Cat Café EU & US domestic

Hi! I'm planning on taking bloods to see Total Testosterone Levels and Estradiol. When would be the best time after pinning?
I used to do it the day after in the morning, but I used to pin intraM, now Im going subQ. I pin E3D 0.25ml pr 62.5mg of Test C.
For the CCUSA line. Do some products not have the logo on the label?
Some of the new products do have just a plain label. They have not had proper labels made for them yet. It will all come in time.

All labels are clear though, and basically similar. I could add in the logo if needed.

Let me know,

Hi! I'm planning on taking bloods to see Total Testosterone Levels and Estradiol. When would be the best time after pinning?
I used to do it the day after in the morning, but I used to pin intraM, now Im going subQ. I pin E3D 0.25ml pr 62.5mg of Test C.
As long as you have been pinning this way for 4-5 weeks it shouldn't matter. E3D will be stable bloods.


I talked to Pharmasource about it way back before my first batch as he made it as well at 200mg or 250mg ( he wasn't opposed to the latter at least iirc) and I don't remember his product crippling people either. While the 80mg/ml PIP is just too strange for me to have any explanation for, is it possible those negative experiences you recall others having were due to added guaiacol by chance?

I had pog and I remember people getting pip from his because towards his end he switched carrier oils to mig and alot of people had issues but some didn't and liked it but I had no issue pinning pogs when he was around.... I actually am excited to give ccusa dhb a ride and also his bold cyp..... Maybe run the bold cyp during the summer with micro dosed off tren ace, or if it's around parabolan
I hope ccusa eventually add in an injectable gluthione seen bloods from a CPL people recently and some other info and studies showing it really helping heal the liver and boost immune system as well... Iv seen it reduce people's alt numbers by half or more and put them back in range.... Love the trt jug as well
I had pog and I remember people getting pip from his because towards his end he switched carrier oils to mig and alot of people had issues but some didn't and liked it but I had no issue pinning pogs when he was around.... I actually am excited to give ccusa dhb a ride and also his bold cyp..... Maybe run the bold cyp during the summer with micro dosed off tren ace, or if it's around parabolan
Was it Miglyol 812 or 840? I'm pretty sure I read somewhere @Liska uses the 840. I have no problem with his products, probably it's the right concentration of BB and BA used, too.
Was it Miglyol 812 or 840? I'm pretty sure I read somewhere @Liska uses the 840. I have no problem with his products, probably it's the right concentration of BB and BA used, too.
Miglyol 812 is what most refer to as MCT and what I've always used, 840 is the propylene glycol one that people commonly refer to as Miglyol or Mig840 - both Pharmasource and Deus Medical used that at some point in time but both eventually switched to 812 due a significant number of people being intolerant to 840 resulting in significant PIP. 840 does have some advantages for specific applications but you'd have to take certain precautions to protect people unaware of whether they can tolerate it or not.
Miglyol 812 is what most refer to as MCT and what I've always used, 840 is the propylene glycol one that people commonly refer to as Miglyol or Mig840 - both Pharmasource and Deus Medical used that at some point in time but both eventually switched to 812 due a significant number of people being intolerant to 840 resulting in significant PIP. 840 does have some advantages for specific applications but you'd have to take certain precautions to protect people unaware of whether they can tolerate it or not.
Ok so I'm sure that is the 812 that doesn't give me issues.
@Liska what is the difference between tb500 and Acetylated (AC-) TB-500 (that is available now for sale in your page) ?
What's known as TB500 in the bodybuilding community is almost always TB4 (@janoshik once explained to me how this misnomer came about but I have feline dementia), whereas TB500 is the 17-23 fragment of the entire 1-43 TB4 sequence, which makes it about 5x more potent mg for mg for its range of benefits:
Specifically Goralatide (fragment 1-4) is worth a look as well, I've attached a .pdf for those interested in some basic further reading.

Apologies for not answering some stock questions, as usual the answers are exclusive to my tier 3 OF subscribers or I'm not confident enough to give a prediction.

I discounted a lot of products, specifically Modafinil and Armodafinil, introduced quantity discounts for all injectables and orals that aren't low in stock as well as all peptides and some pharma products, added Lantus insulin pens and will try to make a more organized post when I ever find time to do so.


  • GORALATIDE Thymosin Beta 4 Frag Handout.pdf
    924.9 KB · Views: 75