Bacne from gear absolutely f****d my physique

Nothing beats roaccutane. Those who say antibiotics and other shit, well, I don't think you had serious enough case of acne. I have been battling acne since 14 years old and it ruined my chest and back leaving nasty scars. Thanks to isotretinoin I defeated it once and for all. Now I just take it from time to time at low doses. I also thankfully responded good to tattoos and no scars formed from that it covered me so well that nobody even noticed anything. Sorta life battle it was.

P.S. up close it is visible, but still I'm super happy that I got it pretty much covered like 80%.
Nothing beats roaccutane. Those who say antibiotics and other shit, well, I don't think you had serious enough case of acne. I have been battling acne since 14 years old and it ruined my chest and back leaving nasty scars. Thanks to isotretinoin I defeated it once and for all. Now I just take it from time to time at low doses. I also thankfully responded good to tattoos and no scars formed from that it covered me so well that nobody even noticed anything. Sorta life battle it was.

P.S. up close it is visible, but still I'm super happy that I got it pretty much covered like 80%.
That's great to hear man. I read that most scarring from acne isn't actually scarring but sort of a...change in pigmentation?? If that makes sense. So I'm hoping I won't be left with any deep scars, just some that will fade over time. But now I know that I can get a big sick back piece if I'm left with craters in my back- there's a positive angle lol..
I’m 40s and just finished a course of accutane at 80mg for 6 months with Zero issues. Well, chapped lips a few days. I also took accutane as a teenager 20+ years ago.

Im not sure how I feel about accutane over all. Probably fine for adults but probably shouldnt be given to young people still developing. In your case OP, I definitely recommend it. Nothing to be scared of. Just pay attention to how you are responding to it.
Accutane is very sensitive. So unless you buy in the individually sealed packets it will be severely degraded. You can look up the dosing online. I did for a while by myself but the accutane i had was shit. I think I ran it for 6months in total and my acne is not completely gone. So worth it!! My acne was as bad as some of those severe cases that have floating around the board. Looked like I had super bad poison ivy. The only problems I had were that is made me depressed sometimes and I started to have some connective tissue problems but they went away afterwards.
The one thing you have to understand is the cumulative dosing. I think I did 80mg a day for about 4-6months. The cumulative dose is 120-150 mg per kg of BW. So for me at the time that was 12000-15000mg is total. So you start at 40mg day then work up to as much as you can stand. It will dry you the fuck out. Like bloody dry lips but its fuckin magic Id do it again if I had to. Then you need to consider doing ED pinning because that will help a lot too.
The other huge problem for me is fucking body hair! Im like a fuckin ape since I started gear. I had like a quarter of the body hair i have now! It changed the hair on my head too. Like made it thicker and grows back quicker..
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Thoughts on going back on blast while on Accutane? My standard 500mgs? Really afraid of my joints getting dry and sustaining an injury in the theory elevated E2 from half a G of test would help mitigate a bit, no?
Thoughts on going back on blast while on Accutane? My standard 500mgs? Really afraid of my joints getting dry and sustaining an injury in the theory elevated E2 from half a G of test would help mitigate a bit, no?
It wouldn't. When I started to have knee problems from Accutane I was on 3g of test and 2g of deca.
It didn't do anything the joint was hurting pretty bad. After I stopped Accutane in 2 weeks I was back to normal. I didn't had any problems with knee before or after that only that time
It will take a while to appear if it will appear to you. Some don't have problems with joints
It wouldn't. When I started to have knee problems from Accutane I was on 3g of test and 2g of deca.
It didn't do anything the joint was hurting pretty bad. After I stopped Accutane in 2 weeks I was back to normal. I didn't had any problems with knee before or after that only that time
It will take a while to appear if it will appear to you. Some don't have problems with joints
Man knee injurys are one of my biggest fears. Bad knees run in the fam- no issues yet, I'm young.

And...I'm sorry...did you just fucking say you were on 2 grams of test and 3 grams of deca?

1. Pretty sure you're lying

2. If you're not lying, how fucking enormous is your prostate?? Does it tickle your ballbag?
Man knee injurys are one of my biggest fears. Bad knees run in the fam- no issues yet, I'm young.

And...I'm sorry...did you just fucking say you were on 2 grams of test and 3 grams of deca?

1. Pretty sure you're lying

2. If you're not lying, how fucking enormous is your prostate?? Does it tickle your ballbag?
I am not lying. I am on huge doses for many years. Back then I didn't need all that now I kinda need those. Much bigger now. I didn't get to 130-135kg with 500 mg of test. Being on 4g of anabolics at least is something normal for me. Between 4-5 is where I stay. Sometimes more

My prostate is fine. I don't get sides effects what everyone complain about it. Or at least not yet. I am healthy as one can be.
Accutane is very sensitive. So unless you buy in the individually sealed packets it will be severely degraded. You can look up the dosing online. I did for a while by myself but the accutane i had was shit. I think I ran it for 6months in total and my acne is not completely gone. So worth it!! My acne was as bad as some of those severe cases that have floating around the board. Looked like I had super bad poison ivy. The only problems I had were that is made me depressed sometimes and I started to have some connective tissue problems but they went away afterwards.
The one thing you have to understand is the cumulative dosing. I think I did 80mg a day for about 4-6months. The cumulative dose is 120-150 mg per kg of BW. So for me at the time that was 12000-15000mg is total. So you start at 40mg day then work up to as much as you can stand. It will dry you the fuck out. Like bloody dry lips but its fuckin magic Id do it again if I had to. Then you need to consider doing ED pinning because that will help a lot too.
The other huge problem for me is fucking body hair! Im like a fuckin ape since I started gear. I had like a quarter of the body hair i have now! It changed the hair on my head too. Like made it thicker and grows back quicker..
"Super bad poison ivy" is highly relatable. I've had to stockpile cheap bed sheets from walmart- I change them every week due to the bleeding.

Secondly, pinning ED with cyp on TRT? Fuck I'm barely pinning .5 cc/week right now. I suppose I'll need slin pins to nail that down? How much of a difference will pinning ED make?
Thoughts on going back on blast while on Accutane? My standard 500mgs? Really afraid of my joints getting dry and sustaining an injury in the theory elevated E2 from half a G of test would help mitigate a bit, no?
I dont know by what mechanism accutane effects joints. Hypothetically it could but i would go with a more sure bet like anavar for collagen synthesis. Eq does it well too better than deca. Or gh is really good for collagen synthesis too
"Super bad poison ivy" is highly relatable. I've had to stockpile cheap bed sheets from walmart- I change them every week due to the bleeding.

Secondly, pinning ED with cyp on TRT? Fuck I'm barely pinning .5 cc/week right now. I suppose I'll need slin pins to nail that down? How much of a difference will pinning ED make?
Acne comes from a hormonal imbalance. When you don't pin every day, you have hormonal imbalances. It also comes from the amount of androgens and how you have a androgen receptors in your skin and it makes the sebaceous glands secrete more oil
Has anyone here tried running low dose accutane throughout their blast - say 5mg or 10mg a day - to ward off acne, rather than the traditional dosing protocol of 0.5mg-1mg/kg?
Has anyone here tried running low dose accutane throughout their blast - say 5mg or 10mg a day - to ward off acne, rather than the traditional dosing protocol of 0.5mg-1mg/kg?
20mg day for 3 weeks then 10mg day for 1-2 weeks and then 2-3x week 10mg for some time until I forget. Usually no more than couple months. Max twice a year and it keeps me acne free. Although when O just cruise and don't blast I don't experience any acne it's when I lower the dose it happens. Also orals like dbol or winstrol are bad for acne. But I don't do orals anymore.
Has anyone here tried running low dose accutane throughout their blast - say 5mg or 10mg a day - to ward off acne, rather than the traditional dosing protocol of 0.5mg-1mg/kg?
Isotretinoin can be used weekly.
Say you have an individual that ran roacctuane, and 2 months after cessation, slight acne reappears etc.

There are cases where a top-up or weekly maintenance dose is highly effective.

My acne returned after roaccutane, real piece of shit on self esteem, I actually forgot how hard life was with acne.

I would def use it again, however I think one should always try address the issue in conjunction with medication.
Took accutane i while back. Left me with nasty permanent sides because i took 0.75 mg per kg.
Running very low dose (around 10mg per day)i think is the best to avoid the bad sides.
Took accutane i while back. Left me with nasty permanent sides because i took 0.75 mg per kg.
Running very low dose (around 10mg per day)i think is the best to avoid the bad sides.
That's what I think. I think accutane/isotretinoin gets a bad rep for sides because historically it's been prescribed at very high dosages for people that naturally have severe acne, with the aim of reaching a cumulative dosage of 120mg per kg or whatever as quickly as possible to cure their acne permanently.

For those of us that get milder acne from using gear it may be possible to keep it at bay from using far lower dosages. I'm using 5mg a day at the moment but too early to say for sure how effective it is. I also let it get out of control by not doing anything sooner.

What permanent sides did you get?
That's what I think. I think accutane/isotretinoin gets a bad rep for sides because historically it's been prescribed at very high dosages for people that naturally have severe acne, with the aim of reaching a cumulative dosage of 120mg per kg or whatever as quickly as possible to cure their acne permanently.

For those of us that get milder acne from using gear it may be possible to keep it at bay from using far lower dosages. I'm using 5mg a day at the moment but too early to say for sure how effective it is. I also let it get out of control by not doing anything sooner.

What permanent sides did you get?

1/ collagenous microscopic colitis (a disease who is mostly found in women after 60 years old) i am a man and was 20 years when i took the tane
2/ painful joints to the point that running 1 mile will give me pains for weeks
3/ probably also low testosterone, but I didn’t knew it a that time. Doctors labeled my fatigue as CFS. I am on trt now.

These symptoms all started when the doctor switched me to 60 mg per day towards the end of treatment instead of the 40 mg i took during 4 months with only the usual side effects. after 3 weeks I started bleeding from my ass (hemorroids), stopped the tane after 3 days when the blood appeared but I think it was too late, damage was already done.

Never felt the same after that period (it was 24 years ago)
1/ collagenous microscopic colitis (a disease who is mostly found in women after 60 years old) i am a man and was 20 years when i took the tane
2/ painful joints to the point that running 1 mile will give me pains for weeks
3/ probably also low testosterone, but I didn’t knew it a that time. Doctors labeled my fatigue as CFS. I am on trt now.

These symptoms all started when the doctor switched me to 60 mg per day towards the end of treatment instead of the 40 mg i took during 4 months with only the usual side effects. after 3 weeks I started bleeding from my ass (hemorroids), stopped the tane after 3 days when the blood appeared but I think it was too late, damage was already done.

Never felt the same after that period (it was 24 years ago)
Motherfuck. You are scaring the tits off me dude...were you on any other meds at the time? And apprx how much did you weigh on the 60mg dosage?
Random question with accutane.

Personally don’t have bad acne at the moment. But my pores/black heads are pretty shitty and I still do have a few pop up every couple of weeks.

Is it worth running an extremely low dose for 1+ years like some have done just to do it for better skin in general and prevent an incident in the future from blasting? Or is the stress associated not worth putting your body through just to have better skin?

Girl friend is an esthetician so I get shit done all the time for free and have top of the line skin care shit. No idea what half of it is but damn it’s nasty what comes out of my face.
Random question with accutane.

Personally don’t have bad acne at the moment. But my pores/black heads are pretty shitty and I still do have a few pop up every couple of weeks.

Is it worth running an extremely low dose for 1+ years like some have done just to do it for better skin in general and prevent an incident in the future from blasting? Or is the stress associated not worth putting your body through just to have better skin?

Girl friend is an esthetician so I get shit done all the time for free and have top of the line skin care shit. No idea what half of it is but damn it’s nasty what comes out of my face.
I would try a high dose of vitamin A before taking Roaccutane.

I would NOT take that much.
I would try 10.000 - 30.000 IU and see if you notice any benefits.
At 10-20.000 I notice dramatic improvement in skin.
Give it a few weeks, skin may worsen a bit before it improves.