Bacne from gear absolutely f****d my physique

I just started, not under the guidance of a derm but just prescribed from my doctor, he gave me instructions with 10 to 20mg per day and he'd relook at it after 3 months, if we had to go up to 40mg he'd monitor my liver values.
I thought I'd just start at 20mg straight away, but fuck that shit, within a week I had dry skin, face was dry, hands, lips, inside my nose, which was ok but the thing that got me was I had a flushed red face, it looked like I was sunburnt, and I got a few comments asking if I'd been out in the sun too long so I dropped back down to 10mg and its all cleared up, I'm going to try going back to 20mg in a month.
My advice is this is a powerful med, don't fuck about with it, take it low and slow, it hasn't even touched my shoulder acne yet but I know it's just a matter of time.
How long have you been on it? How much do you weigh? How bad was your acne?
My man no worries..had the same problem 3 years ago and was so bad, used to many OTC bullshits but at the end I got a prescription for accutane which saved my life.

Since then I never had acne either on my back or chest.

I used 20 mg the first month and increased to 40 mg (20 am 20 pm) the next months.

I been on it for around 5/6 months total, it will take a while to work but it will 100%!1279B59C-40CE-41DA-ACB7-39290C8A664C.jpeg

I attached a pic of my back I cannot believe it was so bad but finally all is over and the same will be for u! for any question let me know!

Keep ur eyes open for side effects they are real!
My man no worries..had the same problem 3 years ago and was so bad, used to many OTC bullshits but at the end I got a prescription for accutane which saved my life.

Since then I never had acne either on my back or chest.

I used 20 mg the first month and increased to 40 mg (20 am 20 pm) the next months.

I been on it for around 5/6 months total, it will take a while to work but it will 100%!View attachment 175000

I attached a pic of my back I cannot believe it was so bad but finally all is over and the same will be for u! for any question let me know!

Keep ur eyes open for side effects they are real!
Appreciate the positivity man- I don't have to tell you how much this shit sucks. So my acne is just about as bad as yours *was, except it covers my lats aswell. Painful shit on back day...

How much did you weigh @ the time of the 20mg/40mg dosing?- And how long did it take at that dosage to really see majority clearance?
What kind of results are you seeing after this 3wk timeframe? If any at all
Nothing yet, but accutane has a 100% success rate so I know it's just a matter of time, for me the side effects of a higher dose outweigh the acne, I don't have any acne on my face so keeping it covered is fine, I will up the dose to 20mg again soon and see if the sides are more manageable with a slower ramping, it's all about the cumulative dose so could be months before I see any real benifit.
Appreciate the positivity man- I don't have to tell you how much this shit sucks. So my acne is just about as bad as yours *was, except it covers my lats aswell. Painful shit on back day...

How much did you weigh @ the time of the 20mg/40mg dosing?- And how long did it take at that dosage to really see majority clearance?
I was probably 80 kg, I was wrong btw it was 5 years ago.

Anyway to see major changes it took up to 2 months, at first it get worst! Then after that will start improving!

Do not give up
Can’t believe nobody has mentioned an antibiotic!! Straight to accutaine huh?

OP, your acne is no longer existing because of a hormone fluctuation, it’s existing because it’s a bacterial infection on the surface of your skin. Hence, acne creates more acne in this case. Sweat spreads the acne too. I’ve dealt with this years ago myself, I used doxycycline, a benzyl wash @ 10%, and a topical medication. It cured it

Reminded me of this story.
Can’t believe nobody has mentioned an antibiotic!! Straight to accutaine huh?

OP, your acne is no longer existing because of a hormone fluctuation, it’s existing because it’s a bacterial infection on the surface of your skin. Hence, acne creates more acne in this case. Sweat spreads the acne too. I’ve dealt with this years ago myself, I used doxycycline, a benzyl wash @ 10%, and a topical medication. It cured it
Doxycycline twice a day

Also azithromycin 250mg 3x a week.
Can’t believe nobody has mentioned an antibiotic!! Straight to accutaine huh?

OP, your acne is no longer existing because of a hormone fluctuation, it’s existing because it’s a bacterial infection on the surface of your skin. Hence, acne creates more acne in this case. Sweat spreads the acne too. I’ve dealt with this years ago myself, I used doxycycline, a benzyl wash @ 10%, and a topical medication. It cured it
Read what guy wrote
Can’t believe nobody has mentioned an antibiotic!! Straight to accutaine huh?

OP, your acne is no longer existing because of a hormone fluctuation, it’s existing because it’s a bacterial infection on the surface of your skin. Hence, acne creates more acne in this case. Sweat spreads the acne too. I’ve dealt with this years ago myself, I used doxycycline, a benzyl wash @ 10%, and a topical medication. It cured it
Used doxy already, along with 3 different topical antibiotic creams and sprays. Zpack aswell...all it did was fuck my stomach up a far bit. Accutane is a last resort but I'm in a last resort kind of predicament. Just wanted to get some general input on dosage & harm reduction so I don't fuck myself up.
Used doxy already, along with 3 different topical antibiotic creams and sprays. Zpack aswell...all it did was fuck my stomach up a far bit. Accutane is a last resort but I'm in a last resort kind of predicament. Just wanted to get some general input on dosage & harm reduction so I don't fuck myself up.
Wow, no results from that either? Damn dude, that sucks!! It’s hard to believe something isn’t out of whack like estrogen
Hi @TrenTrenTren, looks like you're back under an alt account. Hopefully you don't preach the same trash you did the first time.
Can’t believe nobody has mentioned an antibiotic!! Straight to accutaine huh?

OP, your acne is no longer existing because of a hormone fluctuation, it’s existing because it’s a bacterial infection on the surface of your skin. Hence, acne creates more acne in this case. Sweat spreads the acne too. I’ve dealt with this years ago myself, I used doxycycline, a benzyl wash @ 10%, and a topical medication. It cured it
I used an antibiotic on cystic acne and it made it worse.

I stopped fucking with it and stopped to let my skin fix itself and it eventually went away. I did same as OP but mine was 3-5 at a time nothing wild but extremely painful I can’t imagine having it like some of these guys.

Best of luck my friend keep us updated.
Can you elaborate on "dry penis" ?
I do believe when men do not follow the 9 rules of rollo tomato and adhere to the laws that men are naturally dominate over women who should be sex slaves,they do not get their penis' wet and thus suffer "dry penis".

Are you perhalps familiar with any of this or have any advice or life stories about how one can avoid it, mr.redpill?
I do believe when men do not follow the 9 rules of rollo tomato and adhere to the laws that men are naturally dominate over women who should be sex slaves,they do not get their penis' wet and thus suffer "dry penis".

Are you perhalps familiar with any of this or have any advice or life stories about how one can avoid it, mr.redpill?
Not sure about that. But I can tell you that having your back look like you got drilled with 2 shots of rock salt from a 12 gauge is a much larger promoter of "dry penis". Disheartening :(

The only remedy for that is keeping my shirt on while I bang your mom.

And the fuck?-Sex slaves? I never said that. I just think they shouldn't be allowed to vote and/or drive.

Fucking misogynist :rolleyes:
Wow, no results from that either? Damn dude, that sucks!! It’s hard to believe something isn’t out of whack like estrogen
Yup. It's a mind-boggler...along with the fact that my first couple cycles of test were a non-issue in regard to skin health...3rd time is the charm I guess.
I used an antibiotic on cystic acne and it made it worse.

I stopped fucking with it and stopped to let my skin fix itself and it eventually went away. I did same as OP but mine was 3-5 at a time nothing wild but extremely painful I can’t imagine having it like some of these guys.

Best of luck my friend keep us updated.
Antibiotics had the same effect on me.

I'll be starting the Accutane this week and will try to post updates biweekly with images.
Antibiotics had the same effect on me.

I'll be starting the Accutane this week and will try to post updates biweekly with images.
Accutane is slow to work and at first it gets worse before getting better biweekly images are useless. Once a week is enough