Biggest Guy I Know Told Me Training Doesn't Matter

Fucking strange tread, call me old fashioned but in my book it's always been... In no particular order, training, food and sleep, the drugs are just the icing on the cake, if the first three aren't in order you won't get the best out of the drugs.
Fucking strange tread, call me old fashioned but in my book it's always been... In no particular order, training, food and sleep, the drugs are just the icing on the cake, if the first three aren't in order you won't get the best out of the drugs.
yea agreed.

We cant deny that the drugs work. and we know you can overpower shit training with drugs. Thats why you have this kids who go to the gym with a shit training/nutrition background, running 3g of gear and still barely making weight. They are recomping because of the forced growth.

One thing I have seen on facebook lately(are people who run 1g test, 1g of tren, and they look like they are regular gym rats. like 6'2 210 at 23% BF. shit is wild
yea agreed.

We cant deny that the drugs work. and we know you can overpower shit training with drugs. Thats why you have this kids who go to the gym with a shit training/nutrition background, running 3g of gear and still barely making weight. They are recomping because of the forced growth.

One thing I have seen on facebook lately(are people who run 1g test, 1g of tren, and they look like they are regular gym rats. like 6'2 210 at 23% BF. shit is wild
The clowns that run 3g of gear and look like shit are different to what im talking about since you are ignoring time which is the most important element for muscular.

If someone starts out lean and has gained 15-20lb already naturally and they blast 500mg of test lets say in year one.

Then they do 1-2 blasts per year increasing every blast and adding compounds that agree with them while having a perfect diet. In my first post I said the guy executes diet perfectly so not talking about lazy people here.

Would it be unreasonable to assume the above person would gain 20-30lb of additional muscle over the next 3-4 years going from blasting 500mg test all the way up to 1.5g-2g anabolics?

They can play around on machines and cables and be way bigger leaner than they guy still playing around with 500mg test and perfect programmed training.
The clowns that run 3g of gear and look like shit are different to what im talking about since you are ignoring time which is the most important element for muscular.

If someone starts out lean and has gained 15-20lb already naturally and they blast 500mg of test lets say in year one.

Then they do 1-2 blasts per year increasing every blast and adding compounds that agree with them while having a perfect diet. In my first post I said the guy executes diet perfectly so not talking about lazy people here.

Would it be unreasonable to assume the above person would gain 20-30lb of additional muscle over the next 3-4 years going from blasting 500mg test all the way up to 1.5g-2g anabolics?

They can play around on machines and cables and be way bigger leaner than they guy still playing around with 500mg test and perfect programmed training.
Oh I agree. I am not pointing the 3g of gear at anyone in particular. Just a generalized statement.

I think it's very possible to gain 20-30 in 3-4 years for though..

There is nothing wrong machines/cables btw. I don't know why anyone would hate on it now. Tired of my injuries. When I was a kid I was antimachine.

Until I started getting hurt I said fuck it. The gym I go to is a bodybuilding gym and most people used machines.
The clowns that run 3g of gear and look like shit are different to what im talking about since you are ignoring time which is the most important element for muscular.

If someone starts out lean and has gained 15-20lb already naturally and they blast 500mg of test lets say in year one.

Then they do 1-2 blasts per year increasing every blast and adding compounds that agree with them while having a perfect diet. In my first post I said the guy executes diet perfectly so not talking about lazy people here.

Would it be unreasonable to assume the above person would gain 20-30lb of additional muscle over the next 3-4 years going from blasting 500mg test all the way up to 1.5g-2g anabolics?

They can play around on machines and cables and be way bigger leaner than they guy still playing around with 500mg test and perfect programmed training.
Then why isn’t it more common?

If you don’t care about minimizing the risk of drug use then have at it.

Every client I’ve worked with has reduced their gear use, grown more than they have in years, and their bloodwork and overall well-being improve. THATS progress. And it isn’t because I’m an amazing coach. I’m not. I just expect work. Not pushing an extra lb or 2 of water and glycogen with more gear. And then you inevitably hit the wall of taking 2/3g of gear as a given which is both uncomfortable and detrimental to your health.

And why do machines and cables keep getting mentioned? Majority of my training is on these. Using free weight isn’t the factor here. It’s intelligent and intense training.
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Then why isn’t it more common?

If you don’t care about minimizing the risk of drug use then have at it.

Every client I’ve worked with has reduced their gear use, grown more than they have in years, and their bloodwork and overall well-being improve. THATS progress. And it isn’t because I’m an amazing coach. I’m not. I just expect work. Not pushing an extra lb or 2 of water and glycogen with more gear. And then you inevitably hit the wall of taking 2/3g of gear as a given which is both uncomfortable and detrimental to your health.

And why do machines and cables keep getting mentioned? Majority of my training is on these. Using free weight isn’t the factor here. It’s intelligent and intense training.
Agreed...there should be no stigma to using machines as they have their place in training as well. Also they've been useful for working around an injury for example.
Agreed...there should be no stigma to using machines as they have their place in training as well. Also they've been useful for working around an injury for example.

OP find a new gym. Then you would see what big is.

I am 5'10 220. I would hardly call myself the biggest guy in my gym.

I am not shredded but I would say I'm someone where in the 60 percentile of size in my gym.
I find the stimulus to fatigue ratio with most compound exercises are worse than using a good machine that gives a little extra stability and let's me fully focus on that muscle that I would like to hit. Same with cables.

But it's probably different for everyone.
This. And when you make it to certain strength levels the fatigue goes thru the roof on free weight movements because it all goes thru the lower back and hips.
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I find the stimulus to fatigue ratio with most compound exercises are worse than using a good machine that gives a little extra stability and let's me fully focus on that muscle that I would like to hit. Same with cables.

But it's probably different for everyone.
Thats more the point of this thread.

All the big natties I see do these super complicated percentage based routines built around squat bench deadlift and a number of accessories that closely mirror them with a few isolations thrown in.

Everything is thought out and planned, progression, loads, sets, reps, deloads, max volume min volume etc.

I am friends with a guy who owns a gym and also trains real natty bbs and powerlifters. The guys get pretty big this way and all super strong.

Meanwhile this guy I spoke to pins, eats and rests well then trains using what most would refer to as a bro split/magazine workout and gets pretty huge while single digits in the process.

But most natties doing the magazine split make almost zero progress compared to natties on proven routines.

The question is why do natty results vary so much with quality of training but on gear not so much?

Look at Ronnie Colemans training vs Phil heath. Ronnie super hardcore bone crushing training and he's big as fuck. Phil is all super light machines cables and is also big as fuck without the risk.

For anyone saying the guy is small etc. He may be closer to 5 11 but is bigger than most well know gear abusing fitness personas.
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Thats more the point of this thread.

All the big natties I see do these super complicated percentage based routines built around squat bench deadlift and a number of accessories that closely mirror them with a few isolations thrown in.

Everything is thought out and planned, progression, loads, sets, reps, deloads, max volume min volume etc.

I am friends with a guy who owns a gym and also trains real natty bbs and powerlifters. The guys get pretty big this way and all super strong.

Meanwhile this guy I spoke to pins, eats and rests well then trains using what most would refer to as a bro split/magazine workout and gets pretty huge while single digits in the process.

But most natties doing the magazine split make almost zero progress compared to natties on proven routines.

The question is why do natty results vary so much with quality of training but on gear not so much?

Look at Ronnie Colemans training vs Phil heath. Ronnie super hardcore bone crushing training and he's big as fuck. Phil is all super light machines cables and is also big as fuck without the risk.

For anyone saying the guy is small etc. He may be closer to 5 11 but is bigger than most well know gear abusing fitness personas.
Because drugs remove some of the load training and diet carry to achieve any given result. That isn’t a surprise and nobody’s arguing against that.

Natties almost exclusively need close proximity to failure training while avoiding unrecoverable volume. AAS opens the door wider allowing sets further from failure and volume either too low or too high to still deliver results.

None of this negates the fact that training intelligently and intensely will maximize results and that taking more drugs to be able to buy room to train like a pussy or an idiot is dumb.
I’d say someone with strict training, recovery (including sleep) and diet could benefit more from 300mg testosterone a week than someone blasting 1-1.5g a week with a cavalier attitude.
But most natties doing the magazine split make almost zero progress compared to natties on proven routines.

The question is why do natty results vary so much with quality of training but on gear not so much?

Look at Ronnie Colemans training vs Phil heath. Ronnie super hardcore bone crushing training and he's big as fuck. Phil is all super light machines cables and is also big as fuck without the risk.
This is kind of a dumb question....

Why are some people tall and some people aren't?

Genetics, natural test, diet being dialed in will play a bigger role among natties compared to us.

Also the people probably doing complicated splits are probably nearly maxed out of genetic potential and need to find other ways to stimulate growth.
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Why does everyone try to simplify things to the point of absolute fucking idiocy?
Because if the cause of failure is from Just One Thing™️ then we can delude ourselves into believing that we are one step away from getting it right. That means I can sell you my guaranteed system to fix your deficit Just One Thing and you’ll achieve all your dreams.
"In almost all cases, best results from heavy exercise will be produced by the practice of a very limited number of compound exercises that involve the major muscular masses of the body, and such training should be limited to not more than five hours of weekly training in any case and to about four hours in most cases. In practice, best results are usually produced by three weekly workouts of less than one and one-half hours each" - Arthur Jones , Nautilus
"In almost all cases, best results from heavy exercise will be produced by the practice of a very limited number of compound exercises that involve the major muscular masses of the body, and such training should be limited to not more than five hours of weekly training in any case and to about four hours in most cases. In practice, best results are usually produced by three weekly workouts of less than one and one-half hours each" - Arthur Jones , Nautilus
We know *slightly* more than people in 1970 did…

Not a single “big” person on the planet gets by on 4-5hrs of training a week nor without isolation work for a balanced and complete physique.