BG pharmaceutical drugs

I have gotten both,I have the Pharma grade from a different source and I got the Driada from this source. I can say they absolutely compare to each other equally, as far as what is in the Driada product that does give the boost that is depending. BG is the only one that ships the Driada brand to where I am. The company that originally makes it I was in touch with, and if I recall they did not have testing for it either and they do not ship to to where I am. I have no complaints though and don't see any differences and believe the driada is just as good as the Pharma ....Im still waiting on a new order where I am getting the Pharma and Driada again from BG to test his Pharma but hasn't arrived and no tracking yet...I will update after trying though
Awesome thanks!
Same here, 8 days later. I received an email 2 days after I ordered saying payment & order was received, nothing since then...I emailed 2 days ago also. Crickets.
Same for me. Confirmed payment email sent December 15. I reached out 2 days ago and no reply even though I've seem him online over discord. I would caution against placing any further orders until we get some answers and tracking numbers. Not good enough. I've been ordering periodically from him for the past 2 years, even before he had a website and had no issues. Maybe he's getting too many orders to manage a reasonable level of customer service, but radio silence does not sit well with me. I'll be taking my business elsewhere.
As I said tracking numbers will be sent when I have the time. I ship the orders and I spend the money I earn. Will check the emails from the last 2-3 days probably tomorrow.
Same for me. Confirmed payment email sent December 15. I reached out 2 days ago and no reply even though I've seem him online over discord. I would caution against placing any further orders until we get some answers and tracking numbers. Not good enough. I've been ordering periodically from him for the past 2 years, even before he had a website and had no issues. Maybe he's getting too many orders to manage a reasonable level of customer service, but radio silence does not sit well with me. I'll be taking my business elsewhere.
Got my tracking yesterday. It is understandable because it is the holiday season and maybe he has no help? Trustpilot was freaking me out though, but your comments about dealing with him for years made me feel better.
Got my tracking yesterday. It is understandable because it is the holiday season and maybe he has no help? Trustpilot was freaking me out though, but your comments about dealing with him for years made me feel better.
Great thanks for following up. Yeah I've never had an issue, and one order I placed was pretty high value and made me a bit nervous in case something went wrong. Everything went smoothly, and I always go back for pharma stuff I can't get locally. I'm assuming its the higher order volume and being a busy time of year. I learned about him through a different forum of people sourcing hard to find meds. While the business model is a little unconventional, it seems to work. Reading through the first few pages of this thread was pretty funny, with people being skeptical or critical of how he runs things. Communication doesn't seem as good as previously but I'm assuming he's just swamped and trying to keep up. He's always seemed to come across a little blunt and to the point though and not the as kissing customer service some people are used to.
I have to send a huge amount of tracking numbers but it will be in 2 days.
Interesting to see you left this on the board, yet this is the reply you gave me attached below around the same time as this? why tell me you're not sending tracking? and I have no idea if or when you have re shipped my items?


  • Screenshot 2023-12-25 at 9.45.14 PM.png
    Screenshot 2023-12-25 at 9.45.14 PM.png
    217.6 KB · Views: 69
Interesting to see you left this on the board, yet this is the reply you gave me attached below around the same time as this? why tell me you're not sending tracking? and I have no idea if or when you have re shipped my items?
I don't have time to send tracking numbers at the moment, that was my though. I probably sent you tracking by now.
I don't have time to send tracking numbers at the moment, that was my though. I probably sent you tracking by now.
No tracking for me either. Almost 2 weeks since order was paid. If you're having issues with fulfilling orders in a timely manner, please communicate your updated time frames clearly. Telling your customers "i dont have time to send tracking numbers" is like telling your customers "i dont have time for you now that I have your money". Receiving tracking information is a realistic expectation from any buyer for any online business. No idea what's going on with you lately, but I've enjoyed the care and attention you put into your service in the past, but something seems to have changed and that impacts future decisions about purchases. We don't like being left in the dark or worrying if we've been ripped off.
No tracking for me either. Almost 2 weeks since order was paid. If you're having issues with fulfilling orders in a timely manner, please communicate your updated time frames clearly. Telling your customers "i dont have time to send tracking numbers" is like telling your customers "i dont have time for you now that I have your money". Receiving tracking information is a realistic expectation from any buyer for any online business. No idea what's going on with you lately, but I've enjoyed the care and attention you put into your service in the past, but something seems to have changed and that impacts future decisions about purchases. We don't like being left in the dark or worrying if we've been ripped off.
This i have to agree, it also puts us in a position cause you have always offered tracking as part of the service, no fine details needed but be transparent on at least letting customers know if there is issues that have come up etc...people are starting to see a change in service and that does leave a sour taste in peoples mouths. As a business operator im shur you know this, as i even know by running 3 companies myself whats good and whats not for business... This now becomes an oppurtunity to step to the plate and show customers you care and want good business, otherwise your just giving everyone the oppurtunity to go somewhere else..action speaks louder then words. so i will wait for my tracking and hope all goes well.
On the first page of this thread, you explained how you just use the phone to make orders, then the pharmacy shops calls you back when products are delivered to them, and then you go to pick the products up and then send them to the customers who want them.

For example, how do you just order omnadren and then pick it up, if this product can't be sold without a medical prescription? You can't just walk in a pharmacy shops and demand whatever you want without showing a prescription.
On the first page of this thread, you explained how you just use the phone to make orders, then the pharmacy shops calls you back when products are delivered to them, and then you go to pick the products up and then send them to the customers who want them.

For example, how do you just order omnadren and then pick it up, if this product can't be sold without a medical prescription? You can't just walk in a pharmacy shops and demand whatever you want without showing a prescription.
Are you new to this world? That's why is black market
How someone buy a gun from someone when you need a authorization. You just give the money to the right guy and you get your stuff no questions further on
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No tracking for me either. Almost 2 weeks since order was paid. If you're having issues with fulfilling orders in a timely manner, please communicate your updated time frames clearly. Telling your customers "i dont have time to send tracking numbers" is like telling your customers "i dont have time for you now that I have your money". Receiving tracking information is a realistic expectation from any buyer for any online business. No idea what's going on with you lately, but I've enjoyed the care and attention you put into your service in the past, but something seems to have changed and that impacts future decisions about purchases. We don't like being left in the dark or worrying if we've been ripped off.
I had ran out of GLUCOBAY because someone bought 30-50 boxes or something like that. I will ship the package today - the first working day. No need to worry as you know I always deliver.