Bacne from gear absolutely f****d my physique

Man it took alot to post this picture...this is the first time anyone besides myself has seen my back in 6 months.

I said I would keep a log so here it is...

Week 1 on 40mgs Accutane
-No change in skin texture, though a bit more dry than usual around my nose area. Though I don't get acne anywhere other than my back
-No side effects so far
-20mgs in AM 20mgs in PM
I will be posting updates every 10 days or so. I am currently in the worst shape of my life due to the fact that I can't train upper body bc of the immense pain from the cysts...and almost zero cardio to minimize sweating. I've put on almost 12 lbs of fat in the past 2 weeks. To go from having a flawless shredded physique to 16% BF covered in acne has made me just about the most depressed I've been in my life. I don't approach women anymore. I don't do the things I like anymore. I have to minimize physical contact with friends and family- because if I get a pat on the back I will indiscriminately and unintentionally throw a right hook due to the pain(not literally). I know things will improve and I'm just trying to keep a positive mindset. Judgement free zone please haha (sad face).
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I would have run a strong course of doxy + topical antibiotics/antibacterials to put the fire out and then accutane. I don't think you can run both together. Accutane takes a while to work. I wouldn't expect much after a few weeks. It takes months.

Never had it that bad but I used to run 10-20mg accutane ed-eod on cycle for years until I was able to replace it with metformin and green tea extract. They are both surprisingly effective for acne. I still have permanent dry skin on my legs from that accutane dosage and I never went higher. Higher dosages can really fuck you up.
I would have run a strong course of doxy + topical antibiotics/antibacterials to put the fire out and then accutane. I don't think you can run both together. Accutane takes a while to work. I wouldn't expect much after a few weeks. It takes months.

Never had it that bad but I used to run 10-20mg accutane ed-eod on cycle for years until I was able to replace it with metformin and green tea extract. They are both surprisingly effective for acne. I still have permanent dry skin on my legs from that accutane dosage and I never went higher. Higher dosages can really fuck you up.
I already have, it's all in the original post.
Man I feel for you. You can totally self prescribe Accutane but you need to get bloodwork done ad it is hard on lipid and liver and kidney markers. I took Deca once and was a walking disaster of a pimple. It was horrible and I know what you mean. Any 19 Nors fuck me hard. Doctor doesn't do shit but write a script and see you again if there's an issue.
Accutane worked fantastically for me. Self prescribed. 20-40mg per day until I hit the normal cumulative dose of about 150mg/kg body weight. I think it was around week 3-5 I got a shit ton of white heads and then after that it really started clearing up. I want to say it was around a year and a half to hit the cumulative dose.

10000% worth it. Had dry lips during it, have what feels like a kinda stuffy/restricted nose pretty much 24/7 as the only long term side. I ran it several years ago. Absolutely worth it. I was at a similar level of what your back looks like
Alright another log in the books. Finished the second week but forgot to post on the 25th, so I'll do that now.
(Day 15) on Accutane.


As you can see- my back is drying up a bit. Atleast the area around the cystic acne. I still get new cysts just as frequently, and they're just as big and painful- so no change there. But nonetheless definitely drying up. I find if I wash my back 3x/day like I use to, it get's TOO dry and gets irritated.

My face is very dry all the time and my lips are starting to chap. Applying chap stick 5x/day. I also get the occasional nose bleed if I touch it too much. Joints feel fine- no change.

I feel a bit of depression aswell and a little more spaced out than usual. I'm not sure if it's placebo that is causing my mood change or if it's a legitimate side. Nothing too alarming but my emotions are definitely more dull :/

I'm on day 18 now so I'll be back in 4 days with the 3 week photo & update.
Alright another log in the books. Finished the second week but forgot to post on the 25th, so I'll do that now.
(Day 15) on Accutane.

View attachment 176039
View attachment 176040

As you can see- my back is drying up a bit. Atleast the area around the cystic acne. I still get new cysts just as frequently, and they're just as big and painful- so no change there. But nonetheless definitely drying up. I find if I wash my back 3x/day like I use to, it get's TOO dry and gets irritated.

My face is very dry all the time and my lips are starting to chap. Applying chap stick 5x/day. I also get the occasional nose bleed if I touch it too much. Joints feel fine- no change.

I feel a bit of depression aswell and a little more spaced out than usual. I'm not sure if it's placebo that is causing my mood change or if it's a legitimate side. Nothing too alarming but my emotions are definitely more dull :/

I'm on day 18 now so I'll be back in 4 days with the 3 week photo & update.
how's progress coming man?
I hope the treatment goes well for you, I had bad acne when I first cycled but that was 15years ago. I guess I can say it becomes better as you age for me at least.

That shit is scary and frustrating, all the best bud.
Alright another log in the books. Finished the second week but forgot to post on the 25th, so I'll do that now.
(Day 15) on Accutane.

View attachment 176039
View attachment 176040

As you can see- my back is drying up a bit. Atleast the area around the cystic acne. I still get new cysts just as frequently, and they're just as big and painful- so no change there. But nonetheless definitely drying up. I find if I wash my back 3x/day like I use to, it get's TOO dry and gets irritated.

My face is very dry all the time and my lips are starting to chap. Applying chap stick 5x/day. I also get the occasional nose bleed if I touch it too much. Joints feel fine- no change.

I feel a bit of depression aswell and a little more spaced out than usual. I'm not sure if it's placebo that is causing my mood change or if it's a legitimate side. Nothing too alarming but my emotions are definitely more dull :/

I'm on day 18 now so I'll be back in 4 days with the 3 week photo & update.
Bro you do everything wrong what you possibly could do wrong , your back acne is a 4/10 and you could get completely rid off if you started taking only 20mg EOD
Also stop showering hot and start to shower ice cold only and also do 30min cardio , not bicycle,not rows but real cardio like running for 30min straight or stairmaster for 30min straight , you have to sweat a lot , do the cold shower right after the cardio and then hop in the sauna .

My English is not good enough to explain it with science. But do as I say I will promise you that you back acne will be gone by 80-90% after 2 weeks and completely gone after 3-4weeks.

I am taking Accutane since I am 15 years old (I am 24 now) straight for 9 years without a break . And I have no health issues. I only take 20mg EOD . Everything higher will fuck up your liver
how's progress coming man?

Thanks for asking bro. Acne is completely gone ! All thats left is some scarring which I'm figuring out how to take care already has faded significantly, I believe the accutane helps with that.

I was fortunate to see my back clear completely after only 3 months of accutane(still continuing usage until I reach cumulative dose). Things have been real busy at work so I haven't had time to post on this thread, but I have progress pics that I'm gonna throw up's night and day. Accutane is the best thing ever.
I hope the treatment goes well for you, I had bad acne when I first cycled but that was 15years ago. I guess I can say it becomes better as you age for me at least.

That shit is scary and frustrating, all the best bud.
Thats some nasty shit!
Looks like war to me hope you defeat it!Good luck!
It was absolute back is 100% clear now. No new acne just some scarring left over. Gonna post a complete before and after soon.
Bro you do everything wrong what you possibly could do wrong , your back acne is a 4/10 and you could get completely rid off if you started taking only 20mg EOD
Also stop showering hot and start to shower ice cold only and also do 30min cardio , not bicycle,not rows but real cardio like running for 30min straight or stairmaster for 30min straight , you have to sweat a lot , do the cold shower right after the cardio and then hop in the sauna .

My English is not good enough to explain it with science. But do as I say I will promise you that you back acne will be gone by 80-90% after 2 weeks and completely gone after 3-4weeks.

I am taking Accutane since I am 15 years old (I am 24 now) straight for 9 years without a break . And I have no health issues. I only take 20mg EOD . Everything higher will fuck up your liver
I appreciate you taking the time to write that up, but I had already tried literally all of these things with no results...cold showers, sweating, sauna, topicals, ice baths, antibiotics, gluten free/dairy free, peroxides... what worked for you may not work for others. We all have different skin types and hormone levels.

If you think my acne was a 4/10 I cannot imagine what an 8 or 10/10 looks like...I couldn't even wear a shirt for a whole week at one point...that's how painful it was.

You're fortunate that your acne was 80-90% gone after 2 weeks...that was not the case for myself...even at 40mgs/days. And even then, at the 2 week mark there was very little change.

But I do appreciate you being helpful, again! My acne is gone now...

Currently on 60mgs/day and my liver values are great! Taking NAC by the boat load and a gallon of water per day...NO SIDES!
I appreciate you taking the time to write that up, but I had already tried literally all of these things with no results...cold showers, sweating, sauna, topicals, ice baths, antibiotics, gluten free/dairy free, peroxides... what worked for you may not work for others. We all have different skin types and hormone levels.

If you think my acne was a 4/10 I cannot imagine what an 8 or 10/10 looks like...I couldn't even wear a shirt for a whole week at one point...that's how painful it was.

You're fortunate that your acne was 80-90% gone after 2 weeks...that was not the case for myself...even at 40mgs/days. And even then, at the 2 week mark there was very little change.

But I do appreciate you being helpful, again! My acne is gone now...

Currently on 60mgs/day and my liver values are great! Taking NAC by the boat load and a gallon of water per day...NO SIDES!
If you live in eu I can send you german pharma grade isotretenoin for free
Thanks for asking bro. Acne is completely gone ! All thats left is some scarring which I'm figuring out how to take care already has faded significantly, I believe the accutane helps with that.

I was fortunate to see my back clear completely after only 3 months of accutane(still continuing usage until I reach cumulative dose). Things have been real busy at work so I haven't had time to post on this thread, but I have progress pics that I'm gonna throw up's night and day. Accutane is the best thing ever.
The scarring will fade away in time, I didn’t have acne as bad as yours but it was bad enough years ago that I went to a dermatologist and got prescribed a few different meds for it. If you saw my back now it’s clear and you’d never know I had severe acne
I appreciate you taking the time to write that up, but I had already tried literally all of these things with no results...cold showers, sweating, sauna, topicals, ice baths, antibiotics, gluten free/dairy free, peroxides... what worked for you may not work for others. We all have different skin types and hormone levels.

If you think my acne was a 4/10 I cannot imagine what an 8 or 10/10 looks like...I couldn't even wear a shirt for a whole week at one point...that's how painful it was.

You're fortunate that your acne was 80-90% gone after 2 weeks...that was not the case for myself...even at 40mgs/days. And even then, at the 2 week mark there was very little change.

But I do appreciate you being helpful, again! My acne is gone now...

Currently on 60mgs/day and my liver values are great! Taking NAC by the boat load and a gallon of water per day...NO SIDES!
Looking forward to the updates man! Glad your back is looking and feeling better.
The scarring will fade away in time, I didn’t have acne as bad as yours but it was bad enough years ago that I went to a dermatologist and got prescribed a few different meds for it. If you saw my back now it’s clear and you’d never know I had severe acne
Great. Looking forward to the clear phsyique again. Some of them are actually faded by 50% by now. A few more months + exfoliating and moisturizing every day and we will hopefully see a big difference.

I've heard that tanning/uv exposure is great for breaking down scar tissue. But not the smartest move with the accutane...or do you think I shouldn't be that concerned?