Beware Spetz - Tiff - I_Know_Nothing - HardBodyGirl - jackmeoff1

Yeah! Some stupid ass like you here in America, hoisting your "Russian pride" with your moronic little avatar! Go there, and STAY there if its so great!

Just fighting with everyone here today, huh? You're a very angry little slit..

Tell me, now that Spetz has fucked a bunch of members over was I wrong for calling your fake ass out the day you got here? Are you happy or sad that you were complicit in people getting their money stolen?
@hardbodygirl I've already worked out myself today. I was at the gym at 5:00am! I'm also a single father of 2 beautiful children and I work 50 hours a week at my job. So don't call me week Bitch!!! I'm one of the strongest men you'll ever have the pleasure of enganging in conversation!!

I'm done discussing this with you, obivously you are so full of shit it's spewing out of your mouth!

BTW; when you see those kids benching 2 plates on each side of the bar, it's actually 225lbs. Not 405! Figured I'd enlighten you since you've probably only ever benched just the bar :D
All the hottest girls I know have one thing in common- they would NEVER waste time on an internet forum. Never. Probably don't know what a forum is or what the purpose of being on one would be.

Just think how fucking ugly and washed up a bitch would have to be with all these posts on a Thursday night. It's actually sad.
It's not a she . Even the nastiest bitches have some form of feminin thoughts. You don't hbg. You are a sorry ass retard. I just had a vision from God , he said Jesus was his last messenger all others are fake. I think he is talking about you and the ISIS.
Joe the record just because it's only 2" long doesn't make it a clit, just underdeveloped
"Brave enough to post their picture while i hide behind a keyboard?" Lol! Yeah i guess you would have to be brave to post pictures like the guys your referring to on this board! And, I have plenty of pictures you dumbass! I would really like to see a picture of YOU! With your 50 lbs. of gaping asshole flesh hanging there! Can you say rectal bleeding? @CensoredBoardsSuck Lmfao!

And we are supposed to believe that a "lady" who also calls herself a "Christian" types stuff like this? Really? Really?

No female would be here as much as you are, and if they were here, they'd certainly not be posting garbage like this.

A middle aged Christian lady posting about hanging, gaping asshole flesh, huh? That same lady challenging men she doesn't know to meet her in person so she can shut them up, huh?

Christian? Nope.

Female? Nope.

Someone who truly is one or both of the above wouldn't be here behaving like you.
I have long arms as well. And I'm not very short either. People that have a naturally higher bench press #'s tend to have perfect form and strong shoulds/triceps. The strong shoulders allow for more support at the bottom and middle range of the press, and the triceps kick in middle to top end range of the press.

Just curious when you press do you have an arch to your back? Reason I ask is I have no arch at all and most of the natural bench guys I have met don't have much of an arch either.

Oh, and I agree 100% regarding the difference between trainging for BB vs. Powerlifting. They are completely different animals.
Spot on!

I got my start at 16 in power lifting so I still have some pw tendencies. Like tucking my elbows on bench. Thats not the best if your target is chest. Likely means you must remove plates to hit chest properly. For power lifting ill arch my back if I must. Thats power lifting tho. Bb is different
All the hottest girls I know have one thing in common- they would NEVER waste time on an internet forum. Never. Probably don't know what a forum is or what the purpose of being on one would be.

Just think how fucking ugly and washed up a bitch would have to be with all these posts on a Thursday night. It's actually sad.

Yeah i'm definitely all washed up! Lmao! It doesn't take much to get you bunch of "girly boys" all twisted up does it? That's why i hang around this site made just for FAGS and weaklings! @brutus79 ... According to the latest IRS stats, you wont even be able to afford a bottle of tylenol soon... much less a decent cycle! Take care of your financial obligations where your children are concerned you P.O.S.! And "HOT" women? You haven't been near, or even close to having one in some time! Jacking off late at nite, and this forum are all you got dude! So just WHO is all washed up here? I'll send you a postcard from Hawaii in another month! Lmao!
And we are supposed to believe that a "lady" who also calls herself a "Christian" types stuff like this? Really? Really?

No female would be here as much as you are, and if they were here, they'd certainly not be posting garbage like this.

A middle aged Christian lady posting about hanging, gaping asshole flesh, huh? That same lady challenging men she doesn't know to meet her in person so she can shut them up, huh?

Christian? Nope.

Female? Nope.

Someone who truly is one or both of the above wouldn't be here behaving like you.

Okay if you say so...I'm not a
woman! And there was also a 3rd shooter behind the grassy knoll too! Lmao! You guys just keep rite on stroking each other egos, and your pathetic little dicks! I'll drop back in and get you all twisted up again when i return from my next vacation! Ciao! ;)
Okay if you say so...I'm not a
woman! And there was also a 3rd shooter behind the grassy knoll too! Lmao! You guys just keep rite on stroking each other egos, and your pathetic little dicks! I'll drop back in and get you all twisted up again when i return from my next vacation! Ciao! ;)

You love to ignore questions.. I'll just keep posting this until you address it, scammer:

Tell me, now that Spetz has fucked a bunch of members over was I wrong for calling your fake ass out the day you got here? Are you happy or sad that you were complicit in people getting their money stolen?

Also, where are these pics of yours you've been talking about for months and months?
You love to ignore questions.. I'll just keep posting this until you address it, scammer:

Tell me, now that Spetz has fucked a bunch of members over was I wrong for calling your fake ass out the day you got here? Are you happy or sad that you were complicit in people getting their money stolen?

Also, where are these pics of yours you've been talking about for months and months?
Probably HBG is actually a fat male neckbeard who sits behind a computer in a basement room pounding out drivel on his food-crusted dingy keyboard...that's par for the course in cases like this.

So you'll never really see pics, except faked ones.
Okay if you say so...I'm not a
woman! And there was also a 3rd shooter behind the grassy knoll too! Lmao! You guys just keep rite on stroking each other egos, and your pathetic little dicks! I'll drop back in and get you all twisted up again when i return from my next vacation! Ciao! ;)

Look, I have no desire to fight with you, but I'll say it again.
No lady, and no Christian, sits around on an illegal drug forum, fighting with men, and saying some of nonsense you say.

Admit it - you are a dude.
Look, I have no desire to fight with you, but I'll say it again.
No lady, and no Christian, sits around on an illegal drug forum, fighting with men, and saying some of nonsense you say.

Admit it - you are a dude.
You really put the stake through its little cold heart!
Lol! It got you researching causes for gyno though didn't it? You have the fastest fingers on a keyboard... but the loosest asshole here on the entire MESO site! Lol! And you don't amuse me CBS... your a little turd burgler who's favorite exercise is bent over rows! You bend over... and your GAY "life partner" rows you home! Lol! I'm bored of you little man! I don't hear anything a "man" that has another "man's" dick in his mouth 90% of the time... has to
say! Lmao!

You have got to be kidding me... with all this statistical bullshit? I'm in the gym here every day! I train people, and i've been doing that before "personal trainers" were kool okay. So take all your moronic psycho babble and preach it to worms you know who lift weights in their parents basement! Your only making yourself look more pathetic and stupid! Or that you train at Planet
Fitness, or maybe your own mothers basement... which is it? Lmao!

"Brave enough to post their picture while i hide behind a keyboard?" Lol! Yeah i guess you would have to be brave to post pictures like the guys your referring to on this board! And, I have plenty of pictures you dumbass! I would really like to see a picture of YOU! With your 50 lbs. of gaping asshole flesh hanging there! Can you say rectal bleeding? @CensoredBoardsSuck Lmfao!

Nope! Never said i was leaving! You got me confused with someone else. And since you haven't figured out yet, that i say things that i say, simply to get a reaction out of
you... then your more ignorant than you act on this forum! Also.. since you brought it up... i never claimed to be a saint, and i do in fact have a filthy mouth when i want to emphasize a point. The thing your missing here since you don't believe in GOD... is that's strictly between myself and HIM! However, you frequently blaspheme GOD, christian's, and religion in general! So do a little studying on blasphemy, and you'll find out just what the consequence's for that are! Keep running your mouth about GOD and religion though, and i promise you that A.I.D.S. or some other sexually transmitted disease isn't all you'll have to worry about! You've been warned dude! Keep letting your buffalo mouth, overload your hummingbird ass, and see where it gets you!
You are a disrespectful waste of space, you say you believe in the lord but you obviously dont know what your talking about there either. You are spetz you little pencil neck bitch, go main line 3 grams of your cook7ng oil. Your still pissed cause you didnt make the cut.
You make me fuck7ng sick.
I did a little detective work here which consisted of 5 mins of googling. That's 5 mins of my life I will never have back.

First I searched @jackmeoff1. I can confirm he does indeed use this name for other accounts elsewhere and is a faggot. I'm not just saying that, I litteraly mean he takes cock to the mouth. Just like every other homo he chat roullets with. Could have guessed this by just reading the name. The exact characteristic is shared with @usaspetz.

As for @hardbodygirl, this user is actually impersonating a figure competitor. This exact name has a handle at other boards such as professional muscle and cutting edge muscle which is where I reconised the name from. The name of this user is Stephanie Collins. Here is the link to her Instagram
I'm sure there is more info out there but I couldn't bother spending another 5 min to search a faggot and someone willing to impersonate a female for attention.
@hardbodygirl I've already worked out myself today. I was at the gym at 5:00am! I'm also a single father of 2 beautiful children and I work 50 hours a week at my job. So don't call me week Bitch!!! I'm one of the strongest men you'll ever have the pleasure of enganging in conversation!!

I'm done discussing this with you, obivously you are so full of shit it's spewing out of your mouth!

BTW; when you see those kids benching 2 plates on each side of the bar, it's actually 225lbs. Not 405! Figured I'd enlighten you since you've probably only ever benched just the bar :D

Your about a stupid ass! I dont care how many kids you have, or how many hours a week you work! And no your FAR from being one of the strongest men i've ever had the pleasure of engaging in a conversation with! What planet are you from? Paulie DeMayo frequently lived at my home in Honolulu... and Dorian Yates spent quite a bit of time there too, and in the gym with me, or at my competitions! These guys could pick you up, and also all of the weight you move... and curl both! You are another pathetic legend in your own mind you fucking little WORM!