Steroid Profile Anavar

Good news is that even though the oxandrolone made my hdl drop to 17, one month after stopping is was 42. It’s a quick rebound. My ldl dropped from 180 to around 115 one month after
That is good news. The effects of AAS on lipids are dramatic but they are transient and quickly reversible upon discontinuation.

I guess the concern is mainly for those who already have lipid issues and those who never come off steroids.
Wait, so anavar lowers lipoprotein (a)?
this I need to know... cause fuck me mine needs to be lowered
Haha. I completely overlooked that. The effect on lipoprotein a is dramatic. 86% reduction. That may be more effective than any other drug at reducing lipo a. That's a good thing, right? The relationship between lipids and health is complicated :confused:
Haha. I completely overlooked that. The effect on lipoprotein a is dramatic. 86% reduction. That may be more effective any other drug at reducing lipo a. That's a good thing, right? The relationship between lipids and health is complicated :confused:
I remember something about this from school!

1. too high lipo a is bad for blood vessels, but good for wound healing and not getting cancer
2. only humans, monkeys and hedgehogs have it
So odd. It doesn't change mine hardly at all.

Mast npp test anavar. Hdl didn't move ldl went up a touch but nothing to bother remembering.

Edit I had to drop the cycle at week 6 due to injury
There's always that one guy that can smoke every day his entire life, not get lung cancer and live into his 90s. You may be the George Burns of the steroid world with a mutation resistant to the adverse cardiovascular effects. You should be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth with a new generation of super healthy muscular steroid users :D
Haha. I completely overlooked that. The effect on lipoprotein a is dramatic. 86% reduction. That may be more effective than any other drug at reducing lipo a. That's a good thing, right? The relationship between lipids and health is complicated :confused:
Yes there’s to date no drug (even statins and high dose niacin) that can lower lipoprotein a to w worthy degree
So 86% is drastically lower
Supposedly lipoprotein a is what’s responsible for CVD and atherosclerosis no ldl and Hdl
It’s the factor in which how much cholesterol can stick to the arteries walls so in theory of you had super low lipoprotein a and high ldl it wouldn’t matter because the ldl could not accumulate on the wall of the artery
Unfortunately I am genetically predisposed to high levels of lipoprotein 5 times the reference range lol
Imma talk to my dr about this
There's always that one guy that can smoke every day his entire life, not get lung cancer and live into his 90s. You may be the George Burns of the steroid world with a mutation resistant to the adverse cardiovascular effects. You should be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth with a new generation of super healthy muscular steroid users :D

Hahah. Everyone's luck runs out. I also didn't need AI the first couple cycles....... Now I most definitely do! The constant raised hemoglobin and Hct kinda suck too.

Weekly B injections and epitalon and everything else I do for "health" can't hurt either.
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I ran anavar for 3 weeks post shoulder op for the collagen synthesis, never ran bloods, so, I’m unsure of it’s affect on my HDL. But, with a 15 after maybe 200mg/week masteron, I don’t think anavar is prudent for me, or orals in general, for that matter.

Damn. I take it you pretty much stick with test?
Primobolon is good but there seems conflicting information weather it's hair safe or not
Shedded quite a lot on primo at only 150 mg/week paired with test e at 125 mg/week. Had to stop at week 3 to save my hair.

Ran 200mg mast e and 125mg test e earlier for a couple of months and shedded a bit, but still noticeable less than on my primo run.

Currently on week 5 of 200mg test prop/week and 20mg var/day and even though my scalp has been itching pretty much since week 1, I'm not really shedding any more than I would on test only at the same dosage.

EDIT: The primo could have crashed my e2 which would cause hair shedding too. I wans't interested in dragging it out any further to get bloodwork to check what my e2 was, as the lab was overbooked and it would have taken me an extra week or so to get my bloodwork done. Weird thing is I didn't get the any of the usual DHT scalp itching with neither primo or mast. All three compounds were tested with a labmax test kit, but we all know those things are very inaccurate.
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One word
Testosterone, Primobolan and Anavar are the only steroids I’ll use from now on, my next cycle is going to be test + primo but given the amount of literature we have on Anavar is why I think it deserves the number 1 spot, along with it being far more effective for strength and depending on who you ask, hypertrophy too. It’s also less androgenic which is always a plus.

Long term use though? Definitely primobolan.
Testosterone, Primobolan and Anavar are the only steroids I’ll use from now on, my next cycle is going to be test + primo but given the amount of literature we have on Anavar is why I think it deserves the number 1 spot, along with it being far more effective for strength and depending on who you ask, hypertrophy too. It’s also less androgenic which is always a plus.

Long term use though? Definitely primobolan.
Yeah that’s specifically my reasoning why I stated primo over anavar plus the lipid effects
But def get more bank for your buck with var
My strength is crazy on var same with pumps
Even beats dbol in my book
So with lipoprotein a decreasing, wouldn’t that make the lipids changes less problematic?
If lipoprotein a is nada then it doesn’t really matter what the others are
And it’s short term for the HdL and LDL they return to Norm after stopping
Better questions is does the lipoprotein a stay down or go back up ???
If lipoprotein a is nada then it doesn’t really matter what the others are
And it’s short term for the HdL and LDL they return to Norm after stopping
Better questions is does the lipoprotein a stay down or go back up ???
Here’s a strange personal anecdote regarding HDL/LDL and return to normal. My HDL, as previously mentioned, was 15 on blast with 840 test c, 720 deca and 200-300 mast e. LDL that set of labs was 170. So, couple weeks later, dropped to TRT/cruise dose of 140mg/prop a week. Full court press to reduce LDL, increase HDL. Fish oil, niacin(dealing with that fucking flushing), citrus bergamot, cardio 6x/week, bodyfat down to 12%. Did that for about 12 weeks. Got new labs, HDL up to 40, so, that’s great. LDL shot up to 250!!!! So, basically, fuck even thinking about anavar, or any orals at this point. Had to finally concede and jump on rosuvastatin. Primo/test/HGH only for me going forward.
Here’s a strange personal anecdote regarding HDL/LDL and return to normal. My HDL, as previously mentioned, was 15 on blast with 840 test c, 720 deca and 200-300 mast e. LDL that set of labs was 170. So, couple weeks later, dropped to TRT/cruise dose of 140mg/prop a week. Full court press to reduce LDL, increase HDL. Fish oil, niacin(dealing with that fucking flushing), citrus bergamot, cardio 6x/week, bodyfat down to 12%. Did that for about 12 weeks. Got new labs, HDL up to 40, so, that’s great. LDL shot up to 250!!!! So, basically, fuck even thinking about anavar, or any orals at this point. Had to finally concede and jump on rosuvastatin. Primo/test/HGH only for me going forward.
Sounds like it may be diet related
Honestly don’t trip so much off those numbers ask your doc to check your lipoprotein a
Then shit your pants if yours looks like mine
Running anavar for the first time currently alongside test e and I’m absolutely satisfied with the results. The pumps are insane! Im making quality gains in both strength and muscle. Definitely thumbs up for var
Running anavar for the first time currently alongside test e and I’m absolutely satisfied with the results. The pumps are insane! Im making quality gains in both strength and muscle. Definitely thumbs up for var
How’s the blood pressure abs lipids looking?
When u get older those things start mattering much more
I agree with you guys, anavar is a very cool drug, I only use 3 tablets anavar a day and plus one stanozolol tablet and it's just a mega nuclear pump