Does your spouse know you use gear?

Have you stopped to consider whether she might be correct about the health risk at your age? Or are you dismissive?
It may have more to do with a dismissive attitude about a very real risk than about the truth of whether you do them or not.

Anyway, there won't really be a way to hide it.

Would she leave you if you gained 20 pounds of fat? That's a health risk, too.

Do you do cardio every day for 30 minutes? I am asking because if the answer is no, then that is a health risk, and she ought to leave your ass.

Maybe taking this health risk seriously and discussing her concerns and doing what you can to allay those concerns by taking your own health seriously, cardio, proper diet, blood tests, blood pressure checks, and so on, would go a long way to repairing whatever this dysfunctional communication/power dynamic is in your marriage.
Damn all about some tough love aint ya?? ;) Respect.

I am not at all dismissive about the health risks or her opinion despite what folks may read into what I'm asking or describing here. At my age everything starts to come in to play as a risk when we get past our bulletproof years and start to realize we're on the back half.

I do 40 minutes of cardio 4 days a week but could absolutely do better. I skip red meat, fried foods and alcohol. Gallon of water daily etc. so I like to think that I'm following the rules as best I can but I'm not perfect by any means. I want to stick around as long as can so I do pull bloodwork usually every 3-4 months but more often if anything seems off or out of line. Which fortunately prior to this last round has not been an issue. However, no point sticking around if you're not happy in your own skin.

As for my dysfunctional communication/power dynamic I think we simply disagree on this particular topic and what we feel is a safe course of action. She's made her mind up that artificial Test is bad and we should ride things out the way the universe intended. I have a different opinion which is why I've chosen this particular path for the time being.

Maybe this is a bad comparison but if you took up skydiving and your wife was against it but the way it made you feel and the joy it brought you was a beyond incredible would you be ok giving it up? Even after explaining the odds of dying are pretty low and you have a backup chute and you've done training and feel 100% confident you are safe? Whatever you provide as rationale for your choice she says no. Not saying any of this sarcastically. I guess I am genuinely wondering at what point do you concede and do what others want you to do instead of what you want to do? Obviously skydiving has its risks but you accept them to enjoy it. Perhaps that concession is an expected and regular part of committing to somebody else and I am just not doing a good job at it.

Again, not saying I am right here or that my approach is the right approach at me I know it's not right...just wondering what others do in their worlds and why so I can look outside of my own and gain some insight.
So much easier when they know. She does my injections for me makes sure I have it prepped right just in case and makes sure kids know not to barge in or start shit for at least 5minutes lol
Been married for 26 years, 3 kids and have worked out for years. so she is used to me always trying to improve my physique.


unfortunately, my wife would be completly unaccepting of my PED use. She gets highly upset for using creatine or protein powder. At first those types of supplements were not a big deal, but the first time i got aggrevated with her. She blamed them and I was not even on any PEDs back then.

So I do hide it from her and wish I could be more open, but I know she would flip over my usage. I know this because she stopped talking to me when she found my computer history when I was in research mode on PEDs.

If she was to find out she would not leave me, but she would flush my stuff and I would get an ear full.

Hiding it is easy in my house and injecting is just as easy because of our work schedules.

For the guys that have the support of rhe spouse, I envy you. It would be nice to get some help injecting in certain locations. sometimes trying to strech and inject can be akward and hare when you cramp as the needle penetrates.

Been married for 26 years, 3 kids and have worked out for years. so she is used to me always trying to improve my physique.


unfortunately, my wife would be completly unaccepting of my PED use. She gets highly upset for using creatine or protein powder. At first those types of supplements were not a big deal, but the first time i got aggrevated with her. She blamed them and I was not even on any PEDs back then.

So I do hide it from her and wish I could be more open, but I know she would flip over my usage. I know this because she stopped talking to me when she found my computer history when I was in research mode on PEDs.

If she was to find out she would not leave me, but she would flush my stuff and I would get an ear full.

Hiding it is easy in my house and injecting is just as easy because of our work schedules.

For the guys that have the support of rhe spouse, I envy you. It would be nice to get some help injecting in certain locations. sometimes trying to strech and inject can be akward and hare when you cramp as the needle penetrates.

damn bro, i guess you gotta train harder then if she still thinks u r natty. lol
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Been married for 26 years, 3 kids and have worked out for years. so she is used to me always trying to improve my physique.


unfortunately, my wife would be completly unaccepting of my PED use. She gets highly upset for using creatine or protein powder. At first those types of supplements were not a big deal, but the first time i got aggrevated with her. She blamed them and I was not even on any PEDs back then.

So I do hide it from her and wish I could be more open, but I know she would flip over my usage. I know this because she stopped talking to me when she found my computer history when I was in research mode on PEDs.

If she was to find out she would not leave me, but she would flush my stuff and I would get an ear full.

Hiding it is easy in my house and injecting is just as easy because of our work schedules.

For the guys that have the support of rhe spouse, I envy you. It would be nice to get some help injecting in certain locations. sometimes trying to strech and inject can be akward and hare when you cramp as the needle penetrates.

Married 15 years 3 kids

Mine did the same. I got sidewalks ONE time and i was taking DHEA an she knew it, guess what was the first thing she blamed it on? I dont even get angry that much but it was the top of the list to blame. I don’t say anything to her. I am very responsible with my health. I do bloods 3 times every cycle and at least once on each cruise to make sure levels are back to normal. My Dr doesn’t know either but i am very adamant about doing every test he will because of how active i am and some of my family medical history.
damn bro, i guess you gotta train harder then if she still thinks u r natty. lol
Some women just don't understand real male body possibilities in an odd way. Some do. But alot don't. I had a girl who thought I was at least 225lbs when I was 185. At the same time I knew someone and she thought I was "175-195". Perspective is easy to skew and on top of that there are some women who assume you do stuff but as long as they never find out they are ok with it.

"A woman will fake sex for a good relationship. A man will fake a relationship for good sex"
"A woman will fake sex for a good relationship. A man will fake a relationship for good sex"
Often too true.

16 years and 4 kids. She knows about TRT, she even agreed to inject a little herself to improve her mood/physique/libido (worked like you wouldn't believe). She knows about any other illegal drugs I've taken in the past and was aware before I took them.

We're both health conscious, count our calories, track our macros, regular bloods, cardio/water/avoid alcohol/etc. We could both do better, but life if about trying to improve, if you ever decide you've made it you've grown stagnant.

Currently on cycle, she knows I'm bulking, I'm planning on sticking to safe compounds now and in any future cycles so she's just not aware of my routine fully is all. (which she's never gotten into the weeds on with me on my dosages, if she asked I'd explain the details but I honestly don't think she'd care).
Damn all about some tough love aint ya?? ;) Respect.

I am not at all dismissive about the health risks or her opinion despite what folks may read into what I'm asking or describing here. At my age everything starts to come in to play as a risk when we get past our bulletproof years and start to realize we're on the back half.

I do 40 minutes of cardio 4 days a week but could absolutely do better. I skip red meat, fried foods and alcohol. Gallon of water daily etc. so I like to think that I'm following the rules as best I can but I'm not perfect by any means. I want to stick around as long as can so I do pull bloodwork usually every 3-4 months but more often if anything seems off or out of line. Which fortunately prior to this last round has not been an issue. However, no point sticking around if you're not happy in your own skin.

As for my dysfunctional communication/power dynamic I think we simply disagree on this particular topic and what we feel is a safe course of action. She's made her mind up that artificial Test is bad and we should ride things out the way the universe intended. I have a different opinion which is why I've chosen this particular path for the time being.

Maybe this is a bad comparison but if you took up skydiving and your wife was against it but the way it made you feel and the joy it brought you was a beyond incredible would you be ok giving it up? Even after explaining the odds of dying are pretty low and you have a backup chute and you've done training and feel 100% confident you are safe? Whatever you provide as rationale for your choice she says no. Not saying any of this sarcastically. I guess I am genuinely wondering at what point do you concede and do what others want you to do instead of what you want to do? Obviously skydiving has its risks but you accept them to enjoy it. Perhaps that concession is an expected and regular part of committing to somebody else and I am just not doing a good job at it.

Again, not saying I am right here or that my approach is the right approach at me I know it's not right...just wondering what others do in their worlds and why so I can look outside of my own and gain some insight.
“we should ride things out the way the universe intended”… ask her if that applies to other things associated with aging, like hypertension and type 2 diabetes? Would she just have you ride those out too, unmedicated? TRT decreases all-cause mortality in order men.
If people can't tell you're on gear I've got bad news for you... It should be fairly obvious.
I have to wear pretty baggy clothes around people I know.

But also 95% of the public believes The Rock, Brock Lesnar, Channing Tatum and Chris Hemsworth are probably natty they just eat right and train really hard, and would be somewhat shocked if they were busted with roids. OK maybe they wouldn't be too shocked about Lesnar lol
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TRT decreases all-cause mortality in order men.
TRT diagnosed and treated by a doctor, yes. But I'm not sure it's been proven with people self diagnosing, self treating and getting their stuff from an underground lab. If your body makes a normal amount naturally that is definately healthier that providing it with high normal amount of exogenous testosterone.
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legit makes me sad that so many of you guys have to hide it. my first wife was this way. to me it was even fun to hide it which of course I later realized was a huge problem. 2nd wife (10yrs this August!) is just one of those who trusts you when you are direct and upfront with everything. she also has been great about objectively keeping me accountable with my prior use. (I don't use anymore, see other recent posts of mine if you care to know further). I could never be in a relationship again where I had to hide shit like some of you guys do. having been on both sides there is no way I'd ever go back to that.
Married 5 years, no kids yet. I’m early 40’s. Wife was on board with me getting on TRT. I got on it 3 months into our marriage because I was showing all the signs of low test and all other tests for thyroid etc came back normal. I was afraid if I got tested for testosterone mine would come back around 350-400 and that would disqualify me so I took SARM LGD-4033 for 2 weeks before my blood test and it came back just over 100 for total test. Took a second blood test without the LGD and test came back 310. so I had to take another blood test (with LGD) and it came back 100 again. Got my script. Wife was even okay with me blasting (after i convinced her it was reasonably safe. Showed her all my clean bloodwork) Until after we tried for a baby for a year, I go get a sperm test and my sperm was zero after only 2 years BnC with test only.

It took me 2 and a half years and a few thousand dollars to get my fertility back. My wife was at her breaking point when we finally got pregnant, just to have a miscarriage 6 weeks later. This devastated my wife and she has changed her views on gear and now I’m only allowed TRT. She was so upset with me for weeks that we finally had a big talk that resulted in me throwing out $500 worth of gear (that I was only going to use after we got pregnant again and after the 1st trimester to make sure no miscarriage). I threw it out to prove a point that starting a family with her is more important that my muscles. The pandemic, 2.5 years of trying to get pregnant and the miscarriage has put her into the first depression she has ever had. After all this is behind us and we have a baby, she may be alright with me doing that one last blast I had planned. I just want to gain as much as I can with reasonable doses of reasonable compounds like test, primo, and anavar. Then maintain as much as I can on 200mg of test a week. Whatever I can’t maintain is fine. I just know I would be bigger than I am now.

No doctor even spoke about the fertility risks of TRT before I stated and even after 20 years of PED research I foolishly believed that to become infertal you had to be on for several years. I only read about fertility horror stories from dudes that had been taking roids for 10 years. I had no idea zero sperm was even possible. This has been the single biggest mistake of my life. Some HCG with my TRT from the very startcould have prevented this all had I known what the hell I was doing.
Married 5 years, no kids yet. I’m early 40’s. Wife was on board with me getting on TRT. I got on it 3 months into our marriage because I was showing all the signs of low test and all other tests for thyroid etc came back normal. I was afraid if I got tested for testosterone mine would come back around 350-400 and that would disqualify me so I took SARM LGD-4033 for 2 weeks before my blood test and it came back just over 100 for total test. Took a second blood test without the LGD and test came back 310. so I had to take another blood test (with LGD) and it came back 100 again. Got my script. Wife was even okay with me blasting (after i convinced her it was reasonably safe. Showed her all my clean bloodwork) Until after we tried for a baby for a year, I go get a sperm test and my sperm was zero after only 2 years BnC with test only.

It took me 2 and a half years and a few thousand dollars to get my fertility back. My wife was at her breaking point when we finally got pregnant, just to have a miscarriage 6 weeks later. This devastated my wife and she has changed her views on gear and now I’m only allowed TRT. She was so upset with me for weeks that we finally had a big talk that resulted in me throwing out $500 worth of gear (that I was only going to use after we got pregnant again and after the 1st trimester to make sure no miscarriage). I threw it out to prove a point that starting a family with her is more important that my muscles. The pandemic, 2.5 years of trying to get pregnant and the miscarriage has put her into the first depression she has ever had. After all this is behind us and we have a baby, she may be alright with me doing that one last blast I had planned. I just want to gain as much as I can with reasonable doses of reasonable compounds like test, primo, and anavar. Then maintain as much as I can on 200mg of test a week. Whatever I can’t maintain is fine. I just know I would be bigger than I am now.

No doctor even spoke about the fertility risks of TRT before I stated and even after 20 years of PED research I foolishly believed that to become infertal you had to be on for several years. I only read about fertility horror stories from dudes that had been taking roids for 10 years. I had no idea zero sperm was even possible. This has been the single biggest mistake of my life. Some HCG with my TRT from the very startcould have prevented this all had I known what the hell I was doing.
My Endo seems to think around 6 months - 1 year of completely no hormones your pituitary will kick back on and bring you back to normal with fertility and testosterone however nobody wants to wait that long and feel that shitty. Me included