Steroid Profile Anavar

personally used 10 weeks @40mg, for 3 times, always with 750 Test E.
Liver value always in range at end cycle (supporting with udca) and hdl never went under 38
I used Anavar for 6 weeks, 25-50mg/day and my liver ast/alt liver values were elevated out of normal range.
maybe wasnt anavar
They're multiple studies showing anavar causing elevation of these things. That's why I didn't worry about it.

Here's one.

"Oxandrolone shortened length of acute hospital stay, maintained LBM, improved body composition and hepatic protein synthesis while having no adverse effects on the endocrine axis postburn, but was associated with an increase in AST and ALT"

"When the effect of a course of oxandrolone on liver function was examined, LFTs increased during treatment, but levels returned to baseline at week 20. Mean LFT changes were greatest for ALT and AST (increasing 65.6 and 44.5%, respectively). These results are similar to a report by Spungen et al.,14 who described a significant increase in ALT and a significant decrease in HDL-C in 10 subjects with tetraplegia after treatment with oxandrolone for 4 weeks"

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In my case my liver was better after my cycle of 500 test and 50mg var ed. Before my cycle I was above the range, I took black radish and my value fell from 2 points... So only my cycle solved my problem. Maybe in my case my liver was fat and the var and/or test remove a part of this fat and made my liver better?
Your liver values are always elevated if you're an athlete, especially if youre training super hard. I had 10 x normal range liver values once when i was natural, that's when i trained doggcrapp. If you want accurate readings you have to take 2 weeks off the gym or just get your lived scanned, another good way to tell if your liver is healthy is the "clearness" of your eyes and couple of other signs.But the toxicity for most orals is overrated anyway imo.
They're multiple studies showing anavar causing elevation of these things. That's why I didn't worry about it.

Here's one.

"Oxandrolone shortened length of acute hospital stay, maintained LBM, improved body composition and hepatic protein synthesis while having no adverse effects on the endocrine axis postburn, but was associated with an increase in AST and ALT"

"When the effect of a course of oxandrolone on liver function was examined, LFTs increased during treatment, but levels returned to baseline at week 20. Mean LFT changes were greatest for ALT and AST (increasing 65.6 and 44.5%, respectively). These results are similar to a report by Spungen et al.,14 who described a significant increase in ALT and a significant decrease in HDL-C in 10 subjects with tetraplegia after treatment with oxandrolone for 4 weeks"

yes a moderate increase infact
After many weeks with 50mg with Anavar and without liver protection my transaminase values are 100 for ALT and 383 for AST
Did also an ultrasound no damage at all.

But oxandrolone fuck up my HDL
Anavar is overall the greatest oral steroid.

Sure some do pack mass on quickly and gives you instant inflation of muscles, but when it comes to quality gains hardly any oral is going to put on quality lean gains without almost no side effects like anavar does. Strength gains are underestimated and the cosmetic effect is truly amazing. This is where anavar shines, it is the most refined oral steroid. As the saying goes you get what you pay for and for anavar it stands true.
how long does it take to feel the insane pumps and dryness?
The pumps are right away.. If you take It an hour or so PWO, First thing I noticed was I was sweating a lot more. Dryness I feel will more depend on your current body composition and BF% - I remember high dosing It a few days 60-80mg and I could feel sweat pouring down my back doing barely anything - not even lifting. So I guess It would be pretty damn quick If you're not holding much water and excess weight to begin with.
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By reading this thread i think that most of you are running Winstrol, not Anavar.....
If they're saying they don't get a pump from taking it PWO then that's surprising to me lol.. Because realistically for me Anavar Is the Oral I've taken the most in the last 4 years with Anadrol being a close 2nd.. If I take Anadrol I will know damn well I took It haha

Besides sweating more and the obvious PWO pump I'd find It extremely hard to distinguish it specifically - To be fair cosmetically I find It hard to judge since I'm typically around 15% BF

What do you notice more specifically when you're taking Anavar?
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If they're saying they don't get a pump from taking it PWO then that's surprising to me lol.. Because realistically for me Anavar Is the Oral I've taken the most in the last 4 years with Anadrol being a close 2nd.. If I take Anadrol I will know damn well I took It haha

Besides sweating more and the obvious PWO pump I'd find It extremely hard to distinguish it specifically - To be fair cosmetically I find It hard to judge since I'm typically around 15% BF

What do you notice more specifically when you're taking Anavar?

I Have had painful pumps from anavar in the past, muscles were so full and squeezed at the gym, thing is that i remember it took a week or two to build up to that level, because now i am 8 days into 40mg ED and not feeling the pump.
Have you noticed bad joints getting better from anavar? Wonder how potent the increase in collagen synthesis/deposition is.
Have you noticed bad joints getting better from anavar? Wonder how potent the increase in collagen synthesis/deposition is.
My bad elbow joints did not get better but my rotator cuff did. It had been irritated and nagging me for a while, not sure if it was a mild tear or what but after 4 weeks of var 50mg ed it definitely improved a good amount and has continued to feel better ever since.