@brutus79 ... talk is cheap dude! But you are a guy who stands 6 foot 2 and weighs 250 pounds... and you are in your mid 30's, and you can't even press 405 pounds off of your chest on the bench, while juiced up to your eyeballs?
My brother was benching 405 at 22 years of age on nothing but DBOL! Lol! I'm sorry man.. but your a pathetic excuse for a weightlifter or a bodybuilder, or whatever you consider yourself? Your certainly NOT a powerlifter, we know that for sure!
Lmao! Like i said before.. you talk alot of trash! I live in Florida, you live in Florida, and so does your pint sized 5 foot nothing training partner! How about we meet at my gym, or your gym, and we can end all this nonsense once and for all? I think once we meet in person... there will be no need for you to be hiding behind your computer, and your fingers flying all over your keyboard just so you can amuse yourself, and your adolescent friends on this board, who think your such a big impressive specimen of a man! Since once we meet.. the only thing its going to prove is that i'm exactly who and what i say i am... and that your nothing but a trash talking PUNK, who's a real badass legend in his own mind! You're... your... yers... does it really matter? Your a fucking literary genius though aren't you? Kindly PM me the gym where you workout at.. and i'll do the same? Since i cant wait to finally meet you, so i can have the pleasure of watching you stick your tongue right up your own ass, since you won't be talking anymore trash after that Mr. BIG talk! Lol!