Dirts Brew log

Just to chime in. 50% BB. Testosterone Undecanoate. 400mg per ml

No pip. 1%ba. I don't think bb causes pip.
I agree.. however it's also individual..what could be pip free for one person may not be for the next.. everyone's body is different and reacts different to different things. That's one good thing about brewing for yourself.. make it how it works for you!
D, thank you for letting me use your thread to post this, for someone who may be feeling a bit so-so and challenged, right now.
As this thread is always so cool and bright, I kind of hope it spreads a bit of its spirit.
May this reach them, through Meso's ether:

They should know that they are on my mind and I am sending them positive thoughts, for it all to smooth itself out, soon.
Tranquillitas animi to be restored.
Wish I could soothe their furrowed brow and have a magic wand to make it all go away; alas, not possible.
I ain't Harry Potter, anyway, so no can do.
It will all be OK.
Yes. You.
Wanted to share a little data I collected .. as have been trying out recipes for TNE I was kinda curious as to just what the exact effect was besides my "feelz" ( which are awsome) in my limited experiences so far there are 2 things I have had to set boundaries with from an addictive personally standpoint... TNE and Halotestin.. anyways on with it.... the last 3 times I pulled labs were Monday mornings.. I have a mon/thur morning g pin schedule. On 500mg of test c a week at this timing test#1 1577 test# 2 1591.. . E2 29 &21. Test #3 I was like I'm gonna do a shot of this TNE a couple hour before the test and see what it does.. So I did 1ml of 100mg/ml tne I made and this was 2 hours post shot. 7300 e2 58. I know this a little off topic but kinda goes along with my brewing in a way20240904_201115.webp
Wanted to share a little data I collected .. as have been trying out recipes for TNE I was kinda curious as to just what the exact effect was besides my "feelz" ( which are awsome) in my limited experiences so far there are 2 things I have had to set boundaries with from an addictive personally standpoint... TNE and Halotestin.. anyways on with it.... the last 3 times I pulled labs were Monday mornings.. I have a mon/thur morning g pin schedule. On 500mg of test c a week at this timing test#1 1577 test# 2 1591.. . E2 29 &21. Test #3 I was like I'm gonna do a shot of this TNE a couple hour before the test and see what it does.. So I did 1ml of 100mg/ml tne I made and this was 2 hours post shot. 7300 e2 58. I know this a little off topic but kinda goes along with my brewing in a wayView attachment 295885
Incredible work Dirthand. You are the premier citizen scientist at Meso with this type of work.

what was your last injection before the TNE injection (testosterone dissolved in oil)?

Also don't let labcorp cheat you by running LCMS for TT and then doing the shi*ty direct assay for FT. For same price or less you can get LCMS (TT) plus equilibrium dialysis for FT.

Thanks for sharing.
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Wanted to share a little data I collected .. as have been trying out recipes for TNE I was kinda curious as to just what the exact effect was besides my "feelz" ( which are awsome) in my limited experiences so far there are 2 things I have had to set boundaries with from an addictive personally standpoint... TNE and Halotestin.. anyways on with it.... the last 3 times I pulled labs were Monday mornings.. I have a mon/thur morning g pin schedule. On 500mg of test c a week at this timing test#1 1577 test# 2 1591.. . E2 29 &21. Test #3 I was like I'm gonna do a shot of this TNE a couple hour before the test and see what it does.. So I did 1ml of 100mg/ml tne I made and this was 2 hours post shot. 7300 e2 58. I know this a little off topic but kinda goes along with my brewing in a wayView attachment 295885
Broski check your cholesterol and liver those are not great value
Incredible work Dirthand. You are the premier citizen scientist at Meso with this type of work.

what was your last injection before the TNE injection (testosterone dissolved in oil)?

Also don't let labcorp cheat you by running LCMS for TT and then doing the shi*ty direct assay for FT. For same price or less you can get LCMS (TT) plus equilibrium dialysis for FT.

Thanks for sharing.
I'm not complaining I get that test for 22$ thu the club I belong to. I generally dont test fir test levels while on blast.. it was just a cheap so I had been adding it just for shits and giggles.. now that I'm trying dial in a cruise for the first time I'll be a getting it that way.
For the level of stuff you are indulging in those values are actually impressive.
Yeah really I feel so.. I was doing an acutane treatment at the time of Top of everything..so values was kinda up.. I have been doing labs every 4-6 weeks religiously so I keep a close watch on things.. and plus we all have our risk tolerance thresholds ... when I hit mine I dropped to a cruise... If I was a 25 -30 year old guy trying to make a career out doing gear and bodybuilding I'd probly have a more cautious and moderate approach ..