Cat Café EU & US domestic

Hello, I apologize in advance if someone has already asked this on previous pages, but are the raws used for these new batches the same as the previous one? or is it from a new provider, thank you very much and best regards.
I've posted the reports for all raws I'm using for the new batches quite a while ago in this thread but if you want to look at a specific report, I can pull it up. Your question as phrased makes no sense, can you rephrase it and be as specific as possible regarding what you want to know ultimately?
I've posted the reports for all raws I'm using for the new batches quite a while ago in this thread but if you want to look at a specific report, I can pull it up. Your question as phrased makes no sense, can you rephrase it and be as specific as possible regarding what you want to know ultimately?
Yes, if your raw provider is the same or has changed in this new batch. Thank you.
Yes, if your raw provider is the same or has changed in this new batch. Thank you.
It depends on the specific product, and you need to distinguish between producer/factory/manufacturer and what people refer to as 'source' (or provider, though I've never heard this used before tbh) which are (whole)sellers/intermediates not producing anything at all. The further down this rabbit hole you are, the more complicated a question this one becomes unfortunately.
Liska, when will mk677 orals be in stock? or if not where do you suggest to buy mk677. I'm trying some light sarms cycle ostarine plus ibutamoren.
Hello Folks.

25 July i got robbed on the streets, and the cunts broke my knee.
Doctors gave me a 5 % chance to run, or walk again.

I put a lot off hours to find something to fix my injury.

After a while tb 500 and bcp 157 was recommended to me on different forums.
But i needed a trusthy suppliers, after reading all threads on the forums..

I choose Liska.

So i started my cycle 2 months ago for 6 weeks.

Yesterday i went to the specialist and they were amazed, they have never seen it before. After 4.5 post surgery, they suspect full recovery.

I'm still in recovery, but i can vouch for the effectiveness off stuff from this supplier.

It cured my gingivitis also.

Price/quality Liska is the best from all suppliers. Its like amazon on prime. Lol

Today i bought my second batch do defeat this injury once and for all!
Hello Folks.

25 July i got robbed on the streets, and the cunts broke my knee.
Doctors gave me a 5 % chance to run, or walk again.

I put a lot off hours to find something to fix my injury.

After a while tb 500 and bcp 157 was recommended to me on different forums.
But i needed a trusthy suppliers, after reading all threads on the forums..

I choose Liska.

So i started my cycle 2 months ago for 6 weeks.

Yesterday i went to the specialist and they were amazed, they have never seen it before. After 4.5 post surgery, they suspect full recovery.

I'm still in recovery, but i can vouch for the effectiveness off stuff from this supplier.

It cured my gingivitis also.

Price/quality Liska is the best from all suppliers. Its like amazon on prime. Lol

Today i bought my second batch do defeat this injury once and for all!
It’s called “ the wolverine protocol”
Hello Folks.

25 July i got robbed on the streets, and the cunts broke my knee.
Doctors gave me a 5 % chance to run, or walk again.

I put a lot off hours to find something to fix my injury.

After a while tb 500 and bcp 157 was recommended to me on different forums.
But i needed a trusthy suppliers, after reading all threads on the forums..

I choose Liska.

So i started my cycle 2 months ago for 6 weeks.

Yesterday i went to the specialist and they were amazed, they have never seen it before. After 4.5 post surgery, they suspect full recovery.

I'm still in recovery, but i can vouch for the effectiveness off stuff from this supplier.

It cured my gingivitis also.

Price/quality Liska is the best from all suppliers. Its like amazon on prime. Lol

Today i bought my second batch do defeat this injury once and for all!
Could you please, if i don't bother you, share the dosage of your healing injury protocol?
Thanks in advance.
Like Liska would say: Do your own research, so much information like 5 minutes away. I did research for at least 100 hours. Do the work!

There's nothing wrong with posting your own experiences and protocols.

Anecdotes are more or less all we have with these peptides in regards to human use seeing as there's no published human studies afaik.
Like Liska would say: Do your own research, so much information like 5 minutes away. I did research for at least 100 hours. Do the work!
Lol bro they just wanted to know what doses YOU chose to do that helped you. Most people already know the general starting doses.
Like Liska would say: Do your own research, so much information like 5 minutes away. I did research for at least 100 hours. Do the work!
Bravo la mentalité de certains !!!! C'est un forum de partage il me semble, parfois il m'arrive de parcourir le forum et de ne pas trouver une chose, une réponse à une question et je la poste dans un fil et tu as toujours des personnes qui interviennent naturellement.
Like Liska would say: Do your own research, so much information like 5 minutes away. I did research for at least 100 hours. Do the work!
ok, no problem. Thank you for sharing something that could help someone else injury.
You now know the protocol if someone else will break you the other knee.
I may aswell share my protocol with a recent minor injury.

Strained a muscle in my lower back Monday 05/12. The usual shite. Extreme tightness day after, can't bend over without pain etc.

Was already on 200mg test cyp PW and 50mg anavar ED.

Added in Liska's BPC 157 at 400mcg twice a day (am and pm).

Didn't train anything for the week that was demanding on the lower back but did bodyweight hyperextensions and 10 mins on the stairmaster followed by hip and hamstring stretches Wednesday and Friday.

Today 10/12 I have zero symptoms of a strained lower back. Will go back to usual training in 2 days and carry on the BPC protocol for at least another week.