
Hello guys,

Here is a new source. It's a Friday, the last day of a "magnificent" year. A new year's eve.
We have the best prices for domestic, and we are running a great promo at the moment, check the site out.

Payment with Bitcoin.


Wickrme: chemicalmuscle

That's it? Wow. You really went all out.. that must have took an impressively low amount of effort XD

I don't think you will be finding and customers here with an intro that lame.
Hello guys,

Here is a new source. It's a Friday, the last day of a "magnificent" year. A new year's eve.
We have the best prices for domestic, and we are running a great promo at the moment, check the site out.

Payment with Bitcoin.


Wickrme: chemicalmuscle

Your introduction is so pathetic, you don't even require any vetting questions. Go away.
No where else can I find info on this site. His webpage loads slow, so he has a shitty host. No sucker is gonna send you $
I have the slightest clue if these guys are legit or not but they have a good amount of Balkan and Sp products from what I saw browsing the site
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. You guys left nothing to be desired. Precisely as expected.
There is more SP to be added to the site soon. Shipping EU Domestic in 5-7 days. To the US approximately 20 days.

I'm not saying thay I'm better than anyone. I don't know these guys and quite frankly I'm not interested. The thing that i know though is that we are a legitimate business, and we are not out to steal anyone's hard earned money like it has been insinuated above. We have been in the business for long enough to know that short win is no win at all and reputation is the biggest asset.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. You guys left nothing to be desired. Precisely as expected.
There is more SP to be added to the site soon. Shipping EU Domestic in 5-7 days. To the US approximately 20 days.

Other places have lower prices, and better service. Check out your competition.. I don't see where you have one damn thing to offer.

Quit trying to bullshit us, using words like "We have been in business long enough". How long do you claim you have been in business with THIS WEBSITE (selling cool aid and delivering newspapers does not count)

You don't have anything special to offer. You don' have enough sales to keep afloat with a decent product. Bahhhh quit wasting our time.
Other places have lower prices, and better service. Check out your competition.. I don't see where you have one damn thing to offer.

Quit trying to bullshit us, using words like "We have been in business long enough". How long do you claim you have been in business with THIS WEBSITE (selling cool aid and delivering newspapers does not count)

You don't have anything special to offer. You don' have enough sales to keep afloat with a decent product. Bahhhh quit wasting our time.
And..... How did you get to know all that info?? Please enlighten me
And..... How did you get to know all that info?? Please enlighten me
I've run a business.

And a google search shows no trail of you being in business for any length of time.

And you mention you don't care about the other companies. You should. You need to know what's out there in the marketplace. If you don't have something special to offer, you'll just piss along, till you go under... ripping people off.

Your website is slow, shows you can't even afford a good host. You are working on a shoe string budget.

I'll give you 3 months, and you'll be gone.
I've run a business.

And a google search shows no trail of you being in business for any length of time.

And you mention you don't care about the other companies. You should. You need to know what's out there in the marketplace. If you don't have something special to offer, you'll just piss along, till you go under... ripping people off.

Your website is slow, shows you can't even afford a good host. You are working on a shoe string budget.

I'll give you 3 months, and you'll be gone.
This webste is new, that is correct and there has been no SEO done on it. But, that does not mean that we have not been in the business long. We had other sites.

As for competitors, I am quite aware that there are some people who might have cheaper prices with other brands and even same brands but i assure you these guys are just trying to break prices for a while and sacrifice their profit for a while to gain customer base and then go up again. this practice is very common in this sector and every sector I'd assume.
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This webste is new, that is correct and there has been no SEO done on it. But, that does not mean that we have not been in the business long. We had other sites.
You had other sites? So you put a site up, scam people, vanish... then put up another site!

Thanks for proving me right.. saying you have already failed before. :)

Where are these other "mysterious" sites. Im sure you'll not want to disclose that. And I'm sure you will find people here very accepting of you keeping secrets.