Steroid Profile Anavar

1050mg weekly of orals on top of test is pretty high dosage! And likely worse for health than equivalent dose injectables.
100%. I will always allocate my total weekly load towards more injectable over orals. Even in prep very close to a show. They just work better for me and don’t impact my bloods as much.
100%. I will always allocate my total weekly load towards more injectable over orals. Even in prep very close to a show. They just work better for me and don’t impact my bloods as much.
I can do 150 mg a week of mast and it barely touches my health markers. But I cannot say the same for 20 mg a day of anavar.

I'm not comparing those compounds. Those are just a good equivalent that I have blood work for.
I can do 150 mg a week of mast and it barely touches my health markers. But I cannot say the same for 20 mg a day of anavar.

I'm not comparing those compounds. Those are just a good equivalent that I have blood work for.
Anavar is the one compound that has fucked up my blood work more than any other. I found that to be very interesting.
Using 50mg anavar daily right now ALONGSIDE CAFFEINE and it’s working better than it ever has. There’s studies showing the absorption rate of anavar increasing significantly when taken with caffeine. When I’ve take. Anavar before, it taken longer to feel the effects. But 2-3 days in on 50mg anavar with caffeine has me feeling like it’s peaking. Strength is up on a heavy deficit and skin is getting tight and grainy after 10 days already.

Im at 10% body fat so the visual changes are more noticeable the leaner that you are. But I’ve never experienced anavar like this. I wake up and take 50mg all at once and chew an 80mg caffeine mint. Then I eat breakfast and get ready and have another 80mg caffeine e and then go lift. The workouts are unreal.

Try it :)
There’s studies showing the absorption rate of anavar increasing significantly when taken with caffeine.

I understand that anavar by lowering shbg will raise free testosterone.

I know anavar does not convert directly to estradiol but can this added free testosterone convert to estradiol ?
I understand that anavar by lowering shbg will raise free testosterone.

I know anavar does not convert directly to estradiol but can this added free testosterone convert to estradiol ?
Yea that’s the defenetion of free test. It can bind and convert to dht and e2.
currently doing 60mg a day of anavar (hilma) split into 30mg pwo/morning, 20mg post-workout before meal, 10mg at night.

i like it, stimulation is great, i sweat more, fat loss accelerated indeed, but anxiety is fucking me up on the come up (1 to 2h after dosing 20 to 30mg)
Love anavar, it's my oral of choice (even if it does destroy your cholesterol).

The pumps, the strength, the re-comp effects, the cosmetic look. Love it

I also don't get any sides on it (except for the shit cholesterol) so that factors in as well
Love anavar, it's my oral of choice (even if it does destroy your cholesterol).

The pumps, the strength, the re-comp effects, the cosmetic look. Love it

I also don't get any sides on it (except for the shit cholesterol) so that factors in as well
Amazing oral, everybody excited to run tren or sdrol or other nasty stuff. It gets old after a while, you want something less in your face that provides good results and is reliable. The choice is obvious.