Steroid Profile Anavar

I’ll be running 25/25 Stanz/Oxy stack along with clen and T3. Decca at a low dose for joint relief..
I’ve been using 50mg/day of var along side my TRT for 10 days now. Weight is up 5lbs, on a cut lol could be diet. There have been some cheats recently, but not 5lbs worth of cheats. No noticeable effects to speak of yet (pumps/strength). I haven’t taken a lot of steroids, but I’ve never taken anything and felt it, so maybe I’ll never feel this one either. Only time will tell!
Nope and nope
closest k get is .metformin on occasion when I've been running GH for a while
Have you and your bro noticed any benefits from Epitalon? I think Inno carries it been interested in trying that and ISRIB, few guys said you can actually feel ISRIB like windex cleaning the ol noggin's foggy glass.
I actually never tried Anavar. I think about using it 2 weeks before the end of the cycle, and 2 weeks before PCT. If I do, will give an update.
If I'm running 350mg/400mg test c/primo e plus 25mg ED proviron, would running 100mg ED anavar for 7 weeks at the end of the blast be overkill?
If you have legit var, there is no reason to go above 40mg per day. If you're using 100mg there is something wrong.
I tested 100mgs/day and was miserable. Had arm pains that got worse by the day. Went back to 50mgs/day and all was well. Definitely a fantastic underrated PED though.
@Bill Roberts: "Anavar has often been called a weak steroid. Part of the reason for this is that use of a Class I steroid alone never is maximally effective. The other cause is that bodybuilders and authors in the field sometimes make unfortunate and unreasonable comparisons when judging anabolic steroids." […]

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I love var. I use it at 50 a day. Gives me a nice strength boost with a great full look without the water retention. I also like the fact that it's relatively safe to use at moderate dose.
Used with some sups like Tudca and NAC among some others the sides sides be very slight for most users. I like stacking with NPP, test, and even masteron.
personally used 10 weeks @40mg, for 3 times, always with 750 Test E.
Liver value always in range at end cycle (supporting with udca) and hdl never went under 38