Arrhythmia and resting HR 196

Cardiologist says everything’s fine. Here’s my recent echo, slightly enlarged heart more than likely from running 10 miles a day for half a decade. Rhr 58, hdl 53 ldl 72

Was this indian pharma or turkish pharmacy? Have heard troubling reports of fake or underdosed indian pharma products (not sure how verifiable they are), sounds like a lack of quality control where overdosing could occur

I haven’t heard of a thyroid storm/t3 overdose normally happening on such a low dose so this is all really interesting
Indian pharma
How's everything looking now with your heart and BP? As that was quite a horrific experience you had but it's a good teaching moment and this is instructive to those who are taking thyroid hormones when not prescribed plus without a full understanding how they work. This sounds about as bad as like taking slin without understanding how that works.
I’m in perfect health
That looks great!
Thanks brother. But the reason I made this post was to steer guys onto the side of caution so they don’t make the same mistakes I made. It was an acute incident and I was lucky.

You have the usual comments from the real edgy guys that bring nothing of value to this forum and that’s fine, I’m just hoping some people reconsider using thyroid hormones that’s all. Diet and cardio will do the exact same thing.

I think a lot of guys don’t realize that coming off thyroid hormones can kill you if TSH doesn’t stop rising which can happen.
Thanks brother. But the reason I made this post was to steer guys onto the side of caution so they don’t make the same mistakes I made. It was an acute incident and I was lucky.

You have the usual comments from the real edgy guys that bring nothing of value to this forum and that’s fine, I’m just hoping some people reconsider using thyroid hormones that’s all. Diet and cardio will do the exact same thing.

I think a lot of guys don’t realize that coming off thyroid hormones can kill you if TSH doesn’t stop rising which can happen.
I don't know anything about thyroid hormones, but I do have some experience with the heart stuff. Plenty of echoes under my belt.

I knew one other guy that had a really bad experience messing with t3, but again I just don't know enough to talk about it in any kind of intelligent manner.
Sorry for the late response guys. I’ve been super busy on another forum. Trying to be more active again on this one, it’s always been fun here.

Had an ekg done from behind my heart, they went In through my throat. No permanent damage, made a full recovery. The lower left chamber of my heart has returned to normal size, cardiologist said continue with life as normal. I was very open about anabolic use, although he said steroids aren’t recommended, the issue was caused by thyroid hormone abuse. I’ll never use it again, and I’m glad I got so lucky. Having a resting heart rate of 196 for 4 days can easily kill a person. On top of that getting on a plane for 11 hours I was told that he was shocked I didn’t form multiple blood clots.

On blood thinners another month, increased my nebivolol dose. At the end of the day I’m just glad to be alive, and hopefully this can help people see that maybe just diet harder and not fuck with the thyroid. Shit can go wrong. I’ll be back on my hrt log coming up soon.
Thank you for sharing. I am very new around here. Meso is a wealth of knowledge and just full of badass people. It's a blessing your alive man. What scares me the most about my AAS use is taking my life away from my daughter and wife. Knowingly.
Pretty scary story.

I won't touch t3 again for this reason. Never had anything happen that was as serious as your story, but even 50-75mcg t3 and it feels like my heart is pounding out of my chest, and this is without caffeine or anything else.

It's truly a scary/terrible feeling.

I do take 75mcg t4 because of the HGH downregulation and being at the lower end of the reference range, but I don't experience any negative side effects at this dose of t4

T3 though... never again