightly because of COVID, last bloodwork was fine, and I felt fine... so now I'm doing a 3.1g experiment.
Since you have lost muscle, and you have muscle memory, I would advise you to do less, not more. I would say do less than what you "typically" run until you need that level again. You may be surprised by how quickly you bounce back on very little gear. Save higher doses for when you need to push over a hump.

Typically coming off a layoff means fast gains with very little steroids.

Try it. If I am wrong (I'm not), then you can always increase.

Start around 500 test/ 250 deca, or 600/300. Report back in a few weeks. My guess is you will be growing like crazy after you get over the first few workouts (which are always awful).
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Some content should be deleted automatically by YouTube. That channel is pure garbage.
Jordan Peters has no reason to exaggerate his steroid usage higher than what he used. If he said he was pushing 5-6 grams weekly, then I believe him.

It would be "pure garbage" if he was claiming 600 grams test and 300 deca.

For what it is worth, this is an older video. Jordan Peters is no longer of the view that he should push it. In fact, I think he is telling folks not to do steroids at all now. He quit bodybuilding after Luke Sandoe and Andy Haman died.

He does 250mg of testosterone a week and 4 iu of hgh daily now.
Drugs works more drugs works better.
If you believe that guys that are 110 kg or more on stage take what you take or guys that deadlifit 450 kg you should do a really check.
They are willing to take whatever just to win. They push everything that they can because that's their life and their meaning for what they get up out of bed in the morning.
5g/week is something normal for those guys. And I bet that there are who takes more. And guess what is working what they done and do
Did you mean like white blood cells?
Just overall with body processing injections, and then some of us injecting larger amounts.

I had a stomach bug past 2 days
Wife had it first. Lasts about 48 hours.
Bed ridden and weak with headache. Stomach cramps. Diarrhea.
Didn't eat much past 2 days.

Like shit this has been a bad year.
I didn't get sick all last year.
This year was COVID, into sinus infection, into this stomach bug.
We don't even really go anywhere.
COVID on the way back from Lego Land in Florida, then everyone at work got a sinus infection, lasted 3 weeks.
We usually get sick around the time the kids go back to school.

I skipped an injection day but made up for it the next day. I was supposed to do BACK yesterday, and I hate missing workouts.
Still have small headache, and wifey just made a magic soup with everything in it. Going to eat like 3 bowls of this.

Might not workout tonight just so I can heal better.
Since you have lost muscle, and you have muscle memory, I would advise you to do less, not more. I would say do less than what you "typically" run until you need that level again. You may be surprised by how quickly you bounce back on very little gear. Save higher doses for when you need to push over a hump.

Typically coming off a layoff means fast gains with very little steroids.

Try it. If I am wrong (I'm not), then you can always increase.

Start around 500 test/ 250 deca, or 600/300. Report back in a few weeks. My guess is you will be growing like crazy after you get over the first few workouts (which are always awful).
Hey bro do you have a life or just post all day long on all these threads?every time I come on here to read a little you are in every thread
Jordan Peters has no reason to exaggerate his steroid usage higher than what he used. If he said he was pushing 5-6 grams weekly, then I believe him.

It would be "pure garbage" if he was claiming 600 grams test and 300 deca.

For what it is worth, this is an older video. Jordan Peters is no longer of the view that he should push it. In fact, I think he is telling folks not to do steroids at all now. He quit bodybuilding after Luke Sandoe and Andy Haman died.

He does 250mg of testosterone a week and 4 iu of hgh daily now.

Didnt he add 700 primo when he tore his adductor recently?
Just overall with body processing injections, and then some of us injecting larger amounts.

I had a stomach bug past 2 days
Wife had it first. Lasts about 48 hours.
Bed ridden and weak with headache. Stomach cramps. Diarrhea.
Didn't eat much past 2 days.

Like shit this has been a bad year.
I didn't get sick all last year.
This year was COVID, into sinus infection, into this stomach bug.
We don't even really go anywhere.
COVID on the way back from Lego Land in Florida, then everyone at work got a sinus infection, lasted 3 weeks.
We usually get sick around the time the kids go back to school.

I skipped an injection day but made up for it the next day. I was supposed to do BACK yesterday, and I hate missing workouts.
Still have small headache, and wifey just made a magic soup with everything in it. Going to eat like 3 bowls of this.

Might not workout tonight just so I can heal better.
I have done blood test in the summer when I was taking about 4g and the results of white blood cells was: 11,94 and the normal is in rage of 4-10/ul. But I was coming off DNP(20 days) and that was affecting also