MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Agreed. Source testing is nice but I agree with @Axle Labs here.

Customer testing is way better. It's a pain in the ass, I know.

Testing from other customers is also pretty good.
He was referring to his source for raws.

that was my question, what info they were providing him with his purchases. In his case, independent testing of his raw and finished product is the way to go.

And of course customers could trust but should verify. I am trying to lay the ground work for what a top tier finished product source should be doing. In some cases it may be better QC than compounding pharmacies.

His feedback is refreshing and useful as it shows how little raw sources are doing in terms of QC / impurity testing on their stuff. That could be improved dramatically.
Looks like liska had done some legwork but have not found any official reports. I posted the applicable threads above.

Unsure how many are interested. One way to find out. 1 so far in this thread and a few in the other thread I linked. Would you like me to do any informal poll or ask again in the Source QC thread?


Are you still interested in this? @T&H is curious how many members are interested (see above posts).
No source has fooled with this kind of testing. And the majority of members, including myself do not care. Jano has already stated the heavy metals in aas raws was practically non existent.

You say Liska was interested. But I don't recall them ever paying for this specific testing or whatever. To ask Axle to get it when no other source has is far fetched.
No source has fooled with this kind of testing. And the majority of members, including myself do not care. Jano has already stated the heavy metals in aas raws was practically non existent.

You say Liska was interested. But I don't recall them ever paying for this specific testing or whatever. To ask Axle to get it when no other source has is far fetched.
I even posted Liska's comments above...

For the record I inquired based on @Axle Labs comments and he offered. He/she/etc is free to do as they wish.

And let's be real. @Axle Labs was not even aware this additional testing was available until I mentioned. How many members do you think are aware of it or what it tells them? Shall we stay in the dark because the current trend is to stay ignorant and happy?

I would ask you these questions:

How do you know the majority of members do not care?
How do you know that?
Are they informed?
If not, would they care if they were properly informed?

If a knowledable subscriber does not know of these tests how would you think even a small fraction of members know what they mean or that they even exist?

What is your concern? That prices go up $1 or $2 per vial? How about $5? That members learn and become knowledgeable about that other 1 to 5% of stuff they are typically injecting? I am genuinely curious.

Eventually this would pressure raw suppliers to tighthen up their synthesis and purification. A movement if you will. And yes with @Axle Labs doing it, it would become a point of competitive differentiation. Other subscribers would follow or fall behind.
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The ideas that you are proposing are very unrealistic and impractical for the most part. But so were the demands for extensive lab testing several years ago

For the record I will respectful disagree with @Millard on above. Once the scope of tests is properly defined then it is as simple as sending the analytical lab extra sample as needed (samples are being sent routinely anyway for APi purity). Of course it would helpful to validate this process with multiple analytical labs (have two independent labs tell you the same thing ). Currently that is a work in progress.

There may be some proof of method developement/scoping work we would need to do with @janoshik (as example) in identifying utility of gcms vs hr-lcms for impurity profiling. Hence I asked @Axle Labs to share his plan if he decides to go this route and I would be happy to assist in vetting along with input /experience from Jano's previous characterization experience. Doesn't sound like he is routinely doing this testing for main AAS. Correct me if wrong.
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He was referring to his source for raws.

that was my question, what info they were providing him with his purchases. In his case, independent testing of his raw and finished product is the way to go.

And of course customers could trust but should verify. I am trying to lay the ground work for what a top tier finished product source should be doing. In some cases it may be better QC than compounding pharmacies.

His feedback is refreshing and useful as it shows how little raw sources are doing in terms of QC / impurity testing on their stuff. That could be improved dramatically.

So it's cool for you trust your source but not for them to trust their source?
No source has fooled with this kind of testing. And the majority of members, including myself do not care. Jano has already stated the heavy metals in aas raws was practically non existent.

You say Liska was interested. But I don't recall them ever paying for this specific testing or whatever. To ask Axle to get it when no other source has is far fetched.
How do you know the majority of members do not care?

This seems like a non-issue. What is your evidence for sounding the alarm bells in this context? How much would you pay personally for this, what is it worth to you?
Or you just want someone else to pay for it because fake "high horse harm reduction."
I will +1 on not caring for this impurity testing. No other source does this (it is a non-issue in my opinion / overkill).

Btw, another successful order @Axle Labs . Arrived 4 days after ordering online.
This seems like a non-issue. What is your evidence for sounding the alarm bells in this context? How much would you pay personally for this, what is it worth to you?
Or you just want someone else to pay for it because fake "high horse harm reduction."
+2 Overkill on unnecessary testing.

Let's be real, does this guy even run UGL gear or just go someplace to bitch?
This seems like a non-issue. What is your evidence for sounding the alarm bells in this context? How much would you pay personally for this, what is it worth to you?
Or you just want someone else to pay for it because fake "high horse harm reduction."
Doesn't seem like @readalot is 'sounding alarm bells'. Nothing wrong with bringing up a preference for additional testing. While I don't agree that it's completely necessary, I DO agree that it would likely give @Axle Labs a competitive edge, at least in terms of comparative safety. Would prove not just source purity but also a higher care for the consumer than other sources
Let's be real, does this guy even run UGL gear or just go someplace to bitch?
I've already answered those questions previously in the Source QC thread. No on the former and I am not bitching. I am attempting to raise the bar on product quality testing and provide information to help educate the consumer. So far I have heard @Axle Labs be open to this type of additional testing. That is commendable. With it we can get the information needed to assess additional cost per vial, 50 CT bottle, etc.

More here:

What is your evidence for sounding the alarm bells in this context?

Alarm bells? That is overly dramatic.

The evidence is the testing and data are simply not there. Therefore, I am working to develop a proposal for how much additional cost would be passed on to end user.

What do you propose? I send @Axle Labs the funds to cover initial testing costs as a workable additional testing protocol is developed?

Without the data how do any of you know whether all of this is an issue or non-issue? Yes I understand each individual is free to keep his head in the sand.

Refreshing to see the subscriber here more forward thinking than some of the clients. Again I will state my observation that the psychology is fascinating.
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We've had no minimum order amount up to now, but just an FYI, we will be setting a $100 minimum order starting January 8th!
Ordered last week sunday and it arrived last tuesday(2 days). Gear is smooth as hell. No pip whatsoever. Was gonna place another order but i missed the sale. Will be ordering again in the future
I don’t know if this is normal but I’ve been awake 23 hours now, I took my gear 9 hours ago and I’m not tired wow this stuff slaps! 1704421998482.png