Second time ordering from Citadel in the last half year, package came in 2 days. First time around really liked what i seen in the mirror and the scale, very comparable to Pareto which was my previous go to for 2 years prior. But obviously that’s not saying much, test results are where it’s at obviously.
I’ll be blasting on 800 test, 600 EQ, 600 Deca, 50mg anadrol ED, 20/40mg dbol ED.
I have this Aromasin, Nolva and Pharma grade prami that I’ll be moving around throughout the cycle, so keep posted on the dosages when I actually start, depending on how my body reacts to the cycle. I know this is a ton for some people lol I’ll be starting my cycle next month so I’ll pull bloods forsure 5/6 weeks after my first shot.