Beware Spetz - Tiff - I_Know_Nothing - HardBodyGirl - jackmeoff1

Gotta love when someone types out two emphatic posts - each containing 125+ words - to state that they don't care about the very thing that they just spent 250+ words claiming not to care about. Real logical, real convincing.:rolleyes:

Sure these big meanies don't matter to you, HBG, sure they don't. That's why you dropped back in and spent the time and emotion banging out 2 long posts about how they don't matter to you?
Listen first off there are some serious issue`s here ,people should be able to feel some safety and if people like CBS have to go to extremes to track IP`s i applaud it this is not a fuck around business here ..Sites like this are created to provide info and help from new to old .Its money hungry greedy people who take advantage of the non educated people and prey on there reasoning to get fit or healthy or maybe someone wants to feel good about them self ..Its not days of old here where labs had guide lines we are putting ourself in the hands of these people calling them selves labs and if someone has to step up for our safety and wallets and all around life good on you ..
@hardbodygirl what I want to know is, if you have so much contempt for this board and its members why return? I mean there are many other boards out there and you could be on any of them. Instead you return here to challenge & insult people. I just don't get it.

If you are truly a victim of circumstances then hanging around the forum in time MAY earn you respect. But members of this forum have memories like elephants (myself included) and they do not forget! So those mistakes you made will haunt you forever.
You guys still think everything revolves around you're pathetic conspiracy theories? It does't mean anything except you're all a bunch of paranoid, delusional fools! And it also proves none of you realize there's a world outside of MESO! Yep... theres a great BIG wonderful world out there, that continues to go on without you guys every day, while you sit hunched over you're computers, jerking each other off on here every nite! There's quite a few exotic vacation locations out there to be visited also... one of which i've just returned from... tanned, ripped, and feeling absolutely fantastic! So who has really got the time to sit in on all this androgenous bullshit on a daily basis... and actually consider themselves to be living life to the very fullest? This board has half a dozen regulars that are really decent people! And @pumpingiron22 , not to tag you here or call you out, but if the majority of the WKM's on this board had just half as much class as you... it wouldn't be such a bad place to hangout from time to time!

Better paranoid and safe than carefree and out 500 bucks.

P.S. U Mad Bro?
That is the address to my MAIL TRT clinic numb nuts. Core medical. They are a national TRT clinic.


I have IP address in CT, PA, NY and TX. Maybe I am Spetz sisters boyfriends uncle.
Furthermore, I am not sure what makes you think I am affiliated with Spetz anyway. I had an argument about the dogmatic "10x blood rule" in his thread, which is something I go on about in multiple threads. Scally himself can' back up his ridiculas statements, even after I called him out. "Dr Jim" resoorted to personal attacks and typing in all CAPS when he couldn't publish data to back it up. Fuck you.

I don't even push spetz gear. In fact if you look around, I use other labs. I always have.

The fucking conspiracy theories here are disgusting and you sheep who buy into this bullshit are just as pathetic. CBS isn't doing you a favor, he is an idiot who doesn't know what he is talking about. What a fucking joke, because I use Core medical which is located near spetz that makes me affiliated with spetz.

This forum can eat my dick. I am on other forums and I have been on them for years.
The pharmacy I get my TRT from is a compounding pharmacy in FL called APS pharmacy. They mail prescription testosterone to many TRT patients around the country.

If you were as smart as your dumb ass thinks you might have figuured that out before you made yourself look a fool.
Furthermore, I am not sure what makes you think I am affiliated with Spetz anyway. I had an argument about the dogmatic "10x blood rule" in his thread, which is something I go on about in multiple threads. Scally himself can' back up his ridiculas statements, even after I called him out. "Dr Jim" resoorted to personal attacks and typing in all CAPS when he couldn't publish data to back it up. Fuck you.

I don't even push spetz gear. In fact if you look around, I use other labs. I always have.

The fucking conspiracy theories here are disgusting and you sheep who buy into this bullshit are just as pathetic. CBS isn't doing you a favor, he is an idiot who doesn't know what he is talking about. What a fucking joke, because I use Core medical which is located near spetz that makes me affiliated with spetz.

This forum can eat my dick. I am on other forums and I have been on them for years.

@jackmeoff1 ... try and save you're energy for you're training in the gym. These guys all get their shits & giggles stirring up drama over adolescent type bullshit! All i ever did on this board was make a positive comment about some Vet grade gear i purchased from Spetz, and i was also a little too enthusiastic regarding the purchase... and i got jumped all over like a bum on a bologna sandwich! There are members on this board who were put off by Spetz, slow walked on orders, had their emails ignored for weeks at a time, or received question mark gear all together. Looking back, i can see why i was labeled a shill, or even accused of being Spetz himself. However, there are also WKM's on this board that still have half their brain cells in tact, who i've had numerous convos with, who realize, i am neither Spetz, nor an operative for his brand. They're also wise enough to know i'm a female! So Thanks to those who gave me the benefit of the doubt, and I do appreciate the consideration and respect! Then there are those who seek to dignify their immature behavior by continuing to make claims that i'm not a woman. Tag you're IT @brutus79, since if i'm a man... then you certainly must have a vagina between you're legs there buddy! You may even want to feel what you have again... just to make dam sure? ;)
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@jackmeoff1 - who are you even talking to/about?
Did you not see the title of this thread?

He is accusing ME of being affiliated with Spetz and insinuating I am some kind of scammer or up to something.

And the morons in this thread sit and clap like he pointed out something wonderful without even considering how flawed his theory is.

He is basing that I am spetz on the fact that my TRT script comes from APS Pharmacy in FL (a popular compounding pharmacy) that just happens to be in the same state that Spetz lives. Even though I have never once even pushed spetz gear or ANY gear or ripped anyone off in my life this fucking mental midget is accusing me of doing so.

Well fuck. I will leave this board and never post here again. I don't care but don't smear my name for shit I never did WITHOUT having sometthing tangible to base it on. I haven't even done anything suspect!

He has a stick up his ass with me ever since I proved him to be a dumb fuck a long time ago.
@hardbodygirl what I want to know is, if you have so much contempt for this board and its members why return? I mean there are many other boards out there and you could be on any of them. Instead you return here to challenge & insult people. I just don't get it.

If you are truly a victim of circumstances then hanging around the forum in time MAY earn you respect. But members of this forum have memories like elephants (myself included) and they do not forget! So those mistakes you made will haunt you forever.

To answer you're question... absolutely nothing haunts me! I don't give energy to many negative emotions or thoughts! But... I returned here recently, only to be greeted by this completely ridiculous thread, created by one of MESO's biggest brain surgeons! So just to set the record straight, i posted up! Now that i've gotten all this off of my very sexy chest... i will gladly return to not giving a flying fiddlers fuck! And Thank You for you're inquiry! Be well! ;)
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