Bacne from gear absolutely f****d my physique

Great. Looking forward to the clear phsyique again. Some of them are actually faded by 50% by now. A few more months + exfoliating and moisturizing every day and we will hopefully see a big difference.

I've heard that tanning/uv exposure is great for breaking down scar tissue. But not the smartest move with the accutane...or do you think I shouldn't be that concerned?
It helps when the shit is dried up but I’ve learned not to do it during active outbreaks cause that sweat spreads bacteria and can make it worse (standup booth probably better for this so you ain’t lying in your sweat)
Bit out of the topic but - if i have taken accutane before 30mg for 6months and it cleared my back well, don't get outbreaks anymore - is it less likely that i will get acne/bacne while on cycle?
To anyone who may have concerns about taking accutane...shut the fuck up and DO IT!

30mgs/day for 4 months...little to no sides, just some dry lips at first.


Feels great to be acne free finally.
ayyy badass results dude. glad it worked. acne is a bitch. working our asses off to look great and then nasty pimples show up and destroy all the hard work.

regarding some earlier comments, just in case anyone new comes across the post and wants some clarification, the issue with UGL accutane isn't necessarily the storage of it so much as the ingredients it's mixed with. UGL is usually pressed in a basic tablet whereas pharma has some type of oil based mixture. there's a good study somewhere explaining it i'm just paraphrasing (hopefully correctly)

also you do NOT need the pharma recommended doses. they normally tell people 1mg/kg which is outrageous. that's 80-100mg a day for some people. that's just begging for side effects and liver damage.

studies were done and found people who were on a fraction of the dosage had almost identical results with virtually no side effects.

i'm taking about 25mg a day and that has been great for me. it's enough to dry me out, but it's not nuking my skin into oblivion to where it can't rejuvenate. accutane slows / halts the activity in the sebaceous glands to prevent the overproduction of oil in your skin which is certainly nice to prevent new acne from forming.... but at SOME point you will need at least a little bit of that oil to maintain a healthy balance of skin moisture and nutrients.
a little witch hazel, tea tree oil and alcohol, mixed in small spray bottle, you can buy from the dollar store, does wonders for the back. doesn't smell the greatest, but it's the easiest way, to get at the back, doing it yourself.
To anyone who may have concerns about taking accutane...shut the fuck up and DO IT!

30mgs/day for 4 months...little to no sides, just some dry lips at first.

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Feels great to be acne free finally.
really happy to see these results, ive been on accutane twice now. 40mg/6-7 months, barely any sides other than slightly dry skin and a chapstick addiction. horror stories are few and far between.
Congrats. I had a pretty bad run of bacne after a deca run a number of years ago.

ayyy badass results dude. glad it worked. acne is a bitch. working our asses off to look great and then nasty pimples show up and destroy all the hard work.

regarding some earlier comments, just in case anyone new comes across the post and wants some clarification, the issue with UGL accutane isn't necessarily the storage of it so much as the ingredients it's mixed with. UGL is usually pressed in a basic tablet whereas pharma has some type of oil based mixture. there's a good study somewhere explaining it i'm just paraphrasing (hopefully correctly)

also you do NOT need the pharma recommended doses. they normally tell people 1mg/kg which is outrageous. that's 80-100mg a day for some people. that's just begging for side effects and liver damage.

studies were done and found people who were on a fraction of the dosage had almost identical results with virtually no side effects.

i'm taking about 25mg a day and that has been great for me. it's enough to dry me out, but it's not nuking my skin into oblivion to where it can't rejuvenate. accutane slows / halts the activity in the sebaceous glands to prevent the overproduction of oil in your skin which is certainly nice to prevent new acne from forming.... but at SOME point you will need at least a little bit of that oil to maintain a healthy balance of skin moisture and nutrients.

really happy to see these results, ive been on accutane twice now. 40mg/6-7 months, barely any sides other than slightly dry skin and a chapstick addiction. horror stories are few and far between.

Nice man! I’m on month 3 and I no longer have anymore breakouts. What did you do to get the acne marks to fade? Your skin looks so clear


Here is the updated. 30mgs of accutane/day saved my fucking life. Also about 20lbs of muscle in between these pics. Alot of scars remain but about 80% of them are completely faded. For the scaring I mixed literal *sand*(yes the kind you get from a beach), dial soap, retinol cream, and tea tree oil in a big shampoo tube...and I would apply that heavily to a course back brush and aggressively exfoliated the shit out of my back 3x/day everyday for 6 months. May seem like a strange combination of ingredients but I could explain why it works if anyone is interested.
Reduce to 20mg even 10mg if you are sensitive to cracked lips and keep doing it for almost another 12 months. Don't stop now.

So you will be free for a very long time probably your whole life, if you stop now you will.probably have to do another cycle of accutane few years down the road.

Accutane saved my life and my wife life as well. It's a game changer, the only important thing is cumulative dose and not how much you take everyday. One could even take 10mg a day, it will just take a longer cycle compared to higher dosages.but less you take less sides you have ☺️

Enjoy the results! Nice physique :)
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Here is the updated. 30mgs of accutane/day saved my fucking life. Also about 20lbs of muscle in between these pics. Alot of scars remain but about 80% of them are completely faded. For the scaring I mixed literal *sand*(yes the kind you get from a beach), dial soap, retinol cream, and tea tree oil in a big shampoo tube...and I would apply that heavily to a course back brush and aggressively exfoliated the shit out of my back 3x/day everyday for 6 months. May seem like a strange combination of ingredients but I could explain why it works if anyone is interested.

Did the accutane do anything for the scarring or did it just stop the acne? I had to do a 6 month run a couple years ago at 80mg/day and the purge was intense. It actually left a lot of scars on my back that haven't gone away yet. Looking for solutions.

P.S. I'd be interested in hearing why that mix works.
Did the accutane do anything for the scarring or did it just stop the acne? I had to do a 6 month run a couple years ago at 80mg/day and the purge was intense. It actually left a lot of scars on my back that haven't gone away yet. Looking for solutions.

P.S. I'd be interested in hearing why that mix works.
I would try retinol cream. Low concentration first, don't put too much.
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Here is the updated. 30mgs of accutane/day saved my fucking life. Also about 20lbs of muscle in between these pics. Alot of scars remain but about 80% of them are completely faded. For the scaring I mixed literal *sand*(yes the kind you get from a beach), dial soap, retinol cream, and tea tree oil in a big shampoo tube...and I would apply that heavily to a course back brush and aggressively exfoliated the shit out of my back 3x/day everyday for 6 months. May seem like a strange combination of ingredients but I could explain why it works if anyone is interested.
Good work man, happy for u, I told you low dose roaccutane rocks. Nothing helped my shit acne except isotretinoin, I fired all my dermatologists and became my own fucking doctor years ago.

I have no pics, but you would not believe how fucked up cystic acne I had even before steroids! Shit made me depressed and that's why I got in to fitness and bodybuilding. I got tattoos to cover my scars. Trust me shit was wrecking my life back then. Now I see you, I remember myself and I was in way worse situation believe me bro.

Now if it happens again don't hesitate. 20mg for 4-6 weeks and you're clean, I know it first hand. Acne is my enemy.
My man no worries..had the same problem 3 years ago and was so bad, used to many OTC bullshits but at the end I got a prescription for accutane which saved my life.

Since then I never had acne either on my back or chest.

I used 20 mg the first month and increased to 40 mg (20 am 20 pm) the next months.

I been on it for around 5/6 months total, it will take a while to work but it will 100%!View attachment 175000

I attached a pic of my back I cannot believe it was so bad but finally all is over and the same will be for u! for any question let me know!

Keep ur eyes open for side effects they are real!

DAMNED DUDE! I thought had it bad. Fuck.

Note the spider bites on left tri


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Awesome to see.

You mention "20lbs of muscle between these pics", does that mean you were blasting the whole time? Just curious how much you were on while still having accutane do its thing
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Here is the updated. 30mgs of accutane/day saved my fucking life. Also about 20lbs of muscle in between these pics. Alot of scars remain but about 80% of them are completely faded. For the scaring I mixed literal *sand*(yes the kind you get from a beach), dial soap, retinol cream, and tea tree oil in a big shampoo tube...and I would apply that heavily to a course back brush and aggressively exfoliated the shit out of my back 3x/day everyday for 6 months. May seem like a strange combination of ingredients but I could explain why it works if anyone is interested.
Wow your back looks good bro! Did you use that wash combo while on the accutane or did you wait till you were all done? I’m thinking about trying it.
View attachment 268521

Here is the updated. 30mgs of accutane/day saved my fucking life. Also about 20lbs of muscle in between these pics. Alot of scars remain but about 80% of them are completely faded. For the scaring I mixed literal *sand*(yes the kind you get from a beach), dial soap, retinol cream, and tea tree oil in a big shampoo tube...and I would apply that heavily to a course back brush and aggressively exfoliated the shit out of my back 3x/day everyday for 6 months. May seem like a strange combination of ingredients but I could explain why it works if anyone is interested.

What amounts of each ingredient did you use by the way? And what strength was the retinol cream? I wanna try this.
Any form of nandrolone fucks my skin up so bad. Luckily I am pretty naturally tan so it doesnt show the scars as much now but never running nandrolone again

everything else ive ran ive been fine