Beware Spetz - Tiff - I_Know_Nothing - HardBodyGirl - jackmeoff1

Gyno is due to a "poor genetic response to steroids," is it? You sure about that?



You know, HBG, any normal person would be embarrassed for looking like a fool every time they open their mouth, but not you. Keep making yourself sound as dumb as you look, though, because it sure is funny. LMFAO

Typical fucking coward, though. Taking shots at those brave enough to post their picture while you hide behind a keyboard on Orlando like Mickey fucking Mouse. Skank.

"Brave enough to post their picture while i hide behind a keyboard?" Lol! Yeah i guess you would have to be brave to post pictures like the guys your referring to on this board! And, I have plenty of pictures you dumbass! I would really like to see a picture of YOU! With your 50 lbs. of gaping asshole flesh hanging there! Can you say rectal bleeding? @CensoredBoardsSuck Lmfao!
"Brave enough to post their picture while i hide behind a keyboard?" Lol! Yeah i guess you would have to be brave to post pictures like the guys your referring to on this board! And, I have plenty of pictures you dumbass! I would really like to see a picture of YOU! With your 50 lbs. of gaping asshole flesh hanging there! Can you say rectal bleeding? @CensoredBoardsSuck Lmfao!

You have a dirty mouth for a "self-proclaimed" Christian! Praise the lord and hallelujah! LMFAO

Hey, I thought you were leaving? You said you were gonna leave at least A DOZEN TIMES!

No, you aren't going anywhere yet. You'll be here until the boys with the long armed sports coat come and pick you up again. Shouldn't be long now - I heard they were just putting up the padded wallpaper in your room.
You have a dirty mouth for a "self-proclaimed" Christian! Praise the lord and hallelujah! LMFAO

Hey, I thought you were leaving? You said you were gonna leave at least A DOZEN TIMES!

No, you aren't going anywhere yet. You'll be here until the boys with the long armed sports coat come and pick you up again. Shouldn't be long now - I heard they were just putting up the padded wallpaper in your room.

Nope! Never said i was leaving! You got me confused with someone else. And since you haven't figured out yet, that i say things that i say, simply to get a reaction out of
you... then your more ignorant than you act on this forum! Also.. since you brought it up... i never claimed to be a saint, and i do in fact have a filthy mouth when i want to emphasize a point. The thing your missing here since you don't believe in GOD... is that's strictly between myself and HIM! However, you frequently blaspheme GOD, christian's, and religion in general! So do a little studying on blasphemy, and you'll find out just what the consequence's for that are! Keep running your mouth about GOD and religion though, and i promise you that A.I.D.S. or some other sexually transmitted disease isn't all you'll have to worry about! You've been warned dude! Keep letting your buffalo mouth, overload your hummingbird ass, and see where it gets you!
Please STOP comparing football players to weightlifters, bodybuilders, and powerlifters... you fucking complete
imbecile! And YES! All my friends including guys i know in their 20's here... are stronger than ALL your football heroes! Get a brain will you? I guess thats like asking the sun not to shine though!

I have been powerlifting for over 10years professionally. I have been to MANY national & state championship competitions. That being said, football players train very similar to powerlifters (I also played football, through high school & in college). So it is a fair comparison. Yes, the powerlifters of old (10 - 15 years ago) did not train the way most powerlifter’s today train. But the old 1RM routine of just beating the heavy weights over and over again was found to not be beneficial over time and also seemed to cause a lot more injuries.

I still powerlift and I have a meet coming up in 3 months. I bench in the mid to high 300's and I'm one of the strongest RAW benchers in my weight class. As a matter of fact it is usually my bench that helps me gain ground against my other competitors because they have to use shirts to try and even get close to 300, were as if I use a shirt I'm in the low 400's. So even if my competitor is a short stalky little fucker with huge legs and he out squats me, I will out bench him and then it all comes down to the Deadlift.

Obviously you are blowing smoke here; you don't know what you're talking about. That or you are feeding young guys (in the 20's) gear. Which in my opinion is SOOOOO FUCKED UP!!! Maybe you’re not and if so then don't take offense, but for someone like myself who HAS been training for many years and has been in literally over 100 different gyms. With some of the strongest people on this fucking planet, to say that lots of people "you know" bench over 400lbs raw is just so ridiculous.
I didnt know 300lb bench was that hard for most people let alone veterans. Seriously I didnt know that. 300 is my default bench. Not that I practice powerlifting much any more but I've been able to hoist that since I was 180 and 16 yrs old. I always revered 400 tho. Never tried that
As many of you already know, there's been a lot of deceit and deviousness surrounding Spetz's operation since he arrived at Meso on August 2. The biggest issue was when he suddenly disappeared, leaving customers with money on the line believing they had been scammed. During his absence, Tiff showed up under very mysterious circumstances, claiming to be a rep and asking for customer info. When Spetz finally returned, he brushed off any questions about Tiff's connection to his operation.

Spetz was also recently banned from reddit for bribery so it's clear that he's not above engaging in malevolent behavior to further his goals.

Not long after Spetz's return to Meso, when it looked as though he was finished, HardBodyGirl showed up. Despite repeated warnings to stay away from anything Spetz related, she continues to shill for him. She's also been caught trying to source by sending UNSOLICITED PMs to members.

JerkingHimselfOff1 arrived on July 29 - around the same time as Spetz, and until the last week, almost all of his posts involved Spetz.

I_Know-Nothing is the latest addition to this motley crew. He just arrived on Jan 7 and post whored his way to 100 posts in his first 24-hours. It was clear that IKN was not a new member as soon as he started posting. I believe his blatant attempts to create confusion about accepted testing protocols were designed to shield Spetz from criticism of his underdosed gear that some have been reporting. In addition, JerkingHimselfOff was also working with IKN to create confusion.

I believe we're dealing with impostor accounts and probably a couple of friends who are covertly working together in order to push this lab. Brutus, Johnny and I were able to get the IP's for all of these accounts and they lead directly to Spetz.
Spetz has admitted that he is based in Tampa FL, so I'm not giving away any secrets there.

IKN's IP showed that he is posting from the same location in Tampa as Spetz.

HardBodyGirl's IP showed that she is posting from Orlando FL, not far from Spetz. She's always talking about her brother who is also using Spetz's gear and I suspect one of the accomplices is the brother.

JerkingHimSelfOff's IP is not from Florida. At first, I though he might not be involved but then he posted a picture of his prescription Test C. The label shows that it was filled at a pharmacy in Palm Harbor FL - Tampa.


Meso has seen an increasing number of impostor and shill accounts working for sources in the last couple of months, and these accounts are another example. Four pro-Spetz accounts who just happen to be located in, or very near to, Tampa FL, is not a coincidence. It's a highly organized attempt to deceive Meso members. BEWARE
Impressive investigation skills dudes! Thanks for continuing to do what you can to keep members/sources honest! It's very much appreciated.
@gr8whitetrukker sounds like you're a natural bench guy like me!

If I remember right you've got 20 - 30lbs on me though :)
I wouldnt say natural. I have long arms which arent optimal for great powrlifting form. But i have overly sturdy shoulders and pecs which help suppress the weight. Im currently 262 some fat too. If i was still interested in powerlifting i would lose 70 lb cuz it allows me to compete in the under 200 class where i have a real advantage.

But im in to building my phyisque now. The movements have changed and the way i perform those exercises have changed. In body building it often requires less weight and a target of muscle groups hit intentionally. Where powerlifting is just about numbers. Different animal
Nope! Never said i was leaving! You got me confused with someone else. And since you haven't figured out yet, that i say things that i say, simply to get a reaction out of
you... then your more ignorant than you act on this forum! Also.. since you brought it up... i never claimed to be a saint, and i do in fact have a filthy mouth when i want to emphasize a point. The thing your missing here since you don't believe in GOD... is that's strictly between myself and HIM! However, you frequently blaspheme GOD, christian's, and religion in general! So do a little studying on blasphemy, and you'll find out just what the consequence's for that are! Keep running your mouth about GOD and religion though, and i promise you that A.I.D.S. or some other sexually transmitted disease isn't all you'll have to worry about! You've been warned dude! Keep letting your buffalo mouth, overload your hummingbird ass, and see where it gets you!

So now Jesus is out about town handing out AIDS to non believers? Are you serious with this shit? Let me google it real quick... oh wait no you're right:

retardicus 3:15
If thou shalt not believe in thine lord thou shall receive a dose of AIDS straight up your rectum.

His will be done!
So now Jesus is out about town handing out AIDS to non believers? Are you serious with this shit? Let me google it real quick... oh wait no you're right:

retardicus 3:15
If thou shalt not believe in thine lord thou shall receive a dose of AIDS straight up your rectum.

His will be done!

Your another idiot! Go ahead dude... mock GOD, and the bible and see where that gets you! I wouldn't wanna be standing near you in a thunderstorm!
I wouldnt say natural. I have long arms which arent optimal for great powrlifting form. But i have overly sturdy shoulders and pecs which help suppress the weight. Im currently 262 some fat too. If i was still interested in powerlifting i would lose 70 lb cuz it allows me to compete in the under 200 class where i have a real advantage.

But im in to building my phyisque now. The movements have changed and the way i perform those exercises have changed. In body building it often requires less weight and a target of muscle groups hit intentionally. Where powerlifting is just about numbers. Different animal

I have long arms as well. And I'm not very short either. People that have a naturally higher bench press #'s tend to have perfect form and strong shoulds/triceps. The strong shoulders allow for more support at the bottom and middle range of the press, and the triceps kick in middle to top end range of the press.

Just curious when you press do you have an arch to your back? Reason I ask is I have no arch at all and most of the natural bench guys I have met don't have much of an arch either.

Oh, and I agree 100% regarding the difference between trainging for BB vs. Powerlifting. They are completely different animals.
I have been powerlifting for over 10years professionally. I have been to MANY national & state championship competitions. That being said, football players train very similar to powerlifters (I also played football, through high school & in college). So it is a fair comparison. Yes, the powerlifters of old (10 - 15 years ago) did not train the way most powerlifter’s today train. But the old 1RM routine of just beating the heavy weights over and over again was found to not be beneficial over time and also seemed to cause a lot more injuries.

I still powerlift and I have a meet coming up in 3 months. I bench in the mid to high 300's and I'm one of the strongest RAW benchers in my weight class. As a matter of fact it is usually my bench that helps me gain ground against my other competitors because they have to use shirts to try and even get close to 300, were as if I use a shirt I'm in the low 400's. So even if my competitor is a short stalky little fucker with huge legs and he out squats me, I will out bench him and then it all comes down to the Deadlift.

Obviously you are blowing smoke here; you don't know what you're talking about. That or you are feeding young guys (in the 20's) gear. Which in my opinion is SOOOOO FUCKED UP!!! Maybe you’re not and if so then don't take offense, but for someone like myself who HAS been training for many years and has been in literally over 100 different gyms. With some of the strongest people on this fucking planet, to say that lots of people "you know" bench over 400lbs raw is just so ridiculous.

No! On the contrary, its not ridiculous since i see it every day in the gym, and have since i started training over 30 years ago! You guys are the weakest bunch of weightlifters i've ever had the pleasure of conversing with! Like i said before... i see young guys benching 400 plus every single day, and these are not "veteran" lifters, and they're not loading up on Trenbolone either! As far as FULL RETARD goes... i've never seen more PURE retards in my life than the small group that have gang banged this thread! Have yourselves a wonderful day RETARDS and weaklings!
He's not mocking God, you are.. Go get some sleep, from your posts it looks like you were up all night.. Sleep it off..

I get up at 4 a.m. every day "bitch tits" and i'm usually in the gym by 5 a.m. if i'm not talking to a bunch of imbeciles like this morning! Go to the gym and grow some WORM!