I'm confused as to how you don't see it, look at the two pages here:
The above was posted by Pareto, the client is whited out, as well as the "2nd pill" in the "results". Compare the above to the original from Jano, posted here:
Does that make it more clear?
Sorry to bug you again @janoshik
But you always have 3 lines for identification of compound, followed by measurement of quantities.
(So it may not mean that Pareto whites it out)
Would you use a different task Number per Pill tested?
Or would the Task number be associated with a package you recieved
I wouldnt be too quick to accuse Pareto of doctoring labs.
I mean, they've been around for long enough, with high enough qaulity that they dont even have to keep posting samples.. but they do.
However, I'm open to either outcome.
Just an FYI, I've never even tried Pareto. I have no vested interests either way.