MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

I mean really if you pinned Monday and Thursday you’d be good considering the half life.
Same test E. I was pinning EOD and switched to E3Days. I was trying to lower my test levels because 4900 seemed too high. Pinning EOD it was pretty impossible to find the trough for a blood draw so I’m sure that number is skewed
Good tip. It's easy to open new email accounts for different sources as well. They don't have to be your MESO forum name/handle @ whatever email address.
So if I post bloods, email you, get a code for a discount and then use that code. regardless of the email i use, you now know who I am when I use that code to order from you again right?
So if I post bloods, email you, get a code for a discount and then use that code. regardless of the email i use, you now know who I am when I use that code to order from you again right?

I don't know. Take that up with the vendor? Of course they want business and want to cover their own ass, but this has to work for consumer OPSEC too.

Open to suggestions.
My parcel has been delivered to janoshik as of 10am Czech time today
Interested in results. Since usually Janos doesn't list Guaiacol when he test. My results of Dbol inj, which 100% has it in, he only list the substance strength. Like Methandienone 80mg. Atleast in my experience with him.
Interested in results. Since usually Janos doesn't list Guaiacol when he test. My results of Dbol inj, which 100% has it in, he only list the substance strength. Like Methandienone 80mg. Atleast in my experience with him.
Going through life this dumb must be very hard on you. You could literally read a few pages back and see janoshik charges $100 for this test. It's not free in addition to a qualitative hplc test.
Going through life this dumb must be very hard on you. You could literally read a few pages back and see janoshik charges $100 for this test. It's not free in addition to a qualitative hplc test.
I've used him very often, but I appreciate your insult. Once again if you read my post, the test I've paid for never showed any Guaiacol, even though it was 100% in the mix.
New Testing Results (more should be available very soon)

Deca (250mg) -> 269.85mg/ml
Deca (400mg) -> 412.12mg/ml
MK-677(10mg) -> 13.61mg

Right - I agree. This is also what we said likely happened if there was a smell. It got on the label or vial.

We right away made a whole separate brewing station for any compounds containing Guaiacol (we invested in duplicate peristaltic pumps / bottles / lines for this station) and all labels plus vials are kept separate for these compounds so Guaiacol smell doesn’t show up in any vials that don’t contain Guaiacol.
You know what, I have a vial of TNE that has guaic in it and it stunk up my room, and any vials close to it.
Omg bro I can't with you lol
I get it. You submitted a test like a Karen because you think it smelled like it. But Right from Janos mouth.. Yes, if you order analysis for "anabolic steroids" only anabolic steroids are tested.

If you order an analysis for common SARMS, then only common SARMs are tested.

So what exactly are you Karen's expecting to find here?
You know what, I have a vial of TNE that has guaic in it and it stunk up my room, and any vials close to it.
These clowns expect pharma quality from UGL. Then spend their welfare checks getting test that will only show what steriod and how much per cc. But that's what this country has become. Bunch of c*nts who bitch and complain about every little thing. Should of found a better UGL by now. But they submitted a tainted vial to Janos just to try and ruin someone, again. These clowns are probably from NY.

These clowns expect pharma quality from UGL. Then spend their welfare checks getting test that will only show what steriod and how much per cc. But that's what this country has become. Bunch of c*nts who bitch and complain about every little thing. Should of found a better UGL by now. But they submitted a tainted vial to Janos just to try and ruin someone, again. These clowns are probably from NY.
Damn right we expect that. When my baby momma check hits, the first place I run is to axle. Next month, I'm going to sell the food stamps for a little extra.