BG pharmaceutical drugs

I expected when purchasing express shipping to have it shipped next day, at worst the following day. This was the day after that, or so he says - I still have received tracking that it shipped today. Also, was told he had to buy product (wouldn't you be stocked on things if you’re providing express shipping?) and also can only ship a few a day so if he gets 10 express orders in a day, he has to take 3 days to ship them all. People don’t get pissed when you are transparent, but when there’s this ifs and buts mentality, then I get irritated.

Also, I’m testing out Ozempic which can cause extreme nausea and I have a job that I can’t just call out so I need to test this on a weekend. Meaning if I don’t get this before the weekend, I’m going to have to delay administering until next weekend which negates the need for express shipping entirely. Had I know working days doesn’t mean business days (Mon-Fri), or that he can only send a few express a day and I was at the bottom of that list for some reason, or that he didn’t have product in hand and would be delayed in getting it - if I had known any of that, my decision on express may have been different.

Just be transparent with your process so people can make informed decisions. $27 in my life doesn’t make much of a difference; it’s just principal at this point and after back and forth communication with bg, there’s only been justification for why it occurred, not apologies that it occurred or any admission that it wasn’t handled correctly to start. This is more just to inform others that are considering ordering that express may or may not actually be express and maybe best to just order well in advance and save your money.
easy killer, I'm on your side here. :D I agree completely with everything you wrote, and BG needs to comp for this IMO, one way or the other. the transparency would have helped you make a better decision for your situation & timing, and should be amended for his processes going forward.
If you are concerned about the nausea sides, you can follow @M@NU 's recommendation, in another thread, of splitting the weekly dose into 2 pins, like e3.5d instead of the recommended single weekly.

Injectable semaglutide has a half life of about a week, so makes sense to split the weekly dose, even more if you are trying to avoid potential harsh sides in the beginning. It is like the recommended pinning schedule for similar AAS esters like Cyp/Enanth of eod, e3d, e3.5d, etc.

I am trying Semaglutide soon and plan to split twice per week as well.
I did this the first time I used Oz and I routinely had stomach pain for about a day, the day after each injection. this time I did it all at once and so far nothing in terms of pain. both times I started right at 0.5mg, not the recommended 0.25mg. n=1, of course, just some info.

I do believe though that it's probably right around the corner lol. I pinned it Monday evening.
Placed order Sunday night - shipped yesterday delivery date scheduled for next Wednesday. So 10 days (8 business days) for an express order. What a joke. Not even inside the “2-4 working days” from shipping date as promised.
Placed order Sunday night - shipped yesterday delivery date scheduled for next Wednesday. So 10 days (8 business days) for an express order. What a joke. Not even inside the “2-4 working days” from shipping date as promised.
I get your frustration here, but the old adage that you aren't ordering from Amazon has some merit.

You are getting an international package delivered within a week of shipment. You can literally be waiting months from most international sources to deliver a package. Again, I understand the frustration, but he did ship it express and it is what it is.

Maybe consider just buying domestic from Skank if it's that big of an issue and getting it delivered in a few days is necessary.

Most folks plan ahead for things like this. Sort of akin to having an AI on hand before you start a cycle.
I get your frustration here, but the old adage that you aren't ordering from Amazon has some merit.

You are getting an international package delivered within a week of shipment. You can literally be waiting months from most international sources to deliver a package. Again, I understand the frustration, but he did ship it express and it is what it is.

Maybe consider just buying domestic from Skank if it's that big of an issue and getting it delivered in a few days is necessary.

Most folks plan ahead for things like this. Sort of akin to having an AI on hand before you start a cycle.
Skank is closed for good brother, he has said that multiple times in his thread
I get your frustration here, but the old adage that you aren't ordering from Amazon has some merit.

You are getting an international package delivered within a week of shipment. You can literally be waiting months from most international sources to deliver a package. Again, I understand the frustration, but he did ship it express and it is what it is.

Maybe consider just buying domestic from Skank if it's that big of an issue and getting it delivered in a few days is necessary.

Most folks plan ahead for things like this. Sort of akin to having an AI on hand before you start a cycle.
I have no issue with extended wait times when it’s clearly communicated prior. I’ve ordered international many times and have waited over a month for deliveries without issue. My problem is the lack of transparency and the communication I’ve had with him in our dms since the issue occurred.

When I ordered from dashpct and there was a problem, he apologized, was on top of getting it corrected and was transparent about it the whole time. My conversations with BG amounted to “well I can’t stock that many meds” “well you know people wait a long time when they have a prescription”.

What would have kept me from mentioning it at all would be if he was straight forward, emailed me on Monday and said “hey, got your order yesterday, unfortunately I don’t have full stock of Ozempic and got a bunch of orders yesterday for it. This is my plan (whatever it is) and I’m getting it shipped out Tuesday or Wednesday. Apologies for the delay.”

That’s all it would have taken. Instead, I email him after my “express” order is still processing 3 days later and am given piece meal after the fact about what happened. And also, zero accountability. This is all why I’ll probably never purchase from him again but will absolutely be buying from dash again. How you handle the issues is how you keep business. It’s a shame too. Because his ordering and payment system is the best I’ve ever used. But the lack of accountability for a breakdown in the fulfillment process shows me how he conducts business.

I made these posts so other people are aware of how this business operates and to temper expectations. If mine were tempered from the start, this problem likely wouldn’t have been a problem at all.
I have no issue with extended wait times when it’s clearly communicated prior. I’ve ordered international many times and have waited over a month for deliveries without issue. My problem is the lack of transparency and the communication I’ve had with him in our dms since the issue occurred.

When I ordered from dashpct and there was a problem, he apologized, was on top of getting it corrected and was transparent about it the whole time. My conversations with BG amounted to “well I can’t stock that many meds” “well you know people wait a long time when they have a prescription”.

What would have kept me from mentioning it at all would be if he was straight forward, emailed me on Monday and said “hey, got your order yesterday, unfortunately I don’t have full stock of Ozempic and got a bunch of orders yesterday for it. This is my plan (whatever it is) and I’m getting it shipped out Tuesday or Wednesday. Apologies for the delay.”

That’s all it would have taken. Instead, I email him after my “express” order is still processing 3 days later and am given piece meal after the fact about what happened. And also, zero accountability. This is all why I’ll probably never purchase from him again but will absolutely be buying from dash again. How you handle the issues is how you keep business. It’s a shame too. Because his ordering and payment system is the best I’ve ever used. But the lack of accountability for a breakdown in the fulfillment process shows me how he conducts business.

I made these posts so other people are aware of how this business operates and to temper expectations. If mine were tempered from the start, this problem likely wouldn’t have been a problem at all.
I think you guys are being a little hard on him. I got my order super fast but the ozempic has become more popular. He even posted a while back it might go to a waiting list situation. There was no wait hardly before but people started finding out he has Ozempic and more and more people are ordering it. Now I'm kind of bummed out because in about 2 or 3 weeks I'm going to need some ozempic. I think it's partly my fault because I have been telling people on other posts that BG has as ozempic.
Also, I’m testing out Ozempic which can cause extreme nausea and I have a job that I can’t just call out so I need to test this on a weekend.
The trick to not getting nausea on this drug is twofold: one, be genetically predisposed to not getting nausea from this drug. Since that one is out of your control we can skip it. Two, break up the dose in the beginning. .25mg is the week 1-3 (or however you wish to escalate) dose. There is no law saying that you need to take .25mg on day one. You can dose it at .13mg (nine clicks) on Monday and then if you feel alright go another .13mg on Thursday. You can do that for two weeks and if you don’t have issues then in week three go to .25mg all at once. Then week four you can split the .5mg dose, and so on. I get zero nausea from Ozempic but got all of the nausea from Saxenda.
I think you guys are being a little hard on him. I got my order super fast but the ozempic has become more popular. He even posted a while back it might go to a waiting list situation. There was no wait hardly before but people started finding out he has Ozempic and more and more people are ordering it. Now I'm kind of bummed out because in about 2 or 3 weeks I'm going to need some ozempic. I think it's partly my fault because I have been telling people on other posts that BG has as ozempic.
Supra ordered before the post about Oz being potentially delayed / waitlisted. I am 90% sure I'm right on that but I'm not gonna go look it up lol.

regardless, all it does take is a simple showing of humility with regards to an order which seems to be lacking here. @BG pharmaceuticals I'm rooting for you here friend but on this one you shit the bed.
The trick to not getting nausea on this drug is twofold: one, be genetically predisposed to not getting nausea from this drug. Since that one is out of your control we can skip it. Two, break up the dose in the beginning. .25mg is the week 1-3 (or however you wish to escalate) dose. There is no law saying that you need to take .25mg on day one. You can dose it at .13mg (nine clicks) on Monday and then if you feel alright go another .13mg on Thursday. You can do that for two weeks and if you don’t have issues then in week three go to .25mg all at once. Then week four you can split the .5mg dose, and so on. I get zero nausea from Ozempic but got all of the nausea from Saxenda.
your first trick reminds me of the commercials of literally ANY drug nowadays...

"if you're allergic to Ozempec, don't take Ozempec."

???????????? ty for the info u clowns.
There is no ozempic at supplier level at the moment. One of the pharmacies told me next month there will be new stock but they are not sure if they will be able to sell it or it will be only for patients with prescription. I managed to buy some ozempics from other pharmacies and have some stock but until it is clear what will happen with ozempic price is $199.
your first trick reminds me of the commercials of literally ANY drug nowadays...

"if you're allergic to Ozempec, don't take Ozempec."

???????????? ty for the info u clowns.
I made that same observation a few weeks ago. Like how dumb are we that they have to explicitly say not to take a thing that you’re allergic to?? “Don’t eat peanut butter if you’re allergic to peanuts” no shit thank you Doctor Smart Person, MD. It’s all because a lawyer somewhere told them “hey everyone is retarded so let’s cover our bases here”.
There is no ozempic at supplier level at the moment. One of the pharmacies told me next month there will be new stock but they are not sure if they will be able to sell it or it will be only for patients with prescription. I managed to buy some ozempics from other pharmacies and have some stock but until it is clear what will happen with ozempic price is $199.
I was just going to ask about this. I was putting in an order and the price changed when it hit the cart.
Supra ordered before the post about Oz being potentially delayed / waitlisted. I am 90% sure I'm right on that but I'm not gonna go look it up lol.

regardless, all it does take is a simple showing of humility with regards to an order which seems to be lacking here. @BG pharmaceuticals I'm rooting for you here friend but on this one you shit the bed.
Lol bro it was shipped on the second working day...

And the order of phenominal34 was shipped on the first working day. He ordered on 21st after I shipped the packages and next 4 days were non working so I shipped it on 26th.
Lol bro it was shipped on the second working day...

And the order of phenominal34 was shipped on the first working day. He ordered on 21st after I shipped the packages and next 4 days were non working so I shipped it on 26th.
no complaints from my side. just pointing it out.

perhaps the time zone difference should be accounted for Supra? he's EU, probably drops it at night, so 2nd day drop isn't awful.

regardless, just be a little more communicative proactively BG and you're good. most of us aren't total cunts when there is an issue as long as vendors are upfront about it / small delays / etc. (i can't speak for myself, I am always a cunt lol).
I was just going to ask about this. I was putting in an order and the price changed when it hit the cart.
There is a lot of medications in deficit here, around 300 I was told. Metformin Sopharma 850 mg is out of stock since 2 weeks and 500 mg is out of stock since a week. It happens with ephedrine and others as well but eventually they come back in stock. Ozempic is the hardest to get.
no complaints from my side. just pointing it out.

perhaps the time zone difference should be accounted for Supra? he's EU, probably drops it at night, so 2nd day drop isn't awful.

regardless, just be a little more communicative proactively BG and you're good. most of us aren't total cunts when there is an issue as long as vendors are upfront about it / small delays / etc. (i can't speak for myself, I am always a cunt lol).
I try to be fast but it doesn't depend only on me. For example for today I have ordered tadalafil from one manufacturer but they made a mistake and different tadalafil was delivered to them. And so on.