6 grams of Test lol

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
  • Start date
Yeah mate I can still get it up no bother without an AI, my libido has never taken a hit using gear, guess I'm lucky in that way.

Most test I've ever used was 1 gram per week and my libido was very high, my diet has always been clean with lots of cardio for general health and fitness.

Right now I'm on around 150mg of test a week along with 400mg of deca a week and libido is still through the roof.

On tren my libido is even worse haha didnt matter what way I dosed it, test high or low or tren high or low with test just couldn't get sex out of my head lol.

Only thing I use now is mate is deca a few times a year at low doses and test year round at TRT and the odd high blast of test at 500mg a week.

I use 80mg of telmisartan per day for bp control, I checked it last week and was 110/60 always do check weekly though to be on the safe side.
You luck bastard you are immune to sides .
I bet you never use caber and shit like that.
What was your reason for taking it if you have no side effects?
And have you tried taking less ?
I'm trying taking as less as I can. For example on 2g testo I'm on 0.25 adex MWF and occasionally 1 full mg.
I'm taking it for gyno. Have tried Nolvadex but it doesn't suit me. Ralox I haven't try. But I plan to get my glands removed.
I'm trying taking as less as I can. For example on 2g testo I'm on 0.25 adex MWF and occasionally 1 full mg.
I'm taking it for gyno. Have tried Nolvadex but it doesn't suit me. Ralox I haven't try. But I plan to get my glands removed.
Why not let them grow out and transition?
Just kidding man could not help it.Gyno sucks def cut that bitch out your life will be much better.
Til then maybe try Aromasin but i guess you did that already .
I hate Adex just does not work well for me.
Yeah mate I can still get it up no bother without an AI, my libido has never taken a hit using gear, guess I'm lucky in that way.

Most test I've ever used was 1 gram per week and my libido was very high, my diet has always been clean with lots of cardio for general health and fitness.

Right now I'm on around 150mg of test a week along with 400mg of deca a week and libido is still through the roof.

On tren my libido is even worse haha didnt matter what way I dosed it, test high or low or tren high or low with test just couldn't get sex out of my head lol.

Only thing I use now is mate is deca a few times a year at low doses and test year round at TRT and the odd high blast of test at 500mg a week.

I use 80mg of telmisartan per day for bp control, I checked it last week and was 110/60 always do check weekly though to be on the safe side.
Good lord
How are people able to use so many drugs without growing massive titties?

Did they all just have the gland removed? I read that letro can only stop so much estrogen and after a point, you'll still have massive E2.
Block with Nolvadex (Tamoxifen), which belongs to a class of drugs called selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), which work by blocking estrogen from binding to its receptors in the breast.
If running around 1g or less of Test, I don't use an AI. If running higher Test, then I may add a little Aromasin to control estrogen but sparingly. Like 6.5mg per week for 3 weeks at some point.
Since you have lost muscle, and you have muscle memory, I would advise you to do less, not more. I would say do less than what you "typically" run until you need that level again. You may be surprised by how quickly you bounce back on very little gear. Save higher doses for when you need to push over a hump.

Typically coming off a layoff means fast gains with very little steroids.

Try it. If I am wrong (I'm not), then you can always increase.

Start around 500 test/ 250 deca, or 600/300. Report back in a few weeks. My guess is you will be growing like crazy after you get over the first few workouts (which are always awful).
I can be wrong, but sometimes increasing the dosages of ASS is the wrong way. It is more correct and correct to revise the training program, technique, recovery and nutrition, I am sure that there are more options for growth.
Of course it only makes sense for the one who is in that position .
I would not sacrifice much heath for gains but its not my dream to be the biggest mtf
But lets take a F1 driver he would enter the dangerous curve faster than in training if thats what it takes.
Same for the firefighter that enters the burning building
We all gonna die some day only some of us will reach greatness.
It is always necessary to weigh the risks and consequences for health. When you are a professional and this is work and the main goal of victory and the result, then the risk is justified, apparently. And when we exercise for ourselves or for the beach, or in order to look good and thoughtlessly risk our health. Although everyone decides for himself.
It is always necessary to weigh the risks and consequences for health. When you are a professional and this is work and the main goal of victory and the result, then the risk is justified, apparently. And when we exercise for ourselves or for the beach, or in order to look good and thoughtlessly risk our health. Although everyone decides for himself.

Does anyone really need more than 500mg or 1g to look good for the beach? Even the big guys I see look like bloated cows most of the time because "off season bro".

I'm not judging though, do what's need to succeed at your goals.

Although IMO, how good you look depends on how shredded you are. Which brings about more health risks unless you're genetically elite.
POME Pulmonary Oil Microembolism
Pulmonary oil micro-embolism (POME) syndrome: a review and summary of a large case series

I injected 3ml Test D into dorsogluteal
Then 1ml Deca left Quad, 1ml Tren E right Quad. No adverse effect.
10 minutes later I had a small POME.
Slight breathing issues, increased with exertion.
Lasted 35 minutes but followed 1 hour later with Injection/Test Flu
Cold chills.
Put on snowsuit, mixed up some electrolytes. Took baby aspirin, fishoils, Sat on the couch and sipped and rode the wave for 45 minutes until I felt warm. Drenched in sweat, slight headache. All good.

Occurrence: rarely, this is like the 3rd time over 5 years.
Possible reason. I use 1" needle. I'm lean. I also have small air to push out residual to lessen chance of oil entering vein during removal, if I went through a vein. I also winder with shorter needle closer to level of veins, if bleed over can occur as it spreads.

Could have been Quad injection. Never know.

Though I don't have data, I would think larger yield of injected oil to exasperate and lead to more chance of POME.
Some of us have had them. Maybe you didn't know what was going on.

It is not the same as Tren Cough. Tren cough is more short lived and sometimes more violent.

However with physical exertion, which increases respiratory demand, POME can cause a similar feeling and make you cough.
POME will last longer.

"The patient’s work of breathing was normal when stationary, but he rapidly became tachypneic on exertion."

Other links:

This shit is next level scare tactics right here.

If I happens again, I'm just going to chalk it up as a sign, and drop down to 900mg Test and move on with my life.
Last edited:
POME Pulmonary Oil Microembolism
Pulmonary oil micro-embolism (POME) syndrome: a review and summary of a large case series

I injected 3ml Test D into dorsogluteal
Then 1ml Deca left Quad, 1ml Tren E right Quad. No adverse effect.
10 minutes later I had a small POME.
Slight breathing issues, increased with exertion.
Lasted 35 minutes but followed 1 hour later with Injection/Test Flu
Cold chills.
Put on snowsuit, mixed up some electrolytes. Took baby aspirin, fishoils, Sat on the couch and sipped and rode the wave for 45 minutes until I felt warm. Drenched in sweat, slight headache. All good.

Occurrence: rarely, this is like the 3rd time over 5 years.
Possible reason. I use 1" needle. I'm lean. I also have small air to push out residual to lessen chance of oil entering vein during removal, if I went through a vein. I also winder with shorter needle closer to level of veins, if bleed over can occur as it spreads.

Could have been Quad injection. Never know.

Though I don't have data, I would think larger yield of injected oil to exasperate and lead to more chance of POME.
Some of us have had them. Maybe you didn't know what was going on.

It is not the same as Tren Cough. Tren cough is more short lived and sometimes more violent.

However with physical exertion, which increases respiratory demand, POME can cause a similar feeling and make you cough.
POME will last longer.

"The patient’s work of breathing was normal when stationary, but he rapidly became tachypneic on exertion."

Other links:

This shit is next level scare tactics right here.

If I happens again, I'm just going to chalk it up as a sign, and drop down to 900mg Test and move on with my life.
That's why we always aspirate
POME Pulmonary Oil Microembolism
Pulmonary oil micro-embolism (POME) syndrome: a review and summary of a large case series

I injected 3ml Test D into dorsogluteal
Then 1ml Deca left Quad, 1ml Tren E right Quad. No adverse effect.
10 minutes later I had a small POME.
Slight breathing issues, increased with exertion.
Lasted 35 minutes but followed 1 hour later with Injection/Test Flu
Cold chills.
Put on snowsuit, mixed up some electrolytes. Took baby aspirin, fishoils, Sat on the couch and sipped and rode the wave for 45 minutes until I felt warm. Drenched in sweat, slight headache. All good.

Occurrence: rarely, this is like the 3rd time over 5 years.
Possible reason. I use 1" needle. I'm lean. I also have small air to push out residual to lessen chance of oil entering vein during removal, if I went through a vein. I also winder with shorter needle closer to level of veins, if bleed over can occur as it spreads.

Could have been Quad injection. Never know.

Though I don't have data, I would think larger yield of injected oil to exasperate and lead to more chance of POME.
Some of us have had them. Maybe you didn't know what was going on.

It is not the same as Tren Cough. Tren cough is more short lived and sometimes more violent.

However with physical exertion, which increases respiratory demand, POME can cause a similar feeling and make you cough.
POME will last longer.

"The patient’s work of breathing was normal when stationary, but he rapidly became tachypneic on exertion."

Other links:

This shit is next level scare tactics right here.

If I happens again, I'm just going to chalk it up as a sign, and drop down to 900mg Test and move on with my life.
Happened to me few times and I am still here. You would be fine after all
Does anyone really need more than 500mg or 1g to look good for the beach? Even the big guys I see look like bloated cows most of the time because "off season bro".

I'm not judging though, do what's need to succeed at your goals.

Although IMO, how good you look depends on how shredded you are. Which brings about more health risks unless you're genetically elite.
Guys that do that included myself don't take that much to look good at the beach.
They take because they are all fuck up and want to be big. Have big issues mentally like self-esteem, been bullied and so on
Not all go to the gym for beach and take roids for that
I can be wrong, but sometimes increasing the dosages of ASS is the wrong way. It is more correct and correct to revise the training program, technique, recovery and nutrition, I am sure that there are more options for growth.
With training and food optimized, there is a muscle size limit with any level of steroids beyond which the body will not go.

If that was not true, then all of us could get to the size of nationals amateurs or IFBB pros just by doing 300mg of testosterone and revising our training program, technique, recovery, and nutrition and other options for growth.

Once you find that limit, you have to have higher doses to get to the next level. Food and training and all of that have to be there, too, but the hormones have to be there to support it, otherwise your natty girlfriend could get huge just by tweaking her diet and workouts.

There is a size dose relationship. That is not really an arguable thing.

Sometimes we forget that because so many guys have shit for diet and training, run high doses, and get bad results.