Cat Café EU & US domestic

My guess is due to being lesser known - I'd imagine Nandrolone Cypionate would sell equally bad vs Decanoate. I like Bolde Cyp for the consistent 98%+ raw purity (from what I've seen at least).
If you ever get nand cyp, I'll buy a few years worth. Much more practical than nand deca... I think you're spot on, chatting off line with buddies, nobody would even try bold cyp, thinking it has to be fake, or somehow it's not as good as regular eq. For me, I'll take the cyp/ent ester any day.
My guess is due to being lesser known - I'd imagine Nandrolone Cypionate would sell equally bad vs Decanoate. I like Bolde Cyp for the consistent 98%+ raw purity (from what I've seen at least).
I see bolde C more useful than Bolde U, for avoiding front load and so on.
If you ever get nand cyp, I'll buy a few years worth. Much more practical than nand deca... I think you're spot on, chatting off line with buddies, nobody would even try bold cyp, thinking it has to be fake, or somehow it's not as good as regular eq. For me, I'll take the cyp/ent ester any day.
Mixes like nandrolone pp/cyp/deca have long since caught my eye but I need to stay away from further rabbit holes until all basics are replenished.

On that note, Primo 200mg sold out today at last but will of course return as soon as possible.

Finally, I want to proudly present a professional cathlete from Meso FR:
Mixes like nandrolone pp/cyp/deca have long since caught my eye but I need to stay away from further rabbit holes until all basics are replenished.

On that note, Primo 200mg sold out today at last but will of course return as soon as possible.

Finally, I want to proudly present a professional cathlete from Meso FR:
View attachment 155775
Dude' s order be like: Sent me 2 of everything.
:D Enthusiastically eating ;)
Cute guinea cats!

Stupid store news: Much needed containers did not arrive before the very long weekend which means both my own Aromasin and Arimidex will temporarily be out of stock until more can be filled and labelled. I discounted these products by other brands until mine are back.
Modafinil is out of stock?
An chance to have armoda again?
In the process of restocking both, these got bought out way faster than I expected.

Today is the last day of the promotion but not all products will revert back to their full retail price as I'm impatient to have my inventory optimized.
Testosterone Acetate, Boldenone Cypionate, L-Carnitine, Winstrol Suspension, Trulicity (Dulaglutide), TB-500 and Teva Anastrozole are all unlikely to be restocked due to a severe lack of sales. Enurace Ephedrine I no longer have access to.

Any chance to put in a bulk order for the L-CATnitine at all? I just recently started it and absolutely love it, especially the 500mg/ml concentration. I'd love to stock up on it if you have to take it off the shelves.
Is DHB comming soon too?? thought you had it tested
75mg/ml in MCT is half-way through crash-testing, haven't had time to test 100mg/ml with Mig840/EO/Guaiacol/winter transport temperatures. The latter will require adjustments to some recipes in general.

@austrianoak I don't have bulk/wholesale shipping catabilities but you can try.
Is it possible like with the optitropin a while back
To buy smaller amounts of the GH ?

I've bought once with my regular order 2 oder 3 Vials of the optis, when my regular order is 250 Euro can i add 2 or 3 Vials of the hgh ?
Is it possible like with the optitropin a while back
To buy smaller amounts of the GH ?

I've bought once with my regular order 2 oder 3 Vials of the optis, when my regular order is 250 Euro can i add 2 or 3 Vials of the hgh ?
what purpose do 2-3 vials of hgh serve?
what purpose do 2-3 vials of hgh serve?

Because im just doing 2 iu in a fasting cardio state for a short period of time along with dnp and a shitload of lantus. Im not a fan anymore of much GH because is abused it a lot and took a toll on me, thats why i just want the quick lipolysis.


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