Steroid Profile Anavar

Yes and that study was oxandrolone solo, I ran it with test, AI, and I usually add deca which all lower hdl and raise ldl in addition to the oxandrolone.
Anything to be done to raise HDL other than cessation of injections?

My HDL has dropped down too low on test/deca only.
Anything to be done to raise HDL other than cessation of injections?

My HDL has dropped down too low on test/deca only.
Put extra virgin olive oil on everything cut red Meats (animal fats)
Thaaaaaats about it
high dose niacin but I for one can’t do it the flush is so fuckin bad even at 250mgs
I won’t fucks with GW
Anything to be done to raise HDL other than cessation of injections?

My HDL has dropped down too low on test/deca only.

Epitalon for lipdids is effective.
Process is actually relativly unknown

Most will say this (Pulled off a website)

"Acts as an anti-oxidant by reducing lipid oxidation and ROS (Reactive oxygen species) along with normalizing T cell function."

However, some studies have found that Epitalon does not act as an Anti-oxidant and the method of lipid regulation is not 100% known

However, I wouldnt let that dissuade you, since there are only positives for epitalon, such as

-Lengthening of telomeres
-Breakdown of plaque on receptors in the brain (Caused by tren usage specifically).. also caused by dementia (Alzheimer's most specifically)
-Improves sleep qaulity and assists with entering maintaining REM
Amongst other less "Important" side effects.

Personally, on tren.. I got zero Trensomnia while running Epitalon with tren... until I finished my Epitalon cycle.. and which point the trensomnia kicked in hard 2 days later lol.

Is this stuff safe at all?

From everything I gather and have read...... Yes ish. The rats used were genetically modified to get cancer. Also the human equivalent dose and duration are as follows. 80mg ED for 50+ years. 2/3 of expected lifespan.

I think it's safe to say used reasonably ie. 10mg ed for 4 weeks is not gonna give you instant cancer aids.

Is this stuff safe at all?

Unknown at this point
Articles and studies have suggested...

A) It causes cancer
B) It fights cancer.

That's a pretty fucking big gap in findings from two separate studies
Most people should not be okay with
"Maybe yes cancer?"

I'll freely admit to Cardarine usage in the past, due to extreme LDL, which was bad enough that I either started on Statins or I did Niacin/Cardarine/Epitalon to get in in control (It worked)

But I'm also mentally challenged (Borderline retarded) and I'm idiotically convinced of my own immortality/ invincibility

Did I mention I'm retarded?
From everything I gather and have read...... Yes ish. The rats used were genetically modified to get cancer. Also the human equivalent dose and duration are as follows. 80mg ED for 50+ years. 2/3 of expected lifespan.

I think it's safe to say used reasonably ie. 10mg ed for 4 weeks is not gonna give you instant cancer aids.

Remember that time, my wife got my pills confused and was "accidentally" dosing me with 20mg Cardarine ED for 2 months, until my long term stash ran out?

Pretty sure shes trying to kill me for my insurance policy.
Anything to be done to raise HDL other than cessation of injections?

My HDL has dropped down too low on test/deca only.

Use Ralox; improves lipids quite a bit. Off course, it's also good for preventing gyno and you can just continue after cycle and PCT with it. Possibly also no need for an Ai on cycle then.

Use Ralox; improves lipids quite a bit. Off course, it's also good for preventing gyno.

This is great information
Thanks brother.
This is great information
Thanks brother.

Just keep in mind, that study was done on postmenopausal women. They have very little estrogen (don't know if in the study they were also taking HRT) and that's also why SERMs improve lipid balance. Might be a bit different for men on gear ...
Epitalon for lipdids is effective.
Process is actually relativly unknown

Most will say this (Pulled off a website)

"Acts as an anti-oxidant by reducing lipid oxidation and ROS (Reactive oxygen species) along with normalizing T cell function."

However, some studies have found that Epitalon does not act as an Anti-oxidant and the method of lipid regulation is not 100% known

However, I wouldnt let that dissuade you, since there are only positives for epitalon, such as

-Lengthening of telomeres
-Breakdown of plaque on receptors in the brain (Caused by tren usage specifically).. also caused by dementia (Alzheimer's most specifically)
-Improves sleep qaulity and assists with entering maintaining REM
Amongst other less "Important" side effects.

Personally, on tren.. I got zero Trensomnia while running Epitalon with tren... until I finished my Epitalon cycle.. and which point the trensomnia kicked in hard 2 days later lol.
Never heard of it before your post.


Never heard of it before your post.


My inner conspiracy theorist here:
U.S medicine doesnt give a fuck about preventative medicine or your health.

Epitalon has been around for decades of human and animal trials, its effects are very well documented.
Weight loss after giving birth to my son exposed some tumors all over the nerves in her body. turns out it's NF1 tumors. Not cancerous thank God. As long as there are non in spine and brain Epitalon has been shown to decrease tumor size if not eliminate smaller ones.

Decreases mortality over 5 years by 80 percent in seniors too.
Epitalon for lipdids is effective.
Process is actually relativly unknown

Most will say this (Pulled off a website)

"Acts as an anti-oxidant by reducing lipid oxidation and ROS (Reactive oxygen species) along with normalizing T cell function."

However, some studies have found that Epitalon does not act as an Anti-oxidant and the method of lipid regulation is not 100% known

However, I wouldnt let that dissuade you, since there are only positives for epitalon, such as

-Lengthening of telomeres
-Breakdown of plaque on receptors in the brain (Caused by tren usage specifically).. also caused by dementia (Alzheimer's most specifically)
-Improves sleep qaulity and assists with entering maintaining REM
Amongst other less "Important" side effects.

Personally, on tren.. I got zero Trensomnia while running Epitalon with tren... until I finished my Epitalon cycle.. and which point the trensomnia kicked in hard 2 days later lol.
This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this and I’m intrigued
But where the hell do you even get it ??
I saw a few peptide sites that have injectable but seems you can take it orally
I wanna try just for the lipid and sleep effects