6 grams of Test lol

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
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Cool keep doing it
Im starting to doubt you as i remember you saying in other post you are pretty young yet you have been injecting for 7 years?!?
Anyways the thing is the needle is moving in the muscle so you might not be in a vein but once you push the oil and the needle moves you could still hit a vein so its useless.
Me if i feel a strange pain or that it hurts when injecting i pull out and do a different spot.
Never had problem only when i continued regardless of pain.
But if you are sett to do it correctly you need to aspirate for 5-10 seconds for it to mean something!
Cool keep doing it
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Im starting to doubt you as i remember you saying in other post you are pretty young yet you have been injecting for 7 years?!?
Anyways the thing is the needle is moving in the muscle so you might not be in a vein but once you push the oil and the needle moves you could still hit a vein so its useless.
Me if i feel a strange pain or that it hurts when injecting i pull out and do a different spot.
Never had problem only when i continued regardless of pain.
But if you are sett to do it correctly you need to aspirate for 5-10 seconds for it to mean something!
The CDC recommends not aspirating folks
I always find it funny seeing the average gear user knocking Larry Wheels for something or other, usually gear - This guy can bench 700 RAW and knock out reps with 500 like most guys can with 200. He can deadlift 900 plus with his own grip strength but yet here we have people knocking him for saying DON'T run 3g a week because I've tried it and its pointless. The guy can't win. As for the other muppet he's just a show boating bodybuilder who if you watch the videos they both feature in he cannot get anywhere near Larry for strength and form on ANY exercise. Just pointless mass.
I always find it funny seeing the average gear user knocking Larry Wheels for something or other, usually gear - This guy can bench 700 RAW and knock out reps with 500 like most guys can with 200. He can deadlift 900 plus with his own grip strength but yet here we have people knocking him for saying DON'T run 3g a week because I've tried it and its pointless. The guy can't win. As for the other muppet he's just a show boating bodybuilder who if you watch the videos they both feature in he cannot get anywhere near Larry for strength and form on ANY exercise. Just pointless mass.
Have you Larry hold your hands to see how much he inject? Has anyone reached anything noticeable with low dose and here with anyone I mean normal genetic
Guys says lower dosages they take because is look they are superior than the guys taking more. In fact no one cares how much you take but how you look if you are a bb or how much you can lift. Anyone care how much Jay has took when he has won Olympia? Everyone cares that he beat Ronnie and if he took double he is still Mr Olympia. Not superior that he took less but superior because he won
Assuming that training and eating is on point and not doing any progress anymore guess what you do to progress again? Up the dose and up again and again and so on. 15-20 years down the line 5g is normal
Do you know what bodybuilding is? That what the guy is doing not trying to lift any number. Bodybuilding is pointless mass
Where guys like you come from?
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Have you Larry hold your hands to see how much he inject? Has anyone reached anything noticeable with low dose and here with anyone I mean normal genetic
Guys says lower dosages they take because is look they are superior than the guys taking more. In fact no one cares how much you take but how you look if you are a bb or how much you can lift. Anyone care how much Jay has took when he has won Olympia? Everyone cares that he beat Ronnie and if he took double he is still Mr Olympia. Not superior that he took less but superior because he won
Assuming that training and eating is on point and not doing any progress anymore guess what you do to progress again? Up the dose and up again and again and so on. 15-20 years down the line 5g is normal
Do you know what bodybuilding is? That what the guy is doing not trying to lift any number. Bodybuilding is pointless mass
Where guys like you come from?
Errrrrr ...... I didn't understand any of that BUT what I will say is this,

Larry Wheels is GOD himself - there isn't a single person in this room who wouldn't love to have his muscle mass coupled with God's own power and strength. He's also only 26/27 so he is still young. His genetic gift and ability are both light years beyond any of us.

Let's all unite and say 'All Hail Larry Wheels You are the Master' ...... LMFAO
Cool keep doing it
View attachment 159003
Im starting to doubt you as i remember you saying in other post you are pretty young yet you have been injecting for 7 years?!?
Anyways the thing is the needle is moving in the muscle so you might not be in a vein but once you push the oil and the needle moves you could still hit a vein so its useless.
Me if i feel a strange pain or that it hurts when injecting i pull out and do a different spot.
Never had problem only when i continued regardless of pain.
But if you are sett to do it correctly you need to aspirate for 5-10 seconds for it to mean something!
From 19 I'm 25 in few months. Idk man that's how I told and learned, I avoid tren cough that way and I feel more secure doing it that way it hurts a little more so what? On 0.2 0.5 ml some times I don't do it. But when I inject large volumes of course.
First few years I didn't aspirated too didn't have a problem except some oil tase in my mouth and tight chest sometimes.I changed my minded more experienced persons gurus told me to do so.
Better safe than sorry.
From 19 I'm 25 in few months. Idk man that's how I told and learned, I avoid tren cough that way and I feel more secure doing it that way it hurts a little more so what? On 0.2 0.5 ml some times I don't do it. But when I inject large volumes of course.
First few years I didn't aspirated too didn't have a problem except some oil tase in my mouth and tight chest sometimes.I changed my minded more experienced persons gurus told me to do so.
Better safe than sorry.
That's how I do it also because that's how I learned 10 years ago from a indian guy on youtube explaining in a broken english how to do IM injection. What times has been then...
Nothing wrong with aspiration but not mandatory
People who don't aspirate aside from being too lazy to pull back on a plunger for 2 seconds, must also be quite thick.

First off anyone who injects Tren Ace or anything containing Guaiacol knows exactly why they should do it.

Second what's the point in dumping the days injection straight into a vein? Goes straight into the blood making you feel ill for about 20 minutes afterwards and it doesn't disperse from a muscle site properly over a number of hours into the blood stream as it should. So the gear becomes almost useless in how it should perform in terms of time release and hormone peak.
That's why we always aspirate
This is often debated. I'm 100% sure you are correct and it is safer. That can't be denied.
Not widely practiced in medical community anymore. Nobody has ever aspirated while giving me injections. There is literature and current guidelines that don't recommend aspiration.
You can aspirate and draw blood even if not in a vein.
I have never injected directly into a vein. I would have far more profound effect if I did.

I'm not really seeing recommendations for oil based Testosterone injections however YES, aspiration is part of the instructions.
Now Aveed Testosterone Undecanoate provides instructions. They say YES to Aspiration. However it's most likely more of a legality to say "we told you so". Will the person delivering actually do it?
LINK BELOW: INSTRUCTION THAT SAY TO ASPIRATE You have to select that you are a medical professional or it will close out. Once again, a legality and catchall to limiting liability.

Where I work, sometimes I am required to provide security for Healthcare. I have seen a wide array of injections, and even a couple of 5ml injections into the glute. Not sure what medicine was, they aren't supposed to Discuss.
They never aspirate. I will talk to them today about their guidelines.
Bottom line is the veins are small and the needle moves.
Correct aspiration is 5-10 seconds , people do 2 seconds so that is useless.
If you hit a nerve or vein when you push the oil it feels off a sharp pain and is recomanded to not inject anymore in that spot and to pull out.
How many times did you guys get blood in the syringe by aspiring ?
I did it for maybe 6-8 months and never have i drawn blood thats why i stoped doing it.
Never have i gotten tren cough! Always injected tren mixed with other oils.
But if it works don't change it!
Guys that do that included myself don't take that much to look good at the beach.
They take because they are all fuck up and want to be big. Have big issues mentally like self-esteem, been bullied and so on
Not all go to the gym for beach and take roids for that
I do it because of my profession. I work in a Prison (fucking ironic right). You don't have to be large to have respect. However being large is still a deterent. Size dont matter as far as an inmate can still be large and get fucked up. However size is still respected and feared and recruited.
I used to do BJJ, still roll sometimes, and anyone who has did enough fighting or seen enough fighting knows that a smaller guy can wrap up a larger guy fast.
I do it because of my profession. I work in a Prison (fucking ironic right). You don't have to be large to have respect. However being large is still a deterent. Size dont matter as far as an inmate can still be large and get fucked up. However size is still respected and feared and recruited.
I used to do BJJ, still roll sometimes, and anyone who has did enough fighting or seen enough fighting knows that a smaller guy can wrap up a larger guy fast.
In my neck of the woods large fellas and known criminals are targeted so gangs / inmates can make name for themselves by beating them.
Strange world we live in.
I do it because of my profession. I work in a Prison (fucking ironic right). You don't have to be large to have respect. However being large is still a deterent. Size dont matter as far as an inmate can still be large and get fucked up. However size is still respected and feared and recruited.
I used to do BJJ, still roll sometimes, and anyone who has did enough fighting or seen enough fighting knows that a smaller guy can wrap up a larger guy fast.
You have guns there?
Being big and fighting on street doesn't help. Wining a fight in a street is more like how much you don't want to do life in prison. Can kill them with all there black belt if you don't give a fuck what will happen with you after
You have guns there?
Being big and fighting on street doesn't help. Wining a fight in a street is more like how much you don't want to do life in prison. Can kill them with all there black belt if you don't give a fuck what will happen with you after
I had a friend enter for fighting got 6 months ended up doing 8 years for stabing two guys becouse he did not want to get punked ended up becoming crazy.Other that are armed are given sleeping pills and gang raped so that they cant get rank in prison.
Most are better of giving protection money and in time earn respect.
I always find it funny seeing the average gear user knocking Larry Wheels for something or other, usually gear - This guy can bench 700 RAW and knock out reps with 500 like most guys can with 200. He can deadlift 900 plus with his own grip strength but yet here we have people knocking him for saying DON'T run 3g a week because I've tried it and its pointless. The guy can't win. As for the other muppet he's just a show boating bodybuilder who if you watch the videos they both feature in he cannot get anywhere near Larry for strength and form on ANY exercise. Just pointless mass.
I started training in powerlifting. Got older and switched to more bodybuilding because of compressed disc.
Powerlifters are known to have blasts that are even more toxic with heavy use in orals. But its all relative to whom you compare someone too.

Everyone has their own reason and I don't knock their reason. I respect the powerlifter and their reasons and feats.
I respect the bodybuilder as well.
Golem, the bodybuilder in the video, doesn't have pointless mass. It's propelling himself to fame, and has earned him a living.

Just like in the military, Marines and Army poke jokes. I'm Army Infantry and was attached to the 2nd Marine Division in Iraq 2005, and if we weren't doing dismounted patrols, We did (PSD) Personal Security Detail for some higher ranking people. The Marines and us always had jokes,, but we all had eachother's back. We were brothers.
Same with Bodybuilders, Powerlifters, and Crossfitters. However anyone who is seriously putting down another because of their chosen path is immature, and will see as they age and mature, just how corny they were.
You have guns there?
Being big and fighting on street doesn't help. Wining a fight in a street is more like how much you don't want to do life in prison. Can kill them with all there black belt if you don't give a fuck what will happen with you after
I'm in America, so yes guns. I carry a concealed handgun and have exemption, so I can carry places normal people with regular Concealed Carry Permit aren't allowed. Same gun allowance as law enforcement. Therefore I must avoid confrontation at all cost. I don't put myself in positions where I will be required to take action, but if it happens, so be it. The danger of carrying is that you can be disabled, then disarmed. They can then use your weapon on you, or of course run off with it.
As far as in prison: Guns aren't allowed inside the facility. Only if a major riot was to happen we go into riot mode. Even State Police doing an investigation must secure their weapons up front in a lock box.
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I'm in America, so yes guns. I carry a concealed handg and have exemption, so I can carry places normal people with regular Concealed Carry Permit aren't allowed. Same gun allowance as law enforcement. Therefore I must avoid confrontation at all cost. I don't put myself in positions where I will be required to take action, but if it happens, so be it. The danger of carrying is that you can be disabled, then disarmed. They can then use your weapon on you, or of course run off with it.
As far as in prison: Guns aren't allowed inside the facility. Only if a major riot was to happen we go into riot mode. Even State Police doing an investigation must secure their weapons up front in a lock box.
I have seen some documentary on national geographic about prison in US and how they make a intervention if something happens how they do cell searching and so on.
Have many types of prison there. In some you are half free and in some you have orange jacket and stay with face tattoos mexicans doing life there. Federal prison is more worst as far as I got from those documentary.
Have you find any steroids in cells when searching is done? Drugs probably something that is usual to find