If you don't understand the value of bloodwork for demonstrating when you have elevated prolactin then I don't think you're reading in the right library.
Your nips can hurt and it has nothing to do with prolactin. You can be on 19-nors without high prolactin. You can have gyno, while on 19-nors, without elevated prolactin. Cabergoline does not magically solve all gyno issues. Cabergoline does not always give 'crazy libido or boners'.
I'm not actually trying to put you down here. You could be having problems that are related to other stuff you're doing but you're blaming the caber. This won't get you anywhere if the caber actually is legitimate. If you're not going to send it to Janoshik and make
@DashPCT cover the testing fees, then you should get bloodwork and actually confirm you have elevated prolactin.