Steroid Profile Anavar

im new here. just wanted to add my experience with test at 500 with 50 mg of anavar. while on bp was up 140/90 in the moring and afternoon... and as far as blood work on cycle show no movements in hdl/ldl at all. i was eating very clean diet with good fats and only added 7oz of beef only in the diet. things effected highly were my liver enzymes alt/ast. i did this cycle for 12 weeks. my age at the time was 50 yrs old at 250 lbs
im new here. just wanted to add my experience with test at 500 with 50 mg of anavar. while on bp was up 140/90 in the moring and afternoon... and as far as blood work on cycle show no movements in hdl/ldl at all. i was eating very clean diet with good fats and only added 7oz of beef only in the diet. things effected highly were my liver enzymes alt/ast. i did this cycle for 12 weeks. my age at the time was 50 yrs old at 250 lbs
hmm I see some people get liver issues and others don't on var, how sure are you that it was var and not winstrol?
I also om var got modified liver enzymes, but cannot say if ehat I had was actual var or not as it was thr first time using it...
hmm I see some people get liver issues and others don't on var, how sure are you that it was var and not winstrol?
I also om var got modified liver enzymes, but cannot say if ehat I had was actual var or not as it was thr first time using it...
personally never had it tested it myself but the source came from a good friend and said he was vetted. again you never know but they did test stuff from other in the group the liked the products.
im new here. just wanted to add my experience with test at 500 with 50 mg of anavar. while on bp was up 140/90 in the moring and afternoon... and as far as blood work on cycle show no movements in hdl/ldl at all. i was eating very clean diet with good fats and only added 7oz of beef only in the diet. things effected highly were my liver enzymes alt/ast. i did this cycle for 12 weeks. my age at the time was 50 yrs old at 250 lbs

No change in Hdl/ldl, good going!
Would 50mg var be ok for 16 weeks along with HGH Frag and Cardarine for lipid management?
That depends on who you ask man, this stuff isn't one size fits all. Personally I would say that 16 weeks on var is FAR too long, even although its generally well tolerated by most people that's still a long time to be putting stress on your livers and kidneys, IMHO. I also think thats WAY too long for Cardarine as well, especially with how carcinogenic it is. Regardless, you'd probably get more attention to the question if you threw it into the standard steroid forum.
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One of my favorite compounds to run in the summer. 6 to 8 weeks at 40 to 50mg is my sweet spot. It's gives me very lean gains and lots of vacalinity. I find it east to come off as well. I use nolvadex and clomid for 6 weeks dosed at 20mg down to 10mg nolva. Clomid at 25mg down to 12.5 mg .
After 2 months of being on 750mg of Test E and 50, altough many days I end up taking 100, mg of Var I gotta say. I love anavar. It feels amazing and has given me some of the most sensual pumps ever. Only thing that sucks harder than a hoover vacuum is the lipids. My cholesterol is looking like I workout at McDonalds as a grease dispenser
For some reason I get stomach issues, acid reflux and etc when taking anavar.

I might try lower dosage like say 30mg or so, what is your preffered dose?
For some reason I get stomach issues, acid reflux and etc when taking anavar.

I might try lower dosage like say 30mg or so, what is your preffered dose?
the advice I found around here for acid reflux from var is to take a few grams of glutamine... I was skeptical but it worked.
Idk about everybody else but I didn't notice anything from 50mg ed for 8 weeks besides a fucked up lipid profile. Calorie deficit the entire time so perhaps it just helped me maintain muscle.
Idk about everybody else but I didn't notice anything from 50mg ed for 8 weeks besides a fucked up lipid profile. Calorie deficit the entire time so perhaps it just helped me maintain muscle.

AAS in a cut is meant for just that. Unless it’s a recomp bit that in and of itself is really difficult.
Idk about everybody else but I didn't notice anything from 50mg ed for 8 weeks besides a fucked up lipid profile. Calorie deficit the entire time so perhaps it just helped me maintain muscle.
Var does very little for me as well. I've tried it from different sources and going up to 100mg a day and just made me feel angry. Nothing noticeable strength or physique wise. The one benefit I saw from it was it seemed to heal some tendinitis I was dealing with.
Var does very little for me as well. I've tried it from different sources and going up to 100mg a day and just made me feel angry. Nothing noticeable strength or physique wise. The one benefit I saw from it was it seemed to heal some tendinitis I was dealing with.
I've taken test alone and i've taken it with var 50 mg and i can tell you that the stuff i got at that time made a big difference in strength and size with great pumps. the stuff you got must of been not great. var is very faked today so you gotta becareful who you get it from.
Great discussion guys.

What is everyones fav dosage? Also injectable var anyone?
Try different lab, I thought dbol was causing me this problem. Switched lab and never experienced any problems since then. Must been coating fillers or something. 60mg for 5 weeks.
anavar is my favorite addition to a cycle - it’s a shame how much it wrecks lipids.

I know many steroids have another steroid which is chemical very close to it, with a small change here to there (and sometimes results are drastic change, sometimes not so much).

Does anyone know another steroid that would be considered relatively close to anavar? Both in chemical and / or effects.
Primobolan has some similarities I know. Anything closer though? Even better if it doesn’t trash lipids!
anavar is my favorite addition to a cycle - it’s a shame how much it wrecks lipids.

I know many steroids have another steroid which is chemical very close to it, with a small change here to there (and sometimes results are drastic change, sometimes not so much).

Does anyone know another steroid that would be considered relatively close to anavar? Both in chemical and / or effects.
Primobolan has some similarities I know. Anything closer though? Even better if it doesn’t trash lipids!
I used a clinic 20 years ago that had injectable oxandrolone. Wonder if that wouldn’t affect lipids as much?