MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

Anyone else getting order mix ups? This is the third time I've ordered and received a different item than what I paid for. This time around got a vial of Tren E instead of Tren A. Not trying to harp on Axle since he's always sent out the right stuff after being notified, just wondering if others have also had similar issues.
Never I’ve had 10 or more orders fulfilled perfectly everytime.
Never I’ve had 10 or more orders fulfilled perfectly everytime.
Your post history is only about AXLE. I’d be pressed to take your word. AXLE won’t address why the site went down and why it went down the same time muscle candy did. Also won’t really address the dupe bloodwork that they don’t even verify and read for credit sakes.
Your post history is only about AXLE. I’d be pressed to take your word. AXLE won’t address why the site went down and why it went down the same time muscle candy did. Also won’t really address the dupe bloodwork that they don’t even verify and read for credit sakes.
Go look at the lab test thread for axle. You’ll see someone hacked the server or whatever and was posting in there. Got banned.
@Axle Labs how come there was no information provided about why the website went down? Also can you explain why your website went down around the same time muscle candy site went down? Seems like a very odd coincidence considering the history between you two. Also the pack that got “lost” happened around the same time your website went down. Maybe it’s just the paranoia or sheer curiosity but nonetheless some clarity would be nice.

P.S. You also didn’t notice the bloodwork dupes on here. Do you even look at the blood work for business sake or blindly award anyone willing to shout you out?
It was attacked. We said this. And it is also documented here lol (here is the attacker subtly threatening us - scroll down to RonaldRolly's comment):

The attacker continued to email us to pay them. DDOS attacks happen more often than not (usually from competitors or leeches trying to get money from sources)

The pack that got lost happened much much before our website went down. Packs get lost. This person posted about it. Seems like you're grasping for something that's not there.

I have no clue about MC's website going down also. If so, at least we know it wasn't them who did this. This has happened before. We've gotten DDOS'd and then emailed to pay the attacker. Of course, we never do, we just mitigate the attack.

Who duped bloodwork? Link us here. <3
Can probably use a network protocol analyzer like Wireshark to figure out where the packets were being sent from. Chances are they probably slipped up somewhere. Professionals wouldnt be trying to shake people down for $90 (lol).

There seems to be multiple sources experiencing this
It was attacked. We said this. And it is also documented here lol (here is the attacker subtly threatening us - scroll down to RonaldRolly's comment):

The attacker continued to email us to pay them. DDOS attacks happen more often than not (usually from competitors or leeches trying to get money from sources)

The pack that got lost happened much much before our website went down. Packs get lost. This person posted about it. Seems like you're grasping for something that's not there.

I have no clue about MC's website going down also. If so, at least we know it wasn't them who did this. This has happened before. We've gotten DDOS'd and then emailed to pay the attacker. Of course, we never do, we just mitigate the attack.

Who duped bloodwork? Link us here. <3
Okay okay, my apologies I guess I need to dig deeper into all of the subforums before I go on a wild witch hunt. As for bloodwork dupes, any examples I come across I’ll shoot to your support email. Again, thanks for clearing up the site issue and not just linking me to the other thread. Solid from you.
I won't pile on about posting a picture of the packaging, but I am curious whether you intend to send off the T3 for testing?

If not, search the forum for Evolve Biolab

Good eye! I just searched Evolve Biolabs and now I wouldn’t touch them with a 10 foot Pole. That’s why the support on this forum is the best.
I'll look in to it too. But in short is the t3 here not good/fake or worse? Some one asked me to get it for them I would hate to give them somthing unsafe.
Go look at the lab test thread for axle. You’ll see someone hacked the server or whatever and was posting in there. Got banned.
Thanks, I guess I need to comb through more threads before I make wild accusations. I got caught up in all the hyped up drama. My bad everyone. I’ll go sit in the corner for awhile.