Are Americans still actually scared of personal use busts?

nope, wasn't aimed at you, was the racist marsupial.

yes part of the point, higher conservatism higher murder rate as u noted conservative countries with higher murder rate..... more liberal/progressive/social a place the less murder.. so im glad we agree! and yes largest hispanic populations closest to Mexico are majority conservative..

left or right gov in usa all let in migrants similarly its all fake news to pit americas against each other... lots of conservatives THINK they dont want immigrants but there gov lets in more as keeps economy afloat, and as you say align more with religion rules etc. it keeps going up for a reason.

Obama lowered illegal immigration first time in many years as increased over bush administration. FACTS MATTER, he also increased the % of criminals deported.. trump decreased Mexican illegal immigrants however total increased anyway. but really depends on whats happening in the world IMO and no side has it figured out.. esp when you consider there is a benefit for the big boys to have larger population. black rock is going to make more money the more legal or illegal immigrants, private federal prisons want more and more aswell.

Damn well in that case, how u broke it down. i particularly agree with u.

But in the us, left right dosent even matter. They are coluting and bid rigging together mafia style. That's why I lean independent I agree with some things on both sides, see why they never win?
" left/right" will figure it out together in the interest of keeping rich rich and poor poor.ever heard of divide an conquer?
See why there is no middle class these days.

I apologize for the assumption, and hating on ur post.
What is the criminalization of steroids in individual states?

Is it the same principle as with drugs, which Democrats legalize more often than Republicans?
This is what I want to see. I've been trying to find public arrest / conviction statistics for my state for base possession charges. Anyone know where to find that kind of information?
Prescription Oxandrolone(anavar) is just a memory. Var can no longer be prescribed, period. Not for burns, wasting, off label uses or any other possible reason it was prescribed for in years past. Just like that.
My urologist offers Oxandrolone in the USA.
I think many guys like to order lots of stuff in bulk. So they're afraid if they get busted they won't be able to prove that it's for personal use, not illegal sales.
I think many guys like to order lots of stuff in bulk. So they're afraid if they get busted they won't be able to prove that it's for personal use, not illegal sales.

Those guys should understand it's a lot easier to take "possession with intent to distribute" off the table (by having it at home, syringes, a used vial etc), than fighting off "intent to manufacture" which is proven merely by having any quantity of raws around, never mind the rest of their brewing supplies.
I think many guys like to order lots of stuff in bulk. So they're afraid if they get busted they won't be able to prove that it's for personal use, not illegal sales.
Honestly, law enforcement in any US state could make a reasonable initial arrest for "intent to distribute" if you have 3 or more vials I bet
Honestly, law enforcement in any US state could make a reasonable initial arrest for "intent to distribute" if you have 3 or more vials I bet

If they were intent on making an arrest they'd simply do it based on possession.

They would never follow up with a charge of "intent to distribute" that doesn't meet the legal definition and wouldn't go anywhere. "Intent to distribute" requires evidence that the "totality of circumstances" demonstrates the accused intended to distribute.

Another product of steroid fueled paranoia.
If they were intent on making an arrest they'd simply do it based on possession.

They would never follow up with a charge of "intent to distribute" that doesn't meet the legal definition and wouldn't go anywhere. "Intent to distribute" requires evidence that the "totality of circumstances" demonstrates the accused intended to distribute.

Another product of steroid fueled paranoia.
lol paranoia. I’ve stated before here that in vast majority of cases and if you aren’t directly antagonizing anyone important, American state and local law enforcement will look the other way. But sometimes it pays to think about the 0.1% of cases
lol paranoia. I’ve stated before here that in vast majority of cases and if you aren’t directly antagonizing anyone important, American state and local law enforcement will look the other way. But sometimes it pays to think about the 0.1% of cases

It can't be done. I've heard the same thing my whole life about "intent to distribute" based on having 2 bags of pot ("keep it all in one bag!"), or more than one whatever, but it's not that simple.

For a small number of drugs, the amount alone may qualify for an "intent to distribute" charge, though whether its intent or simple possession is left to a jury if that's all the evidence of "intent".

Steroids are not on that list, federally or in any state.

So they would require other evidence of sales. Ledgers, stuff being prepared to be mailed out, custom labels etc. Evidence of personal use like used vials and syringes would have to be considered by the court to offset the indicia of distribution.

In most states, except for the short list of hard drugs where quantity alone is sufficient to charge someone with "intent to distribute", other drugs require direct evidence of actual distribution/sales.

Finally, some states specifically carve out steroids from other drugs, requiring actual evidence of sales, *regardless of the amount possessed*, otherwise it can only be charged as a simple possession misdemeanor. You could have 1000 vials, and unless they have evidence of the suspect actually selling, it's a ticket and a court date, no more.


and even if you're caught selling or even MANUFACTURING, on a first offense the law allows you to agree to some classes and/or treatment and the charges will be dismissed.


That's why I always ask people to show examples of possession for personal use ever resulting in someone being sent to jail, or even prosecuted as first offender. With millions and millions of users, there should be hundreds or thousands of prosecutions a year. Yet there aren't. Most people can't even find one, unless it's some really oddball circumstance and even then sentencing never seems to happen, because it's most likely dealt with some. other way and dismissed.
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There are lots of real cases, and they typically get first offender treatment (which I think is what Ghoul is saying), which means the cops search your house, they drag you off in handcuffs, and book you into jail. You will probably spend the night. You can hopefully call somebody to help you arrange for bond to get out of jail. Hire an attorney. It's a felony, so the cost is likely to be $10k or more.

Odds are, if you have a clean record, a first offender sentence, which means fine, probation, and, if you complete everything successfully, an expungement of your record. Most states have something like that now.

Some professions require you to report such an arrest, and they may yank your license even if you do first offender and complete it.

If you have a criminal history that may or may not be available to you.

Pretrial diversion, the second thing Ghoul posted above, is even better than a first offender treatment, if it is available to you. That is a very locale specific sort of thing as to whether it would apply to steroid charges, but if that is available, leap at the chance. He appears to be citing Tennessee law. Your attorney will know if that is available to you where you are.

If you are asking about the possession with intent to distribute, that is going to be different in every state, but there are additional things to prove that the government may not be able to meet even if there is a presumption. Threatening to charge it and actually following through and trying to take such charges to trial in a simple possession case are two very different things. I haven't seen charges of possession with intent to distribute merely for possession of steroids. Like I have said above, though, I have seen charges for possession of steroids. It is a felony where I am. Most likely outcome here (I am not in Tennessee) is first offender.

Pretrial diversion in my state is literally a court by court process. That is, there is no statewide standard. Some courts have it available. Some don't.
There are lots of real cases, and they typically get first offender treatment (which I think is what Ghoul is saying), which means the cops search your house, they drag you off in handcuffs, and book you into jail. You will probably spend the night. You can hopefully call somebody to help you arrange for bond to get out of jail. Hire an attorney. It's a felony, so the cost is likely to be $10k or more.

Odds are, if you have a clean record, a first offender sentence, which means fine, probation, and, if you complete everything successfully, an expungement of your record. Most states have something like that now.

Some professions require you to report such an arrest, and they may yank your license even if you do first offender and complete it.

If you have a criminal history that may or may not be available to you.

Pretrial diversion, the second thing Ghoul posted above, is even better than a first offender treatment, if it is available to you. That is a very locale specific sort of thing as to whether it would apply to steroid charges, but if that is available, leap at the chance. He appears to be citing Tennessee law. Your attorney will know if that is available to you where you are.

If you are asking about the possession with intent to distribute, that is going to be different in every state, but there are additional things to prove that the government may not be able to meet even if there is a presumption. Threatening to charge it and actually following through and trying to take such charges to trial in a simple possession case are two very different things. I haven't seen charges of possession with intent to distribute merely for possession of steroids. Like I have said above, though, I have seen charges for possession of steroids. It is a felony where I am. Most likely outcome here (I am not in Tennessee) is first offender.

Pretrial diversion in my state is literally a court by court process. That is, there is no statewide standard. Some courts have it available. Some don't.
This alone sucks though, there’s a chance you will lose your job especially if it’s a government job or anything that involves being a position of image/authority.

Then there’s public ridicule if you live in a small town, then reputation follows. Then the financial aspect comes in, not everyone has the extra money to throw at lawyers.

Hence, some people do the extra step to make LE spend more time gathering evidence to convict. Having a fake name on a drop box opened under a bums name won’t hide you if they really want to pursue a case but a little more work might deter them or bore them to back off. Remember, they’re stretched out already, small cases might not get the right attention.