Does your spouse know you use gear?


Curiosity question here...of those of you who are married here (in any combination: male/female, male/male, female/female or whatever other pronoun combination you want to use these days) how many of you keep your use of gear a secret from your significant other?

I have a spouse who would absolutely lose her shit if she knew what I was doing and I'm wondering if anybody else keeps it under wraps?

As an alternate question, if you decided to do gear how did you go about telling the other person? Did you ask them to sign off on it or just tell them that was the way it was and too damn bad?

I'm sure there will be some smart-ass answers and I welcome those too because I enjoy the laugh but I am genuinely wondering if I'm the only one keeping this quiet to a spouse.
I don’t see how it would be possible to hide that from a spouse who lives with you. My wife does not care and has never expressed concern about my steroid use because it doesn’t affect our relationship. She knows by now the “roid rage” propaganda is just that, Propaganda.

I do hide it from everyone else though. My brothers and my wife are the only ones that know I used steroids. I don’t think anyone else needs to know.
You got to be honest with your spouse man.

Depending on why you wanna use gear will tell a lot, make sure they know everything, try to explain and teach them what you do why when and how. Show them that your responsible with it.

And make sure they know it’s a BIG FUCKING no no to talk about outside of the household.

Don’t ask for them to sign off on it, they don’t own you and you don’t own them. Talk with them about what you wanna do and make a decision together

Make sure they know and understand the why, give them time to mull it over if they need. Hopefully they aren’t brainwashed and say something like “well what if I wanted to start injecting heroin?” Lol
Mine knows and is fine with it. It took some talking and backing up my reasons for doing so, but in the end she is good with it
Not married but long term relationships I find it’s not worth it to tell them more than I’m only taking a replacement dose of what the normal man produces. Made the mistake of trusting too many of them seeing as they weren’t judgemental until you show a little anger even though they are in the wrong and it’s the steroids causing you to be this way. Many women will say it’s ok until it fits their narrative to throw it back in your face
I hate the lying part but I absolutely KNOW she will put an end to it because it could be a health risk at my age. She has her medical degree from WebMD and watched way too many medical shows in her lifetime so if it ain't comin' from the DR for a medical condition to keep me alive it isn't really necessary...sigh.

I get my bloodwork done and watch my diet and do everything I can to keep things in check but she has made many implied comments that I shouldn't consider ever doing it. It was a fight to get her to agree to TRT in the 1st place but the topical did nothing worth the time and effort and my numbers where 'in range' based on my age...yeah your range kinda sucks Doc.

I feel fantastic now, I love how I can make myself look and would be crushed if I have to give it up. Love the validation when people can't guess my age and the young bucks ask for gym advice. Not gonna lie...that's a good feeling. But yes...other than how great I feel the rest of my reasoning is pretty selfish when I read it out loud.

My son knows so if anything were to ever happen health wise he can come clean just to the doctor or EMS in case it has a bearing on anything at the time and I'll just deal with the fallout if they bring me back!

Again...thanks for anybody's input. I guess I know I'm in the wrong here...just curious exactly how far.
Not married but long term relationships I find it’s not worth it to tell them more than I’m only taking a replacement dose of what the normal man produces. Made the mistake of trusting too many of them seeing as they weren’t judgemental until you show a little anger even though they are in the wrong and it’s the steroids causing you to be this way. Many women will say it’s ok until it fits their narrative to throw it back in your face

Good advice. Very true. Careful with breakups, in that matter, AAS are a terrible weapon against you.
I'm on TRT so it's easier to be open on injecting myself twice a week. I don't hide my goodie case and if she feels the need to snoop, then we have a discussion ahead and I'm ok with that answer. I won't stop and if she doesn't like it then that's her problem. And as for GH, I say they are peptides which I've educated her on.
Curiosity question here...of those of you who are married here (in any combination: male/female, male/male, female/female or whatever other pronoun combination you want to use these days) how many of you keep your use of gear a secret from your significant other?

I have a spouse who would absolutely lose her shit if she knew what I was doing and I'm wondering if anybody else keeps it under wraps?

As an alternate question, if you decided to do gear how did you go about telling the other person? Did you ask them to sign off on it or just tell them that was the way it was and too damn bad?

I'm sure there will be some smart-ass answers and I welcome those too because I enjoy the laugh but I am genuinely wondering if I'm the only one keeping this quiet to a spouse.
Question for you, how do you hide it from her?
Not spouse yet, but yes. I’m thankful every day that she’s cool with it. I can’t imagine trying to hide it. If you can’t be honest with her about it, it won’t end well.
my wife helped inject it into my arm when my ventrogluteal was too sore. she knows I do my research on harm reduction. the only thing she was pissed off about was when I was irritable for a bad test/e2 ratio.

She is on anavar and low dose test for her libido/gains

its a fun couples activity for us lol
Don’t lie to her. Educate her. Imagine how it will go down one day if she was unaware and found needles? She’s think you were a drug addict? What else are you hiding? Ect ect.
Question for you, how do you hide it from her?
The pinning or the results?

She has a pretty regular routine in the am and my work is a bit more flexible so I just wait till she's not home and discard things discretely in the trash. My office is organized chaos and she doesn't venture in here all that much and when she does she just assumes every box is computer-nerd shit so I just don't leave things lying around. Believe me...I'm learning how addicts must feel trying to hide stuff all the time...

Results wise I stay pretty moderate on how I look. I did NPC when I turned 50 and it was strictly diet and exercise that got me 2nd in my old man class. I work out religiously so that's not out of the norm here and being in shape has become my new normal so looking fit isn't weird to her.

Now...keeping it a secret if I decide to homebrew would be an entirely different matter all together.
If u can’t tell your spouse then u definitely shouldn’t be with her - All you are doing is lying man - not cool
I value what you're saying and yes...lying by omission is still lying but not telling her at this point doesn't mean I shouldn't be with her. Our marriage is built on a lot more than just something like this.
Don’t lie to her. Educate her. Imagine how it will go down one day if she was unaware and found needles? She’s think you were a drug addict? What else are you hiding? Ect ect.
If you only knew how perfect this analogy is with her chosen occupational field you'd laugh your ass off and then hope she finds out so you can watch my crucifixion!!
Wife knows, she is generally curious and concerned health wise. She supports my decisions, and I support hers. I'm lucky as we've known each other since we were 14 and 16, and now pushing 40. I was blessed to find a wife and best friend without sounding to much like a mush.

With that said my wife is huge in to cardio, Peloton bike, and aerobics, she has experimented with anavar on several occasions and had incredible results.

The real issue I find is hiding it from my 3 children.
I value what you're saying and yes...lying by omission is still lying but not telling her at this point doesn't mean I shouldn't be with her. Our marriage is built on a lot more than just something like this.

If you only knew how perfect this analogy is with her chosen occupational field you'd laugh your ass off and then hope she finds out so you can watch my crucifixion!!
Well now I wanna know lol…. She works for the DEA doesn’t she ;-)
Mine doesn't care. She doesn't want to see me do it or anything, but is okay with it knowing that i'm as responsible as one could be abusing hormones.
Yep and she doesn’t care. We talk a lot about it and she trusts me to make sound decisions. She is T1 diabetic and it has crossed my mind to grab a pen and try some insulin, lol!