If you continue to do extreme calorie deficit eventually something is going to give or break and it's not going to be pretty.
Yeah this scares me a lot, that I’ll injure myself because I’m not eating enough to train. During my life, I’ve already broken my arm in two places, broken my toe, broken my finger, sprained my ankles many times, completely severed my Achilles tendon, had multiple concussions, and nearly tore my LCL. Ive had enough injuries, casts, and surgeries to last a while.
There's nothing wrong with having a cookie now and again dude! As long as your overall trajectory is in the right direction, it's not a big deal man.
Thanks man, yeah it’s not a big deal. It just bothers me that it wasn’t planned. I just woke up from my quads burning and hobbled on over to the pantry.
Yeah this scares me a lot, that I’ll injure myself because I’m not eating enough to train. During my life, I’ve already broken my arm in two places, broken my toe, broken my finger, sprained my ankles many times, completely severed my Achilles tendon, had multiple concussions, and nearly tore my LCL. Ive had enough injuries, casts, and surgeries to last a while.

Thanks man, yeah it’s not a big deal. It just bothers me that it wasn’t planned. I just woke up from my quads burning and hobbled on over to the pantry.
was it a good cookie though? like a super fire one or some basic bitch cookie?
sorry i like to chat with him so it helps him stay motivated as well it is his log lmfao sorry @ShredSeason
Talk about it as much as you want I don’t see what the big deal is lmao and I’m interested to know what you end up doing with your cycle, esp if you end up on anavar, because I’ve been very much interested in a cycle. Have you decided what you’re going to do yet?
was it a good cookie though? like a super fire one or some basic bitch cookie?
Chick-fil-a, so yeah it was pretty damn good
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Talk about it as much as you want I don’t see what the big deal is lmao and I’m interested to know what you end up doing with your cycle, esp if you end up on anavar, because I’ve been very much interested in a cycle. Have you decided what you’re going to do yet?

Chick-fil-a, so yeah it was pretty damn good
lol i was expecting like some super exotic cookie like crumble or some lol! dude i tried anavar before it was nothing imo i want to get anavar from a legit pharma because everyone keeps saying like legit pharma grade shit is fire. but idk this tren is fucking tearing me up lol the debate i have with myself is nuts because im like id like to look like a big fucking muscle cow lmfao
What watch/app/program do you use to track calorie expenditure during workouts? I like the interface and may need to pick one up
i tried anavar before it was nothing
50 mg/day is noticeable but I must be too old to get those mind blowing pumps I keep reading about. About all that really gets set on fire is my hdl-c, lipid particle counts, and SHBG.
Did you two use it with caffeine? It massively potentates Var
i want to get anavar from a legit pharma because everyone keeps saying like legit pharma grade shit is fire.
Yeah it seems to be the most faked AAS on the market definitely want to buy from a good source.
Did you two use it with caffeine? It massively potentates Var
No offense, but that "study" makes no sense that I can tell. Oral bioavailability of oxandrolone is high. I do the buccal troche so as high as you are going to get.

And yeah I tried with lots of caffeine since I am loaded up on caffeine (coffee) everyday.

Caffeine/coffee do influence the clearance of some drugs and hence AUC but nothing like what is claimed in the oxandrolone paper.

A 20x increase in excretion rate? I gotta call BS.
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No offense, but that "study" makes no sense that I can tell. Oral bioavailability of oxandrolone is high. I do the buccal troche so as high as you are going to get.

And yeah I tried with lots of caffeine since I am loaded up on caffeine (coffee) everyday.

Caffeine/coffee do influence the clearance of some drugs and hence AUC but nothing like what is claimed in the oxandrolone paper.

A 20x increase in excretion rate? I gotta call BS.
Lmao that study is wild, I was just going off of what other users report, I’ve heard from a few bodybuilders that it really helped potentiate it, 20x is a crazy though. They seem to have some synergistic effect, but maybe that doesn’t go beyond caffeine’s a part of preworkout, anavar’s taken preworkout, take them together and you have a better preworkout.
Home gym push day disaster
Bench press 3x7, 5, 3 (135 lbs)
Total Gym seated cable flys 2x15, 12 (7 incline)
Seated barbell shoulder press 2x8 (65 lbs)
Lateral raises 3x15, 12, 12 (15 lbs)
Seated dumbbell tricep extensions 6x8-12 (25 lbs)
12 minutes cardio pre and post lifts

Seems like everything that could go wrong did go wrong last night. I didn’t feel like going to the gym, so I decided to do it in the basement. What a mistake that was. There’s something wrong with how my bench is set up. I can’t get my body far enough down to do normal reps without the bar hitting the holders. I scoot my ass down as far as I can until I’m grinding my cock against the leg extension pole pressed up against it like I’m a fucking stripper, but it’s still not far enough. Kept feeling a weird pain in my right arm, I shouldn’t have even done them.

Still got a decent pump from it and then felt some great activation during flys, but I’m skeptical about that total gym. Everyone I see using it YouTube are either emaciated men with refugee bodies or girls with nicer tits than mine.

Because of the bench and its long ass holders, I had to tilt my body and arms back way further than you should to do shoulder presses. Lifting the bar from behind my head and swinging it where it needed to go fatigued me before the sets started, and the reps kept aggravating my body. Got good shoulder activation, shouldn’t have done them though.

By the time I got to triceps, I was pissed off at the bar and unwilling to go through whatever bullshit it would come up with for close-grip bench presses, so I just spammed out 6 sets of plate tricep extensions. I got an insanely good stretch on these sets, better than I do with dumbbells.

Lifts took twice the time they should from messing around with that stupid fucking bar. Earbuds died in the middle of my workout, then my speakers kept messing up. Once I got to post-lift cardio, my Apple Watch died one minute after getting on the bike. I went upstairs and ended it right there.

Today’s pull day, going to redeem myself on some real equipment. I’m gonna try those assisted pull ups @dirthand
You guys gave me good advice on dosing my AI (Arimidex), but the possible side effects scare me. If it dries me out too much, I’ll easily tear a tendon with the deficit I’m on, and the possibility of it worsening depression sucks too. Should I just go for it or try controlling my e2 with primo instead? The sides seem a lot less bad than Arimidex, and I doubt I’d crash my e2 with how high it is. From what I’ve read, it seems like Arimidex has the worst sides of all AIs and is hard to dial in the dose, but it’s what I got.
You guys gave me good advice on dosing my AI (Arimidex), but the possible side effects scare me. If it dries me out too much, I’ll easily tear a tendon with the deficit I’m on, and the possibility of it worsening depression sucks too. Should I just go for it or try controlling my e2 with primo instead? The sides seem a lot less bad than Arimidex, and I doubt I’d crash my e2 with how high it is. From what I’ve read, it seems like Arimidex has the worst sides of all AIs and is hard to dial in the dose, but it’s what I got.
lol bro how those titties going lmfao you had me dying lmfao. I remember when i felt like this early on in life man. And i began to learn to use my self hate for motivation to get buff and jacked lol. Maybe this isnt the best advice as im sure its not lmfao. but the voices in my head said it was ok to type this lol. But we all gotta start somewhere bro try floor bench. fyi helps form and helps chest activation
Yeah guys I’m not gonna lie, I woke up hungry as absolute fuck and ate a cookie. Guess we’re not going for 7 days lmao, this one ended at 36 hours. It’s crazy how much harder exercise makes these fasts. Going to start cramming as much protein into my mouth as I can today and reassess later. I’m not sure what my calorie target will be, we’ll see what my body says I need. That’s been a good gauge so far.
So you tried to fast, and ended up breaking your fast with a cookie? It’s time to pick a strategy and do it for longer than a couple weeks my guy, seriously give your head a shake and realize consistency is the biggest mover, not all this grandiose do something not feasible for a week, fall on your face and restart