6 grams of Test lol

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
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I'm in America, so yes guns. I carry a concealed handg and have exemption, so I can carry places normal people with regular Concealed Carry Permit aren't allowed. Same gun allowance as law enforcement. Therefore I must avoid confrontation at all cost. I don't put myself in positions where I will be required to take action, but if it happens, so be it. The danger of carrying is that you can be disabled, then disarmed. They can then use your weapon on you, or of course run off with it.
As far as in prison: Guns aren't allowed inside the facility. Only if a major riot was to happen we go into riot mode. Even State Police doing an investigation must secure their weapons up front in a lock box.
Avoiding confrontation should be followed by everyone it only leads to bad things win or lose.
Edit:This is what i liked most while in the states most people avoid conflict as you never know who is armed and things can end bad very quick .
I have seen some documentary on national geographic about prison in US and how they make a intervention if something happens how they do cell searching and so on.
Have many types of prison there. In some you are half free and in some you have orange jacket and stay with face tattoos mexicans doing life there. Federal prison is more worst as far as I got from those documentary.
Have you find any steroids in cells when searching is done? Drugs probably something that is usual to find
I can neither confirm or deny I work in a State Prison. I have worked 3 facilities. I have never came across steroids. Dudes snitch on their whole crew so they won't lose their visits. No one has snitched on steroids. It's not economically viable. It's not even needed. They have the perfect anabolic environment. CONSISTENCY. Same schedule everyday, hit the yard put in work. Sleep as long as they want after. Work kitchen to get more food. Family putting money on store so they can buy tuna and Ramen and other foods. Same shit everyday. Many loose alot when they get out. Real life hits, chasing pu$$y, having to get next meal, work, real life drama shit. State Prison officers are well paid. I make over 35/hour. I came from the streets and know how things come into Prison. I ain't gonna risk my job for 3.5k for a small phone or 10k for some wax (concentrated marijuana). Then be extorted. "Well, now you have to continue to bring stuff in or we will just snitch you out". Officers that do bring shit in get caught. They get snitched out in less than a year. Snitches all over the place.
Private prisons are underpaid, and have higher chance of bringing shit in.
OK so let's say they get "steroids" in. What they get? Orals, oral only cycle lol. They still shut down their testosterone so they will also need PCT. Nolvadex and Clomid. Injectables lol, literally not even worth it. What about when they come off? Still may need Aromatise Inhibitor while on cycle. Aromasin or Arimidex. They getting that too? What about fat boy trying to get on. Testosterone aromatizes at a faster rate in adipose tissue aka fat boy estrogen is going to be through the roof and his titties gone get more titties. They don't need steroids. It's not a good money maker, and too complicated to even run successfully. They would rather someone bring in Sub strips, wax, heroine(dog food) and other money makers, big money makers. They press the weak, and the weak have they family put money on cashapp outside to pay for protection. There is so much involved, that if you've never worked Prison, you have no clue. Even more if you know both sides.
They don't need them because they have the biggest secret. CONSISTENCY.

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I can neither confirm or deny I work in a State Prison. I have worked 3 facilities. I have never came across steroids. Dudes snitch on their whole crew so they won't lose their visits. No one has snitched on steroids. It's not economically viable. It's not even needed. They have the perfect anabolic environment. CONSISTENCY. Same schedule everyday, hit the yard put in work. Sleep as long as they want after. Work kitchen to get more food. Family putting money on store so they can buy tuna and Ramen and other foods. Same shit everyday. Many loose alot when they get out. Real life hits, chasing pu$$y, having to get next meal, work, real life drama shit. State Prison officers are well paid. I make over 35/hour. I came from the streets and know how things come into Prison. I ain't gonna risk my job for 3.5k for a small phone or 10k for some wax (concentrated marijuana). Then be extorted. "Well, now you have to continue to bring stuff in or we will just snitch you out". Officers that do bring shit in get caught. They get snitched out in less than a year. Snitches all over the place.
Private prisons are underpaid, and have higher chance of bringing shit in.
OK so let's say they get "steroids" in. What they get? Orals, oral only cycle lol. They still shut down their testosterone so they will also need PCT. Nolvadex and Clomid. Injectables lol, literally not even worth it. What about when they come off? Still may need Aromatise Inhibitor while on cycle. Aromasin or Arimidex. They getting that too? What about fat boy trying to get on. Testosterone aromatizes at a faster rate in adipose tissue aka fat boy estrogen is going to be through the roof and his titties gone get more titties. They don't need steroids. It's not a good money maker, and too complicated to even run successfully. They would rather someone bring in Sub strips, wax, heroine(dog food) and other money makers, big money makers. They press the weak, and the weak have they family put money on cashapp outside to pay for protection. There is so much involved, that if you've never worked Prison, you have no clue. Even more if you know both sides.
They don't need them because they have the biggest secret. CONSISTENCY.

I have seen from a Bostin video that the guy he was training with juice head or whatever the names was got in a federal prison and said that they can get drol pills there but can't remember how much said that cost as I have seen that video many years ago. He said also that he eat a lot of tuna,have access to internet. No idea how it is there just what I have heard and seen on tv and internet.
Don't know much about US in general and what I know is from movies and documentary but living there is something else I suppose. Probably how life is depends on the state you live.I will never get to US to see what is all in person
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I can neither confirm or deny I work in a State Prison. I have worked 3 facilities. I have never came across steroids. Dudes snitch on their whole crew so they won't lose their visits. No one has snitched on steroids. It's not economically viable. It's not even needed. They have the perfect anabolic environment. CONSISTENCY. Same schedule everyday, hit the yard put in work. Sleep as long as they want after. Work kitchen to get more food. Family putting money on store so they can buy tuna and Ramen and other foods. Same shit everyday. Many loose alot when they get out. Real life hits, chasing pu$$y, having to get next meal, work, real life drama shit. State Prison officers are well paid. I make over 35/hour. I came from the streets and know how things come into Prison. I ain't gonna risk my job for 3.5k for a small phone or 10k for some wax (concentrated marijuana). Then be extorted. "Well, now you have to continue to bring stuff in or we will just snitch you out". Officers that do bring shit in get caught. They get snitched out in less than a year. Snitches all over the place.
Private prisons are underpaid, and have higher chance of bringing shit in.
OK so let's say they get "steroids" in. What they get? Orals, oral only cycle lol. They still shut down their testosterone so they will also need PCT. Nolvadex and Clomid. Injectables lol, literally not even worth it. What about when they come off? Still may need Aromatise Inhibitor while on cycle. Aromasin or Arimidex. They getting that too? What about fat boy trying to get on. Testosterone aromatizes at a faster rate in adipose tissue aka fat boy estrogen is going to be through the roof and his titties gone get more titties. They don't need steroids. It's not a good money maker, and too complicated to even run successfully. They would rather someone bring in Sub strips, wax, heroine(dog food) and other money makers, big money makers. They press the weak, and the weak have they family put money on cashapp outside to pay for protection. There is so much involved, that if you've never worked Prison, you have no clue. Even more if you know both sides.
They don't need them because they have the biggest secret. CONSISTENCY.

You are smart i like your way of thinking don't change that.
I have seen from a Bostin video that the guy he was training with juice head or whatever the names was got in a federal prison and said that they can get drol pills there but can't remember how much said that cost as I have seen that video many years ago. He said also that he eat a lot of tuna,have access to internet. No idea how it is there just what I have heard and seen on tv and internet.
Don't know much about US in general and what I know is from movies and documentary but living there is something else I suppose. Probably how life is depends on the state you live.I will never get to US to see what is all in person
Some prisons will have steroids, just highly unlikely for a State Prison. Private run prisons have a high chance because they are underpaid. The guards/Corrections officers will bring it in because they aren't making enough money, and a quick 3k sounds good.
Level 1 State Prsions could have a higher chance because Level 1 inmates get what's called a "gate pass" meaning they go and do maintenance and yard work around the facility. Someone could drop a stash somewhere and they could retrieve it. They would time it for when an officer who doesn't do proper strip search is working. Some officers just do pat downs in the strip room, and if it's in their crotch, it won't be found. Phones are found alot also in Level 1 because the fence is typically near the access road to get to parking lock. Still on prison property, but anyone can drive through and toss something over the Level 1 fence. It's monitored by camera at all times. Any vehicle that comes on property at night will be met by the Roving Patrol Vehicle, which is armed as well, because he is not inside the prison. They have arrest authority and can detain someone in cuffs.
So it's always a possibility, and every State has a State Prison or couple of prisons, that is the ugly duckling.
I had a friend enter for fighting got 6 months ended up doing 8 years for stabing two guys becouse he did not want to get punked ended up becoming crazy.Other that are armed are given sleeping pills and gang raped so that they cant get rank in prison.
Most are better of giving protection money and in time earn respect.
So I keep a log of pinning, also adverse events like Test/Injection flu. Seems everytime I've gotten it was after pinning quads. My quads with 1ml. are usually tender for 2 days, regardless if it's PIP free everywhere else.
Not everytime I pin quads, but when I have gotten it was when I pinned them.
When I was running Tren A ED @100mg and 1g Test E, I never got injection flu and I pinned everywhere on my quads, glutes, and delts.
I really did get to feel what being a pincushion was like. Used 27G 1" with 1mL syringe.

Anyway, so I will just take quads out of the equation.

Pinning will look like this: Alien Algorithm
Pinning Main Injection Every 4 days:
Pinning Extra 1mL Test D on IN BETWEEN day.
Day 1:
3ml (900mg)Test D in Right lower Dorsogluteal.
2ml (1mL Deca and 1mL Tren E) LEFT Ventrogluteal.
Day 2: nothing
Day 3: 1mL Test D right delt
Day 4: nothing
Day 5:
3ml (900mg)Test D in Left lower Dorsogluteal.
2ml (1mL Deca and 1mL Tren E) RIGHT Ventrogluteal.
Day 6: nothing
Day 7: 1mL Test D in Penis (jk left delt)
Day 8: nothing
Day 10: Hello Jesus

Maybe one day I can come look at this when I'm at 6g, and think... "pfff, rookie numbers".
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So I keep a log of pinning, also adverse events like Test/Injection flu. Seems everytime I've gotten it was after pinning quads. My quads with 1ml. are usually tender for 2 days, regardless if it's PIP free everywhere else.
Not everytime I pin quads, but when I have gotten it was when I pinned them.
When I was running Tren A ED @100mg and 1g Test E, I never got injection flu and I pinned everywhere on my quads, glutes, and delts.
I really did get to feel what being a pincushion was like. Used 27G 1" with 1mL syringe.

Anyway, so I will just take quads out of the equation.

Pinning will look like this: Alien Algorithm
Pinning Main Injection Every 4 days:
Pinning Extra 1mL Test D on IN BETWEEN day.
Day 1:
3ml (900mg)Test D in Right lower Dorsogluteal.
2ml (1mL Deca and 1mL Tren E) LEFT Ventrogluteal.
Day 2: nothing
Day 3: 1mL Test D right delt
Day 4: nothing
Day 5:
3ml (900mg)Test D in Left lower Dorsogluteal.
2ml (1mL Deca and 1mL Tren E) RIGHT Ventrogluteal.
Day 6: nothing
Day 7: 1mL Test D in Penis (jk left delt)
Day 8: nothing
Day 10: Hello Jesus

Maybe one day I can come look at this when I'm at 6g, and think... "pfff, rookie numbers".
Take a paracetamol or in the US is called advil I believe for test flu
So I keep a log of pinning, also adverse events like Test/Injection flu. Seems everytime I've gotten it was after pinning quads. My quads with 1ml. are usually tender for 2 days, regardless if it's PIP free everywhere else.
Not everytime I pin quads, but when I have gotten it was when I pinned them.
When I was running Tren A ED @100mg and 1g Test E, I never got injection flu and I pinned everywhere on my quads, glutes, and delts.
I really did get to feel what being a pincushion was like. Used 27G 1" with 1mL syringe.

Anyway, so I will just take quads out of the equation.

Pinning will look like this: Alien Algorithm
Pinning Main Injection Every 4 days:
Pinning Extra 1mL Test D on IN BETWEEN day.
Day 1:
3ml (900mg)Test D in Right lower Dorsogluteal.
2ml (1mL Deca and 1mL Tren E) LEFT Ventrogluteal.
Day 2: nothing
Day 3: 1mL Test D right delt
Day 4: nothing
Day 5:
3ml (900mg)Test D in Left lower Dorsogluteal.
2ml (1mL Deca and 1mL Tren E) RIGHT Ventrogluteal.
Day 6: nothing
Day 7: 1mL Test D in Penis (jk left delt)
Day 8: nothing
Day 10: Hello Jesus

Maybe one day I can come look at this when I'm at 6g, and think... "pfff, rookie numbers".
12 ml?
That's easy 4 ml. 3x week. MWF in the glutes.
Thats how i do it , can be done alone but is better if someone else does it for you .
Sounds like bullshit honestly.
Why? He said he works in corrections. Some states have the same exemption that is available to law enforcement available to those working in corrections. I know of states that even extend that to active duty military (as in 18 year old kids who cannot even get a regular carry license in those states). And there are usually lots of others on the list, like attorneys working in prosecutors offices, judges, and so on. This is a very common type of law, even if it is not very well known among members of the public.

A lot of times it is not well known among law enforcement, either, and when they do find out about it, they do not like it (makes them feel less special), so be careful.
Sounds like bullshit honestly.
In order to transport prisoners offsite to hospitals, and other places, you have to be armed. In order to become transportation certified you have to take a pistol course. You take the same pistol course law enforcement does. You take that certification to the county clerk with Exemption request for CPL.
You then get your new CPL with "Exempt from prohibited premises" checkmarked.

It's nothing special, so if you think it's BS, that's fine. The world still turns.

I should add that I hope many realize there are tons of law enforcement and other sectors that use gear. Every profession likely has someone that does. I know State Police, County Officers, City Officers, Military, all across the board, people that use gear.

However, we can go with I made all that up, and I'm at home in my mom's basement jerking off to Tony Huge lady boy videos.
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In order to transport prisoners offsite to hospitals, and other places, you have to be armed. In order to become transportation certified you have to take a pistol course. You take the same pistol course law enforcement does. You take that certification to the county clerk with Exemption request for CPL.
You then get your new CPL with "Exempt from prohibited premises" checkmarked.

It's nothing special, so if you think it's BS, that's fine. The world still turns.
Dont forget you could be targeted for intimidation or revenge also outside of work.
Dont forget you could be targeted for intimidation or revenge also outside of work.
I don't really fuck with inmates just to fuck with them. They have no beef with me. They would mostly be like "hey CO, what's up, remember me? How you been".
If you treat everyone like people, they respect that.
Would I like to torch the guy in his cell that killed his kids and wife? yeah. But I'm not there to punish. The other inmates will handle that. Just being there is hell enough for many. Some like it because they have backing so it's easy.

There are some officers, that Yes, they might be targeted.
I don't really fuck with inmates just to fuck with them. They have no beef with me. They would mostly be like "hey CO, what's up, remember me? How you been".
If you treat everyone like people, they respect that.
Would I like to torch the guy in his cell that killed his kids and wife? yeah. But I'm not there to punish. The other inmates will handle that. Just being there is hell enough for many. Some like it because they have backing so it's easy.

There are some officers, that Yes, they might be targeted.
I was wondering this do you ever get depressed working there? If so how do you manage that?
Nah, it's easy for me. Only doing it for about another year, and then doing my business full time with wife. So any agents tryna find me, don't waste your time lol.
You don’t ever have nightmares about being on the other side due to your extracurriculars?
Nah, it's easy for me. Only doing it for about another year, and then doing my business full time with wife. So any agents tryna find me, don't waste your time lol.
Three places id be depressed working at are : Prison/jail , slaughter house , morgue but the money must be motivating :D