MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Guaiacol: maybe off topic. I don't think I ever injected this compound (knowingly at least), but a preliminary search on Google Scholar and Pubmed isn't providing any big red flags.

Is it just Vigorous Steve bro-science or some possibly coincidental CRP elevations or site injection redness? Anything else to go on at this point?
If you’d bothered to read the thread before commenting, I actually did retract that statement. But I know reading is hard for some people, so I don’t judge you for missing that. I used to struggle with reading too. I mean, I was also seven, but the point is I got better and I hope you can too.

Also if you’re done riding this source’s micro penis, please note that I’m not a site administrator. I cannot kick a source off the site. I’d think you should know that, but here we are.

You should read more and post less.
So many of you were bitching, it’s hard to keep track. Might not read like a 7 year old but you sure acted like one. All to get proven wrong. I get your pride hurts. You should just stop talking at this point. My point was exactly that, but here we are.
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Because I’m not spending 500$ to send shit I have already bought with my own money to come come clap my hands and sing kumbaya by the fire and let everyone know that the sample of axles npp didn’t have guaiacol?

I was surprised by the results.
All 3 samples had the guac smell. Varying in potency of smell
1 tested positive after a retest. From a different source.

at the end of the day, it still shows an issue with the brewer and getting guaiacol on vials and packages.

If it wasn’t in the oil, it was on the vial. That’s still an issue axle needs to fix.

That's a sloppy ass lab. But I'm sure he'd never be that sloppy with the important stuff that can impact your health.
What UGL hasn’t? There’s some trusted names who had completely different compounds from what was labeled. But you guys want to pick and choose who to nit pick.

Exactly. What's the worst that could happen from a few errors in the lab. A little pip? BTW, is my ass red? Last batch stung a bit.

Guaiacol: maybe off topic. I don't think I ever injected this compound (knowingly at least), but a preliminary search on Google Scholar and Pubmed isn't providing any big red flags.

Is it just Vigorous Steve bro-science or some possibly coincidental CRP elevations or site injection redness? Anything else to go on at this point?
If you look through my posts I posted a pubmed link.

You would know if you injected or possessed. You can literally smell it 50ft away no problem. Idk about vigorous Steve, I don't watch YouTube nobodies peddling bro lure for $


What UGL hasn’t? There’s some trusted names who had completely different compounds from what was labeled. But you guys want to pick and choose who to nit pick.
As I pointed out yesterday that is exactly the case. Meso plays favorites with certain sources who presumably can do no wrong or make no mistakes like every other human on earth. Qsc and Stan are examples. I'm not knocking either of them, let me be clear. I've ordered from both Stan and qsc many times and I've been very happy with my purchases. I especially think highly of Stan he goes out of his way for his customers, and sacrifices a good quality of life doing things solo in order to keep his clients happy. Qsc has had many many instances of what would be considered a dealbreakers on meso. The big one was clomid-gate. So there are people who either look the other way for lower prices or just play favorites/gear cheerleaders. Or over time they develop personal friendships with the sources. Which isn't really uncommon or frowned upon imo unless it leads to shilling.

That's with most forums though. Idiots will still ordering from Hunter Pharm while he was scamming every 3rd order and taking 1.5 months to ship.

I just try to pick a source who I personally feel I can trust to complete our transaction together based on what I've read. And I take into account how they respond to unhappy customers.
So many of you were bitching, it’s hard to keep track. Might not read like a 7 year old but you sure acted like one. All to get proven wrong. I get your pride hurts. You should just stop talking at this point. My point was exactly that, but here we are.
And yet another member carrying water for a trash source. It’s a pattern. An unusual one. If you’re not another alt account, you and this source are made for each other. Maybe your mutual autism will cancel out and your love child will come out normal, like when two negatives make a positive.

As for me, I am unfamiliar with the taste of this source’s semen. I am thankful for that.
Guaiacol: maybe off topic. I don't think I ever injected this compound (knowingly at least), but a preliminary search on Google Scholar and Pubmed isn't providing any big red flags.

Is it just Vigorous Steve bro-science or some possibly coincidental CRP elevations or site injection redness? Anything else to go on at this point?
I’ve used DHB with guac. I actually am now. I’m not saying to do it, I’m not even well read up on it. It doesn’t set off my health markers (I’m not speaking to CRP, I’ve never had CRP tested), and I don’t get any side effects others experience. It does indeed seem to help with crashing as I have DHB from another source that does often crash.

But there are other people that seem to react pretty poorly to it. I’m not saying it’s good, I’m just saying I’ve been using it without any *apparent* ill effects. But I’m also saying I’m not everyone, and that lots of people report worse experiences.

I’m positive super solvents aren’t good to at least some degree. I have nothing to support that besides feels. Just the smell makes me feel like I’ve got to be injecting bathroom cleaner. I’m mostly posting this to give your post more visibility in hopes someone else more knowledgeable chimes in.
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As I pointed out yesterday that is exactly the case. Meso plays favorites with certain sources who presumably can do no wrong or make no mistakes like every other human on earth. Qsc and Stan are examples. I'm not knocking either of them, let me be clear. I've ordered from both Stan and qsc many times and I've been very happy with my purchases. I especially think highly of Stan he goes out of his way for his customers, and sacrifices a good quality of life doing things solo in order to keep his clients happy. Qsc has had many many instances of what would be considered a dealbreakers on meso. The big one was clomid-gate. So there are people who either look the other way for lower prices or just play favorites/gear cheerleaders. Or over time they develop personal friendships with the sources. Which isn't really uncommon or frowned upon imo unless it leads to shilling.

That's with most forums though. Idiots will still ordering from Hunter Pharm while he was scamming every 3rd order and taking 1.5 months to ship.

I just try to pick a source who I personally feel I can trust to complete our transaction together based on what I've read. And I take into account how they respond to unhappy customers.
I do think it’s fair to point out that this is absolutely not the only trash source on this board, or others. I’ve never used Hunter but his page is absolutely rife with customers wondering why their order hasn’t shipped in over a month/months, or why he has been completely out of communication since receiving money in the interim. That’s not an acceptable way to do business IMO. His getting banned on SST was a long time coming and he shouldn’t have lasted the way he did for as long as he did.

I am personally familiar with QSC. I’ve came at them long and hard (there’s a joke in there somewhere) for how they do business, their testing results, their treatment towards wronged customers etc in the past. I’ve personally come around on them some though. I think the constant attacks by this board forced them to change the way they conduct business. I do think it was done begrudgingly, but it does seem to have cleaned up at least some.

Maybe the point there is that these sources don’t police themselves. They need pressure from membership to fix themselves. Pressure that’s been applied to this source through his multiple attempts at branding, yet thus far has been unsuccessful. That he has throngs of new members white knighting for him isn’t odd, given what he’s been found doing so many times. But I’m sure not all of them are alt accounts, I’m sure some are just legitimately brain damaged. It’s unfortunate, their lot.

As for me, I’ll continue attacking him until I’m convinced he’s done doing sleazy shit. Other sources being trash bags doesn’t condone this source also being a trash bag. I agree the aforementioned sources are/were trashbags as well.
Someone on here had a good tip that you shouldn’t connect your forum account to your source, so I don’t ask for a discount for posting blood results. Blood results came in just now for blood drawn tuesday, 2 days from last injection (e3d). Week 8 of summer beach body blast, running: 600 test e x 400 primo x 1000 hcg x 40mg Anavar x 2.5 retatrutide, Axle is my first UGL, so it’s all Axle labs gear.

And yet another member carrying water for a trash source. It’s a pattern. An unusual one. If you’re not another alt account, you and this source are made for each other. Maybe your mutual autism will cancel out and your love child will come out normal, like when two negatives make a positive.

As for me, I am unfamiliar with the taste of this source’s semen. I am thankful for that.
Yes. Crazy pattern! Hurry. Add me to the alt account list! I sure love cum and test daddy.
I just try to pick a source who I personally feel I can trust to complete our transaction together based on what I've read. And I take into account how they respond to unhappy customers
Serious question I’m not bashing you..

Do you honestly trust this guy with your information? He’s been busted now twice because he can’t figure out how to use his VPN. It’s pretty obvious he’s connected to Colonial who was busted by the feds. I’m sure he has eyes on him as much as he denies it. Do you think this guy is using tor or tails to mask what he’s doing? There’s a reason people trust Stan, he’s been doing this for over a decade without a problem. These other sources last maybe a year or two before they catch heat and rebrand.

So in all honesty this is the guy you trust? Again not bashing just genuinely curious.

For the record I’ve never even purchased from Stan so I’m not a so called dickrider.
Serious question I’m not bashing you..

Do you honestly trust this guy with your information? He’s been busted now twice because he can’t figure out how to use his VPN. It’s pretty obvious he’s connected to Colonial who was busted by the feds. I’m sure he has eyes on him as much as he denies it. Do you think this guy is using tor or tails to mask what he’s doing? There’s a reason people trust Stan, he’s been doing this for over a decade without a problem. These other sources last maybe a year or two before they catch heat and rebrand.

So in all honesty this is the guy you trust? Again not bashing just genuinely curious.

For the record I’ve never even purchased from Stan so I’m not a so called dickrider.
Send me a pm, I didn't want to discuss that openly for previous vendors opsec and shit. But i get where your coming from
Serious question I’m not bashing you..

Do you honestly trust this guy with your information? He’s been busted now twice because he can’t figure out how to use his VPN. It’s pretty obvious he’s connected to Colonial who was busted by the feds. I’m sure he has eyes on him as much as he denies it. Do you think this guy is using tor or tails to mask what he’s doing? There’s a reason people trust Stan, he’s been doing this for over a decade without a problem. These other sources last maybe a year or two before they catch heat and rebrand.

So in all honesty this is the guy you trust? Again not bashing just genuinely curious.

For the record I’ve never even purchased from Stan so I’m not a so called dickrider.
Lets not forget Axle lost access to TWO email accounts..
Someone on here had a good tip that you shouldn’t connect your forum account to your source, so I don’t ask for a discount for posting blood results. Blood results came in just now for blood drawn tuesday, 2 days from last injection (e3d). Week 8 of summer beach body blast, running: 600 test e x 400 primo x 1000 hcg x 40mg Anavar x 2.5 retatrutide, Axle is my first UGL, so it’s all Axle labs gear.

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What’s time between blood draw and blood test? And how much was injected on the last shot? Shoot us an email for bloodwork credit!

Also be sure to post a pic of the vial as well.