Steroid Profile Anavar

Amazing oral, everybody excited to run tren or sdrol or other nasty stuff. It gets old after a while, you want something less in your face that provides good results and is reliable. The choice is obvious.

It's not obvious, at least for me. If you replaced anavar with winstrol, that would describe my experience. They're in a different ballpark compared to other orals like anadrol & dbol.
anadrol & dbol.
What I mean is steroids like these get old after 5+ years of playing this game. Then it's about about what provides you the best balance, instead of just pure size that you lose quick when you come off, not to mention side effects. So quality over quantity for me now.

P.S. don't get me wrong, back then I used to love these big bang for your money steroids when I was at the phase of gaining size and wanted to max out the strength.
Wow. That's a huge change!

There was major study that examined anavar as a weight loss treatment in hiv that is cited for oxandrolone's effects on lipoproteins. it observed decreases / increases in HDL / LDL in the 30-50% range:

20mg daily for 12 weeks

HDL decreased 30%
LDL increased 15%

40mg daily for 12 weeks

HDL decreased 33%
LDL increased 27%

80mg daily for 12 weeks

HDL decreased 50%
LDL increased 31%

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Grunfeld C, Kotler DP, Dobs A, Glesby M, Bhasin S. Oxandrolone in the treatment of HIV-associated weight loss in men: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2006 Mar;41(3):304-14. doi: 10.1097/01.qai.0000197546.56131.40. PMID: 16540931.


Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of oxandrolone in promoting body weight and body cell mass (BCM) gain in HIV-associated weight loss.

Methods: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Two hundred sixty-two HIV-infected men with documented 10% to 20% weight loss or body mass index < or =20 kg/m were randomized to placebo or to 20, 40, or 80 mg of oxandrolone daily. After 12 weeks, subjects were allowed to receive open-label oxandrolone at a dose of 20 mg for another 12 weeks.

Results: Body weight increased in all groups, including the group receiving placebo, during the double-blind phase (1.1 +/- 2.7, 1.8 +/- 3.9, 2.8 +/- 3.3, and 2.3 +/- 2.9 kg in placebo and 20-, 40-, and 80-mg oxandrolone groups, respectively; all P < 0.014 vs. baseline). BCM increased from baseline in all groups (0.45 +/- 1.7, 0.91 +/- 2.2, 1.5 +/- 2.5, and 1.8 +/- 1.8 kg in placebo and 20-, 40-, and 80-mg oxandrolone groups, respectively). At 12 weeks, only the gain in weight at the 40-mg dose of oxandrolone and the gain in BCM at the 40- and 80-mg doses of oxandrolone were greater than those in the placebo group, however. Oxandrolone treatment was associated with significant suppression of sex hormone-binding globulin, luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone, and total and free testosterone levels. Treatment was generally well tolerated but accompanied by significant increases in transaminases and low-density lipoprotein as well as decreases in high-density lipoprotein.

Conclusion: Oxandrolone administration is effective in promoting dose-dependent gains in body weight and BCM in HIV-infected men with weight loss.

Thanks for sharing. This is a goldmine :)
Anavars increase of LDL can be controlled by cholesterol medication. I was recently on cycle of test primo and anavar and tested a LDL of 55 with combination of rosuvastatin and Ezetimibe
Anavars increase of LDL can be controlled by cholesterol medication. I was recently on cycle of test primo and anavar and tested a LDL of 55 with combination of rosuvastatin and Ezetimibe

Nice! How much of both? Now i'm running test+primo i added 10mg ezetimibe, it does some job but after 5-6 weeks i'll add anavar too and looking forward to add a little rosuvostatin, like 2,5mg eod.
Nice! How much of both? Now i'm running test+primo i added 10mg ezetimibe, it does some job but after 5-6 weeks i'll add anavar too and looking forward to add a little rosuvostatin, like 2,5mg eod.
So I will give a little background as a natural on nothing my total cholesterol was 230 with LDL 160 and ApoB 110 my doctor put me on 10mg rosuvastain a day and around the same time I started taking 250mg test a week. It got my LDL down to 109 and ApoB to 92 which was still slightly above the reference range so he bumped the rosuvastatin to 20mg a day. Around this time I started a pretty heavy cycle of test primo and anavar and the next test LDL was at 93. I added 10mg a day of ezetimibe and still on the heavy cycle a couple weeks later ended up with LDL of 58 and ApoB of 73
So I will give a little background as a natural on nothing my total cholesterol was 230 with LDL 160 and ApoB 110 my doctor put me on 10mg rosuvastain a day and around the same time I started taking 250mg test a week. It got my LDL down to 109 and ApoB to 92 which was still slightly above the reference range so he bumped the rosuvastatin to 20mg a day. Around this time I started a pretty heavy cycle of test primo and anavar and the next test LDL was at 93. I added 10mg a day of ezetimibe and still on the heavy cycle a couple weeks later ended up with LDL of 58 and ApoB of 73

Quite big of a dose, but significant improvement of lipids and that's what matters after all. I hit a 145 LDL on 210 test, i start taking 10mg ezetimibe and raised the test at 275, added 150 primo and after a month LDL dropped to 106 iirc despite doubling the aas amount. I just think adding rosuvostatin with anavar as a precautionary measure to prevent lipids from getting all over the place.
Quite big of a dose, but significant improvement of lipids and that's what matters after all. I hit a 145 LDL on 210 test, i start taking 10mg ezetimibe and raised the test at 275, added 150 primo and after a month LDL dropped to 106 iirc despite doubling the aas amount. I just think adding rosuvostatin with anavar as a precautionary measure to prevent lipids from getting all over the place.
Yes the doses were on the high side but I wanted to see what it took to get ldl and apob low while on cycle. I dropped the ezetimibe when I stopped anavar and when I’m back on Trt doses I’ll retest and adjust from there. I don’t get any side effects from either drug and from what I’ve seen it’s best to keep ldl and apob as low as possible
Yes there’s to date no drug (even statins and high dose niacin) that can lower lipoprotein a to w worthy degree
So 86% is drastically lower
Supposedly lipoprotein a is what’s responsible for CVD and atherosclerosis no ldl and Hdl
It’s the factor in which how much cholesterol can stick to the arteries walls so in theory of you had super low lipoprotein a and high ldl it wouldn’t matter because the ldl could not accumulate on the wall of the artery
Unfortunately I am genetically predisposed to high levels of lipoprotein 5 times the reference range lol
Imma talk to my dr about this
Has anyone had there ApoB checked on anavar? And The enzyme lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) (it seems to plays a role in the inflammation of blood vessels, promoting the build up of plaque)
Im getting these tests done in the middle of my next cycle and have a none cycle baseline so interested
What’s anavar like on the prostate? And also for hair loss?
I get quite a lot of hair loss on primo although even at 600 test and 300 primo a week it took a couple months for the hair loss to be to much for me to use primo again.
def got a swollen prostate by the end of 12 weeks of primo. Was suddenly bursting to pee but my bladder was only half full (I pee’d in a measuring jug before and during the cycle haha. 550ml is a full bursting bladder. It was about 300 sometimes on primo by week 10)

I am concerned about prostate growth because of the effect on sleep waking up too often to pee has on every aspect of my mental and physical energy. Nothing crushes my well being and intelligence like poor sleep. So a possible lifetime of that because of a badly chosen cycle is a very bad outcome
Test and Anavar is amazing, also a journey starter for many
It is amazing, but I wouldn't say anavar should be the journey starter for many. I believe orals in general are better suited later on in the enhanced journey. Too many people start orals too soon and use them wrong. They have a place and when used at the right time that's when they shine the most.
Test and Anavar is amazing, also a journey starter for many

after dabbling in sarms (before test), dbol, tren...

high test, high var is the thing that I'm loving it, great risk to reward ratio

so far no big problem with high blood pressure (just took measurement, 13/8) going into my 5th week of 60mg var blast, 2 to 3g of NAC per day as support sup and just the gain train coming
It is amazing, but I wouldn't say anavar should be the journey starter for many. I believe orals in general are better suited later on in the enhanced journey. Too many people start orals too soon and use them wrong. They have a place and when used at the right time that's when they shine the most.
When’s the right time for var? I’m guessing it has multiple, strength plateus, another is later pre contest body building?