ChatGPT: Why Nandrolone Isn't the Hair-Safest Option: Two Hair-Safe Protocols for Muscle Growth


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When it comes to muscle growth and minimizing hair loss, many assume that nandrolone (NPP) is the safer option due to its conversion to DHN instead of DHT. But after breaking down two different protocols, it's clear that there are better ways to approach anabolic use if hair safety is a priority.

**Protocol A: Anavar + Primobolan + Low-Dose Testosterone**
**Dosage & Timing:**
- **Anavar**: 50 mg/day (oral)
- **Primobolan**: 300-400 mg/week (injected twice weekly)
- **Testosterone**: 25 mg/week (injected once weekly)

**Why It's Hair-Safe:**
- **Anavar** and **Primobolan** both have **low androgenic activity** and don’t convert to DHT, the main hormone responsible for hair loss. Even with low-dose testosterone, DHT production is minimal.
- This stack offers **moderate muscle gains** while keeping hair loss risk **very low**.

**Rating Summary:**
- **Muscle Growth**: 70/100
- **Strength Gains**: 65/100
- **Hair Loss Risk**: 25/100
- **Health Side Effects**: 40/100
- **Mental Side Effects**: 30/100

**Protocol B: NPP + Low-Dose Testosterone**
**Dosage & Timing:**
- **NPP**: 150 mg every 3 days (injected)
- **Testosterone**: 25 mg every 5 days (injected)

**Why NPP May Not Be Hair-Safe:**
- NPP converts to **dihydronandrolone (DHN)**, a weaker androgen than DHT, but its **progestogenic effects** can sensitize androgen receptors in hair follicles, potentially **increasing hair loss risk**.
- Although this protocol will lead to **greater muscle growth**, the **moderate hair loss risk** makes it a trade-off for those prioritizing hair health.

**Rating Summary:**
- **Muscle Growth**: 90/100
- **Strength Gains**: 85/100
- **Hair Loss Risk**: 50/100
- **Health Side Effects**: 60/100
- **Mental Side Effects**: 50/100

For those prioritizing **hair safety**, **Protocol A (Anavar + Primobolan + Low Testosterone)** is the clear winner. While NPP can offer faster and more dramatic muscle gains, its progestogenic effects and moderate androgenicity make it a riskier option for hair loss.

What are your thoughts on **nandrolone’s progestogenic effects on hair loss**? Does anyone else believe it plays a more significant role than DHN conversion in hair thinning, or is this overstated?

I’d love to hear other opinions, but based on the evidence, **Protocol A** seems to be the best balance of muscle growth and hair safety. Thoughts? I’m losing a fuck ton of hair and I really just want to be jacked, perform well, and not lose it. Was running the npp one for a while and I think because of the progestogenic activity I was still dropping hair. This makes me believe protocol A will work while providing similar gains. Am I stupid?
The only way you will know how anything works is to try it all for yourself. I’d lean more towards “B”. More like 100-160 test a week, 100 npp EOD.

(This is advice from someone who doesn’t hasn’t suffered from this problem)

Have you tried test with fin/dut?

Respectfully, if you’re losing hair and you are not doing micro needling, minoxidil, ketoconzole you don’t care that bad yet.
You'll lose all kinds of hair once you jump on primo and anavar if you're already losing it from test.

I'm not sure this is universal. I stacked a fairly low dose of nandrolone on test and got increased hair loss plus mental sides that caused me to ditch nandrolone forever.

I've run up to 750mg each of test and primo simultaneously with 6 week stint of Anavar (20mg/day) thrown in with no problems.

In both cases using minoxidil, ketoconazole, and at some point RU58841.
I'm not sure this is universal. I stacked a fairly low dose of nandrolone on test and got increased hair loss plus mental sides that caused me to ditch nandrolone forever.

I've run up to 750mg each of test and primo simultaneously with 6 week stint of Anavar (20mg/day) thrown in with no problems.

In both cases using minoxidil, ketoconazole, and at some point RU58841.
I’m using minoxidil and micro needling as well as ketoconazole. RU killed my dick. I get crazy mental sides and crazy hairloss with npp as well; how did you feel using the primo and var? Do you recommend primo? I’m scared of all the hair-fearmongering over it online
The only way you will know how anything works is to try it all for yourself. I’d lean more towards “B”. More like 100-160 test a week, 100 npp EOD.

(This is advice from someone who doesn’t hasn’t suffered from this problem)

Have you tried test with fin/dut?

Respectfully, if you’re losing hair and you are not doing micro needling, minoxidil, ketoconzole you don’t care that bad yet.
The fin destroyed me :( I’ve been on protocol B and I’ve been shedding like CRAZY. Think it’s TE?
The only way you will know how anything works is to try it all for yourself. I’d lean more towards “B”. More like 100-160 test a week, 100 npp EOD.

(This is advice from someone who doesn’t hasn’t suffered from this problem)

Have you tried test with fin/dut?

Respectfully, if you’re losing hair and you are not doing micro needling, minoxidil, ketoconzole you don’t care that bad yet.
The advice you’re seeing in that thread about using NPP and testosterone is coming from the perspective of someone who hasn’t experienced hair loss, so their view on potential hair safety might be more relaxed. Let’s break it down and provide some clarity on the protocols you’re considering:

Test + NPP (Protocol B)

• Dosing: You mentioned 100-160 mg testosterone per week and 100 mg NPP every other day (EOD).
• Why it works for muscle growth: This is a potent combination for building muscle. NPP (nandrolone phenylpropionate) is highly anabolic and helps with muscle mass and recovery. Nandrolone converts to DHN (dihydronandrolone), which is a weaker androgen compared to DHT, often giving it a reputation as being more hair-friendly compared to testosterone.

However, the progestogenic effects of nandrolone can cause androgen receptor sensitization in hair follicles, meaning even if DHN is weaker, you might still experience hair loss. This is why individuals with high sensitivity to androgens may still notice shedding on NPP despite its relatively lower androgenic conversion.

Hair Loss Concerns:

• The testosterone dose you mentioned (100-160 mg per week) is reasonable for minimizing DHT conversion, but there will still be some DHT produced. Combining this with NPP at 100 mg EOD introduces a significant androgen load over time. For someone with a genetic predisposition to hair loss, this could lead to moderate hair shedding.

Primobolan + Anavar (Protocol A)

• Why it’s safer for hair: Primobolan (methenolone) and Anavar (oxandrolone) are both DHT derivatives, but they have low androgenic activity, which means they’re less likely to bind strongly to androgen receptors in hair follicles compared to testosterone or nandrolone. They don’t convert into more potent androgens like DHT, which reduces the risk of hair follicle miniaturization.

However, people sensitive to androgens may still notice some hair shedding, especially if they’re prone to androgenic alopecia. That’s why many recommend micro-needling, minoxidil, and ketoconazole as preventative treatments.

Hair Loss Concerns:

• If you’re already losing hair from testosterone, switching to Primobolan and Anavar may still lead to hair loss, but at a slower rate. Anecdotal reports often suggest that those with high sensitivity to hair loss still experience shedding, but at a less aggressive pace than with more androgenic compounds like nandrolone or testosterone.
how did you feel using the primo and var? Do you recommend primo? I’m scared of all the hair-fearmongering over it online

Primo is awesome, I love it. I keep it in during blast and cruise to control e2. The anavar was okay. I ran it mid-cycle at relatively low doses 20mg/day. Kinda bothered my stomach and gave me crazy vascularity. Probably helped some with strength and recovery as my lifts went up pretty well when I was running it.
I don't know why people think Nandrolone is hair safe. It literally shredded hair of my head. I've ran everything under the sun, even one time a full blown DHT cocktail consisting of test/primo/mast/anavar cycle and it didn't touch my hair as bad as previous NPP run. That shit is crazy. It's worse than tren for me for hairloss.

I've ran test/primo/anavar for several cycles now, its pretty much the only thing i run nowadays, and while it's definitely not hair safe, it doesn't fuck you up so fast. It's more of a slow process.
I don't know why people think Nandrolone is hair safe. It literally shredded hair of my head. I've ran everything under the sun, even one time a full blown DHT cocktail consisting of test/primo/mast/anavar cycle and it didn't touch my hair as bad as previous NPP run. That shit is crazy. It's worse than tren for me for hairloss.

I've ran test/primo/anavar for several cycles now, its pretty much the only thing i run nowadays, and while it's definitely not hair safe, it doesn't fuck you up so fast. It's more of a slow process.
Really? See this is my experience too but I have no other explanation other than chat gpt’s progestogenic behavior explanation which does make a lot of sense. What’s been the easiest on your hairline so far?
I don't know why people think Nandrolone is hair safe. It literally shredded hair of my head. I've ran everything under the sun, even one time a full blown DHT cocktail consisting of test/primo/mast/anavar cycle and it didn't touch my hair as bad as previous NPP run. That shit is crazy. It's worse than tren for me for hairloss.

I've ran test/primo/anavar for several cycles now, its pretty much the only thing i run nowadays, and while it's definitely not hair safe, it doesn't fuck you up so fast. It's more of a slow process
Did you regrow it? I’m wondering if it’s causing telogen effluvium
25mg test is too high. The people I've seen experiment with low dose test/high nandrolone did 15mg test or zero test. 25mg still caused issues

You seem hell bent on nandrolone without hair shedding and it's possible with just npp/dbol or deca/dbol. No test, no primo, no anavar. Run npp 600mg solo or add 25mg dbol for the e2(methyl e2). You can find everything you need in the Facebook group Taeian's bodybuilding camel cult Log into Facebook . They are run cycles without loosing hair and have plenty of advice for you to regrow what you've lost. Go check it out. Hope that helps
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