Chase Irons' 5g and 18iu ED of GH

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That doesn’t happen. It’s from eating a ton of food.
Show me anyone who retired from bodybuilding who stopped pushing copious amounts of food who still has a bloated stomach
There's a lot of retired Bodybuilders who still have an extended/big belly.
Who that isn’t fat and out of shape? That organ growth nonsense is bs
Who that isn't lol is that ebonics? Then where does the bubble gut turtle shell come from on guys with like 5% body fat and shredded glutes. Possibly not organ growth but also could just be thickening of the abdominals to a undesirable degree.
The whole reason pros get upset is because the whole work hard eat hard thing is getting overshadowed by the gear and showing the average person that gear is really used extensively in bbing. The secrets are out to the public who didn't even know much about aas before. So now their hard work and diet and discipline is in question because people will think it's just gear. Let's face it the gear equation plays a big part in bbing. So now guys being open about 5g use and other bbers getting their posing trunks in a bunch because they are getting branded as steroid abusers. Just my opinion. The smoke and mirrors are still there with guys not being honest with what they use because it will downplay their hard work.
Who that isn't lol is that ebonics? Then where does the bubble gut turtle shell come from on guys with like 5% body fat and shredded glutes. Possibly not organ growth but also could just be thickening of the abdominals to a undesirable degree.
It’s from the stomach being stretched from pushing a ton of food and bloating you skinny fat nonce
Who that isn't lol is that ebonics? Then where does the bubble gut turtle shell come from on guys with like 5% body fat and shredded glutes. Possibly not organ growth but also could just be thickening of the abdominals to an undesirable degree.
Believe most of this they found to be Visceral fat around organs and specifically an area behind abdominal wall. (On plane and can’t recall off top of my head or dig.)

I think some organ growth occurs, (probably very small) but they now believe (if I recall right) that visceral fat caused by insulin usage is primarily to blame alongside forced eating which compounds the issue.
I'm with Chase and DanTheBodybuilder on this one: Most pros just outright lie about dosage.

No pro wants the world to know they are only that size because they live off the syringe. It is what it is...

The more you inject, given training and diet are accompanying it, the more you grow. Simple as...

If that was not the case, we would not be doing gear.
I'm with Chase and DanTheBodybuilder on this one: Most pros just outright lie about dosage.

No pro wants the world to know they are only that size because they live off the syringe. It is what it is...

The more you inject, given training and diet are accompanying it, the more you grow. Simple as...

If that was not the case, we would not be doing gear.
Its harm reduction to some extent.
Genetics play a huge role also.
For the average guy i agree it really is what it takes.
But keep in mind side effects also depend on genetics .
Some can't even run trt or get bloated of 50mgs of deca .
No way they can run Chase Irons dosages.
18 IU Serostim costs around $90/d. >$30000 per year. That's about what top 5 Mr. Olympia makes for prize money.

Chase Irons claims to have unlimited access to free UGL GH.

I have questions.
Chase is getting a piece of the Serostim and Genotropin sales. At the end of last year he was taking 3iu pharma in the morning and 16iu generic preworkout and was saying it was the motherfucking shit.

I need generic rIGF-1

Did anyone else hear the guy that said Jay Cutler was taking a vial of Serostim AM/PM for his entire career?
Chase is getting a piece of the Serostim and Genotropin sales. At the end of last year he was taking 3iu pharma in the morning and 16iu generic preworkout and was saying it was the motherfucking shit.

I need generic rIGF-1

Did anyone else hear the guy that said Jay Cutler was taking a vial of Serostim AM/PM for his entire career?

no, that sounds rediculous, but you never know. Doubt it was for his whole career though.
You believe everything u hear ? Could be trolling for views, that's 3cc hes taking a day, hes using all that oil like its synthol, image how much more attention hes gotten since hes talking about this blast that's $ in his pocket. yes hes put on Size but it's taken years just like it has all of us that steadily put on size year after year. I'm bigger this year then last year and last year I was bigger than the year before thats how it should be without ridiculous blasts. If he really is taking all that shit then I now understand why people roast amatures that they take way more than pros.
He actually address this in a video where he explains that it has taken him 15 years to get to where he is and stresses that its a long process to get that big. I'm mean 280 and lean is big as fuck. In the training video he did with vigorous Steve you can really see how big he's gotten. The above thumbnail doesn't really show it.
what in the actual fuck is this guy doing... does he not understand that bodybuilding is all food dude. 1 gram of test is plenty. shit throw in some eq and that is plenty of gear 5 iu of gh is plenty if you are not growing on that then you need to eat more food its fucking simple bro. this guy is shortening his life because he doesnt understand the simple fact that he needs to eat more food not take more gear. this shit annoys me bro wtf
what in the actual fuck is this guy doing... does he not understand that bodybuilding is all food dude. 1 gram of test is plenty. shit throw in some eq and that is plenty of gear 5 iu of gh is plenty if you are not growing on that then you need to eat more food its fucking simple bro. this guy is shortening his life because he doesnt understand the simple fact that he needs to eat more food not take more gear. this shit annoys me bro wtf
His bloodwork on 5k oil and 18iu growth is probably better than you off gear. How can you say 1k test and 5iu growth is plenty if you haven't run big doses for lengthy periods of time? 5iu growth is small gains, 20iu growth and your muscles will get thicker, I no longer believe in the "Your muscles can only get so big thing", more growth and more food and they'll thicken
He actually address this in a video where he explains that it has taken him 15 years to get to where he is and stresses that its a long process to get that big. I'm mean 280 and lean is big as fuck. In the training video he did with vigorous Steve you can really see how big he's gotten. The above thumbnail doesn't really show it.
I talked to him last week at the olympia in the gym when he was pumped up hitting chest. He really does look a lot bigger in person and can definitely hang with the big guys around the olympia expo