6 grams of Test lol

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
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Keep in mind that you get about 65% of substance on test d.
I don't see as a high dose what you are about to run. 2 g is the norm for me and many guys that I know. Running 2-3 g of test is something usual for guys that takes this hobby to a higher level but not competing.
I also tolerate high gear with 0 problems and have done some real high dose cycles and I am fine no problem whatsoever. Is overrated the side effects of steroids imo. The lifestyle of bodybuilding cause health problems not the steroids directly but they help.
And anadrol is soluble in alcohol but at 15mg only I managed to do that
Yes, ester weight and all. Slightly more than Test E.
Of course not high dose to super freaks, but to mere gym rats maybe. So I know it's no where close to what some in the game are doing. Most I have ran of Test E is 1.8g. last 4 or 5 weeks of blast.
This is another one of my personal experiments.
Not something I will do frequently.
I dropped 20lbs being sick to COVID from Nov 12 of last year, into a sinus infection that just went away. Long Haul.
This is a bounce back blast.

I want to try 3g before I check out though.
I will be brewing Test D at 500mg/ml in the near future. I moved to Test D because Test E Raws have been painful with swelling. Hit and miss.
However, I may be like "hard pass" depending on how this goes.
I will also be adding more calories to my diet.

The solubility experiment is being done because I added 1ml of MCT Oil to my Anadrol bottle that only had Everclear and Anadrol raw, it was only half full, about 15ml, and over the next 3 days it fully dissolved the anadrol powder. It was clear. No powder.
I made a new batch today... around 50mg/ml 1500mg raws,, 24ml Everclear, 4ml MCT OIL, 1ml Ora-Plus.
I ran out of PEG 400, or else would have added 1mL of that as well.
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Yes, ester weight and all. Slightly more than Test E.
Of course not high dose to super freaks, but to mere gym rats maybe. Most I have ran of Test E is 1.8g. last 4 or 5 weeks of blast.
This is another one of my personal experiments.
Not something I will do frequently.
I dropped 20lbs being sick to COVID from Nov 12 of last year, into a sinus infection that just went away. Long Haul.
This is a bounce back blast.

I want to try 3g before I check out though.
I will be brewing Test D at 500mg/ml in the near future. I moved to Test D because Test E Raws have been painful with swelling. Hit and miss.
However, I may be like "hard pass" depending on how this goes.
I will also be adding more calories to my diet.
Test d at 500 mg will be something interesting. Maybe you need some eo to thin the oil and reduce the pip. At 400 mg is more feasible to make and use.
Test e has been a bitch but didn't try any recently as I don't know if the problem is still there or not. There are some good test e raws out there because there are ugl that have test e with no pip but the question is where
I have seen that you have used panda for drol raws because I know the sticker on the bag. Have use the test e raws 2 years ago and was bad as fuck. Pip was nasty. I throw in the trash
Test d at 500 mg will be something interesting. Maybe you need some eo to thin the oil and reduce the pip. At 400 mg is more feasible to make and use.
Test e has been a bitch but didn't try any recently as I don't know if the problem is still there or not. There are some good test e raws out there because there are ugl that have test e with no pip but the question is where
I have seen that you have used panda for drol raws because I know the sticker on the bag. Have use the test e raws 2 years ago and was bad as fuck. Pip was nasty. I throw in the trash
Yes, I had painful Test E Raws from 2 sources.
Brewed 300mg/ml same recipe as always. One was too painful, and had swelling and redness for days with only 0.5ml(150mg) injection. Tossed that and vials.
Another was tolerable. I am salvaging what I brewed, about 20 vials, by mixing vials with 8ml of Test D with 3ml of Test E in with pip only. Dilutes it enough to only small pip. Like none.

All in all only tossed like 300g raws, and 15 vials of the painful Test E. 100g was free on a deal, so only paid for 200g and lost.

300mg/ml 1%BA 18%BB Test D is zero pip. You can't even tell that you injected the next day.

I have a couple syringe filters to test with when I get a chance. I'm confident it can hold 400mg/ml with 2%BA 18%BB.
Mine @300mg/ml is in a cold area that is around 65F and it holds well.
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Yes, I had painful Test E Raws from 2 sources.
Brewed 300mg/ml same recipe as always. One was too painful, and had swelling and redness for days with only 0.5ml(150mg) injection. Tossed that and vials.
Another was tolerable. I am salvaging what I brewed, about 20 vials, by mixing vials with 8ml of Test D with 3ml of Test E in with pip only. Dilutes it enough to only small pip. Like none.

All in all only tossed like 300g raws, and 15 vials of the painful Test E. 100g was free on a deal, so only paid for 200g and lost.

300mg/ml 1%BA 18%BB Test D is zero pip. You can't even tell that you injected the next day.

I have a couple syringe filters to test with when I get a chance. I'm confident it can hold 400mg/ml with 2%BA 18%BB.
Mine @300mg/ml is in a cold area that is around 65F and it holds well.
I have seen that if some months passes after the brew is done the pip get worse. I had a batch that after few weeks had no pip and after few months(4-5) the pip and swelling, pain got intolerable. Don't know why but has happened to me that
I have seen that if some months passes after the brew is done the pip get worse. I had a batch that after few weeks had no pip and after few months(4-5) the pip and swelling, pain got intolerable. Don't know why but has happened to me that
Same, brewed 50g from 200g bag, and it was fine. Couple months later brewed another 50g from same damn bag, and it was pain and swelling. This lead me to wonder if maybe some far expired raws were put out. I just don't get how from the same bag, that I store air tight in a cold dark dry place and sealed.... the next brew from same batch of raws was painful as hell.
Blows my mind.
I have posts in here on heating experiments I did. The only one that slightly decreased pip was heating vented vial submerged to vial neck in Grapeseed oil in pot to 270F for 30 minute. This darkened color slightly. Removed some of the pip, but not enough to care.
Same, brewed 50g from 200g bag, and it was fine. Couple months later brewed another 50g from same damn bag, and it was pain and swelling. This lead me to wonder if maybe some far expired raws were put out. I just don't get how from the same bag, that I store air tight in a cold dark dry place and sealed.... the next brew from same batch of raws was painful as hell.
Blows my mind.
I have posts in here on heating experiments I did. The only one that slightly decreased pip was heating vented vial submerged to vial neck in Grapeseed oil in pot to 270F for 30 minute. This darkened color slightly. Removed some of the pip, but not enough to care.
I had tried with heating but still was bad. Didn't do much if anything for me.
On the next order I will buy 100g of test e just to see if they are ok now or still shit. The rest I will go for test d or sustanon as it can be brew at 350 mg also. Test d 400 mg should be fine at 20% at room temperature
I had tried with heating but still was bad. Didn't do much if anything for me.
On the next order I will buy 100g of test e just to see if they are ok now or still shit. The rest I will go for test d or sustanon as it can be brew at 350 mg also. Test d 400 mg should be fine at 20% at room temperature

What about a blend of 200-250mg/ml testE/cyp and 250-300mg/ml test d?
What about a blend of 200-250mg/ml testE/cyp and 250-300mg/ml test d?
It was something terribly wrong with the raws. I had bloodwork and the testosterone was still potent. The amount of pain and swelling varied.
If your speaking on brewing all raws using those dosages, it's at and over 500mg/ml.
I've never brewed that potency.
It effected many UGL because their finished product used the same raws.
I can only imagine the poor soul getting his first vials of Test E, for his first cycle, and pinning 1ml, and then just hating life. Thinking this is how it feels, when it shouldn't. It was over the last 2 years or so.
A couple of testing sources couldnt figure it out either. Inconclusive.
Rumor was a change in the way the Test E was being produced and another rumor was a change to a Water Pollution Act or something. Various BS reasons that are mostly speculation.

I am sure if it was brewed at 200mg/ml it would decrease and dilute it and make it more painless. I have some that is painful and swelling but no redness. Swelling last 2 days with 0.5ml. I am salvaging that by mixing 8ml of Test D, with 3ml of painful Test E.
I had some other stuff that was pure fire. Even mixing and diluting it would be futile because it would only be a small amount. I tossed those 15 vials.
I have 20 vials of stuff that can be salvaged. 3ml per vial with the 8ml of Test D, will take 3 mixed vials to take care of that painful vial (leaving 2ml). My vials are filled with 11ml.
So over time it will be consumed and not a loss. It's doable.
My Keurig coffee maker puts hot water out at 165F. After mixing the vial, I place the vial standing up in a cup that has the hot water and let it sit for 5 minutes. Not vented, sealed. So no water can get in of course. Water level is to neck of vial. Then I shake vigorously as it cools. Before pinning, I put hot water in sink, my sink hot water is 110F. I shake the vial again for good measure.. I place vial in the sink standing up while I prep. The water cools a little while doing this.
Either way, the whole vial is consumed in the end. Mission accomplished.
Again, pain varied, and the one that caused pain, swelling and redness, was a toss.
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New plan. Gives me 2 days no pinning.
3mL (900mg) Test D in Left glute
Next Day 1mL (300mg)Deca and 0.5ml (150mg)Test D into right Delt, and 1mL (200mg) Tren E and 0.5ml(150mg) Test D in Left delt.

Then repeat other glute next injection time, then next day pin quads like delts.

2.1g Test D
600 Deca
400 Tren E
New plan. Gives me 2 days no pinning.
3mL (900mg) Test D in Left glute
Next Day 1mL (300mg)Deca and 0.5ml (150mg)Test D into right Delt, and 1mL (200mg) Tren E and 0.5ml(150mg) Test D in Left delt.

Then repeat other glute next injection time, then next day pin quads like delts.

2.1g Test D
600 Deca
400 Tren E
If you do for shorter periods of time just take the 5 ml syringe and bang those glutes and quads. You can pin 20 ml/week no problem if you really want some high doses
If you do for shorter periods of time just take the 5 ml syringe and bang those glutes and quads. You can pin 20 ml/week no problem if you really want some high doses
Pinning mote than 1ml in my delts or quads give me the heebeejeebees. My quads have always been sensitive bitches. I also think "man, that's alot of white blood cells needed to break all this down". All in my head..

I've ran 11ml a week. 1ml ED 100mg Tren A(7ml), with 4ml Total for Test and Deca (600mg Each).
This new plan is 12ml per week.
Pinning mote than 1ml in my delts or quads give me the heebeejeebees. My quads have always been sensitive bitches. I also think "man, that's alot of white blood cells needed to break all this down". All in my head..

I've ran 11ml a week. 1ml ED 100mg Tren A(7ml), with 4ml Total for Test and Deca (600mg Each).
This new plan is 12ml per week.
On delts I didn't go above 1,5 ml also and that was a bit too much. But quads and glutes takes 5 ml with no problem. If you get any lumps for big volume of oil use a bigger needle to put the oil more deep in the muscle
I pin 20 ml when I use 4 or 5 g a week without issues. Until you get use to a protocol of pining is a bit tricky
New plan. Gives me 2 days no pinning.
3mL (900mg) Test D in Left glute
Next Day 1mL (300mg)Deca and 0.5ml (150mg)Test D into right Delt, and 1mL (200mg) Tren E and 0.5ml(150mg) Test D in Left delt.

Then repeat other glute next injection time, then next day pin quads like delts.

2.1g Test D
600 Deca
400 Tren E
Why not add lats and chest and VG? If you are going to be pinning daily, you might as well spread the pain around.

Lats are absurdly easy, much easier than quads.

Chest can take the 1 ml with no issues and take some pressure off your delts.

Why no VG?
Why not add lats and chest and VG? If you are going to be pinning daily, you might as well spread the pain around.

Lats are absurdly easy, much easier than quads.

Chest can take the 1 ml with no issues and take some pressure off your delts.

Why no VG?
Is VG injection painful?
Funny how some can put 5ml in quads and not more than 1ml in shoulder. I can have 2.5 in shoulder and lats but if i do 0.5ml in quad i can’t walk for a week. Also interested in VG and chest. Someone can show spot?