DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

Damn you shoulda told us that before - we woulda said to not pick it up. We were just assuming your laws were similar. A year in the joint is ridiculous over something so trivial. You’re not causing anyone any harm, no one is even inconvenienced. It’s a victimless crime and it’s not even addictive - it’s for self improvement. Seriously, don’t they have better shit to crack down on over there? Good luck bro…

we did. he just didnt listen. he fucked around and found out

Does anyone know if it’s possible to delete my messages on this forum?
@DashPCT your domestic shipper sent me expired generic Viagra. Yes I'm sure it still works and inexpensive, but c'mon paying more for domestic id expect the shit I order to be in date


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You’re such a c*nt lol what is wrong with ppl on this forum.
word for word “I’m sure it still works and is inexpensive” and you’re bitching about it. Viagra does not expire. Ever. In 100 years that tablet in that foil will work. So you are de facto being a c*nt about an arbitrary date.
word for word “I’m sure it still works and is inexpensive” and you’re bitching about it. Viagra does not expire. Ever. In 100 years that tablet in that foil will work. So you are de facto being a c*nt about an arbitrary date.

Viagra never expires? Got a source for that, chief?
Nearly 90% of over 100 drugs tested were still good 15 years after the expiration date.

For what it’s worth I’ve tested 2 products that were 5 years expired and both tested very well.

However I have zero proof this applies to viagra.

They should not be sending expired products though. It’s just common courtesy when you buy something that it’s not expired when you receive it.
They should not be sending expired products though. It’s just common courtesy when you buy something that it’s not expired when you receive it.
Oh I agree 100% with this. I’m just saying don’t throw it away. Especially since he ordered domestic and probably paid extra.
1/10 drugs is actually not a small #. there is a tonne of variables aswell, some drugs become toxic once expired some can last 20-30 years, depends on what is used as filler ie if basic or acidic they will degrade faster, depends on storage temps, just because in foil does not mean its void of moisture either or back filled with nitrogen nore better than pills in a sealed container with desiccant.

drug producers have no incentive to try and prove there drug lasts longer than 2 years. is an expired pill by a few months better than some ugl that god knows how long they had raws and god knows how long oil was sitting in a tub in a garage probably. but thats one of the reason folks pay more for pharma, so ur getting something that has credibility and a company that is actually held responsible for quality, and why u pay more vs homemade caps.. if selling expired should at least be cheaper and make it known.

dont feed the troll guys.. offers little insight, standoffish, and less we reply to him less motivation he has to troll and will go away.

everyone knows its not cool to get expired goods.
1/10 drugs is actually not a small #. there is a tonne of variables aswell, some drugs become toxic once expired some can last 20-30 years, depends on what is used as filler ie if basic or acidic they will degrade faster, depends on storage temps, just because in foil does not mean its void of moisture either or back filled with nitrogen nore better than pills in a sealed container with desiccant.

drug producers have no incentive to try and prove there drug lasts longer than 2 years. is an expired pill by a few months better than some ugl that god knows how long they had raws and god knows how long oil was sitting in a tub in a garage probably. but thats one of the reason folks pay more for pharma, so ur getting something that has credibility and a company that is actually held responsible for quality, and why u pay more vs homemade caps.. if selling expired should at least be cheaper and make it known.

dont feed the troll guys.. offers little insight, standoffish, and less we reply to him less motivation he has to troll and will go away.

everyone knows its not cool to get expired goods.
Sooooo goods that are past the “expiration date” or goods that actually expire? Because if it is past the expiration date but it’s still completely viable, then what is the problem? He should just throw it away? I’m so confused. It either matters or it doesn’t, you can simultaneously maintain that drugs are perfectly viable decades after the printed date and at the same time that those same drugs are expired and you can’t use them.

This troll is actually educating ppl but yeah we want him and his good points out of here! We don’t want to invite anyone to this circle jerk!