Steroid Profile Anavar

More reading here for those with a focus on harm reduction (links therein).

Thank you for this thread.
Can I just anavar solo with some enclomiphene? That's what I currently have at hand. Or should I really order some injectables?
Love it, this is the iphone of orals. Specs on paper might not be that impressive, but in real world works great. Amazing oral, one of the best. Testosterone 200-300mg & Anavar 30mg is the best cutting stack for me. No more big dosages, this is awesome.
Love it, this is the iphone of orals. Specs on paper might not be that impressive, but in real world works great. Amazing oral, one of the best. Testosterone 200-300mg & Anavar 30mg is the best cutting stack for me. No more big dosages, this is awesome.
For how long do you run this dose?
For how long do you run this dose?
Now I plan for 5 weeks, I'm 2 weeks in.

In the past I've taken it anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 weeks. Dosages ranging from 30 to 100mg/day.

P.S. please note that this is not a recommendation, rather just fyi purposes. I don't like high dosing anymore and I'm all for moderate amounts now.
Now I plan for 5 weeks, I'm 2 weeks in.

In the past I've taken it anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 weeks. Dosages ranging from 30 to 100mg/day.

P.S. please note that this is not a recommendation, rather just fyi purposes. I don't like high dosing anymore and I'm all for moderate amounts now.
Makes sense, I plan to run it for last 6 weeks in my next cycle for competition prep. Saw some people run it for 16 weeks and it seemed insane to me. Do you require any ai?
Makes sense, I plan to run it for last 6 weeks in my next cycle for competition prep. Saw some people run it for 16 weeks and it seemed insane to me. Do you require any ai?
Sounds like a plan, have you used it before?

16 is excessive to say the least. Yeah I need anastrozole like always, I'm sensitive to high estrogen guess. I usually need like 0.25mg eod on 250mg T, anavar since it's dht helps somewhat so I take a bit less now. It's not proportional for me, I used to get away with 0.5mg eod on 1g test c.
Sounds like a plan, have you used it before?

16 is excessive to say the least. Yeah I need anastrozole like always, I'm sensitive to high estrogen guess. I usually need like 0.25mg eod on 250mg T, anavar since it's dht helps somewhat so I take a bit less now. It's not proportional for me, I used to get away with 0.5mg eod on 1g test c.
Never used it before, I'm actually just finishing my first cycle 250mg test per week alone (10 weeks total). It made a big difference for me, I've been competing for years as natural so I have training/diet/rest mostly on point, but drugs are a new thing for me. I also want to get away with the lowest effective dose and keep competing for years and minimize the damage. My plan is to stick between 300-500 test and add the anavar for last 6 weeks, titrating up, I'll probably start at 10mg ed first week.

Thanks for sharing.
Never used it before, I'm actually just finishing my first cycle 250mg test per week alone (10 weeks total). It made a big difference for me, I've been competing for years as natural so I have training/diet/rest mostly on point, but drugs are a new thing for me. I also want to get away with the lowest effective dose and keep competing for years and minimize the damage. My plan is to stick between 300-500 test and add the anavar for last 6 weeks, titrating up, I'll probably start at 10mg ed first week.

Thanks for sharing.
That's a good plan, everything sounds good. Wish you luck man.
Can I just anavar solo with some enclomiphene? That's what I currently have at hand. Or should I really order some injectables?
You can but depending on your goals it may not be worth the time and wasting product. If you really want to do an oral no test injection cycle I would highly recommend pinning a solid weekly dose of HCG subq. Most are going to find an oral cycle greatly lacking, but it really depends on the goal of the cycle.
Anavar and Winny my go to. Only run trt now and Anavar and Winny twice a year for 8 weeks. Like the guy above said my high dosage days are over. This is 3 weeks in 100 mg Anavar and 50 mg Winny a day IMG_7948.jpeg
I’ve noticed with Sandoz tadalafil most of the times zero heartburn, if I have it’s very minor never had to take omeprazole.
Whereas with other brands and ugl I was suffering.
I’ve run test and deca by itself and my hdl was maybe 30 and ldl 130, so the oxandrolone in my case made a big difference.
Good news is that even though the oxandrolone made my hdl drop to 17, one month after stopping is was 42. It’s a quick rebound. My ldl dropped from 180 to around 115 one month after
your lipid profile is precaious, my hdl never gone under 33 with 500 test 250 tren and 40 oxa (day ), with 05 arimidex each day.
5 week after stop aas went @70 and my ldl never gone over 130.(and 98 after 5 weeks of stop aas)
And i am 52 y old... and mde it at least 9 times..
Chek other factor (kind of fat (in USA are terrific) and high protein first....)

