Does your spouse know you use gear?

I was taking gear before we got together. She was over my house one day, maybe a few months into being official, and she found my stash.

It's my fault really, I did leave it in my sock drawer. Either way, we're married now, and she'd prefer I didn't take gear, but she's fine with it as long as I don't go overboard and risk my health or get 'too big', but what I know is that as I grow bigger, her perception of what is 'too big' increases as well, as she told me that when she sees guys she used to think we're average, she sees them as small now.
Kinda how my wife is. She would rather I didn't but also does not seem to mind the effects. In fact she kinda enjoys the increased sex drive which is crazy because before I even took anything we would probably have sex no less than 2x a day if not double or more on others.
Also now looks at old pictures of me or others and says they look skinny when I know 10 years ago she would not say that.
I told my wife very early on in the relationship. I wouldn't want to be with someone I had to hide stuff from. Wouldn't be okay with having to sneak around in my own house either.
No offense bro, but sources need to stay in their own threads.

And what do you mean by "we believe in trust and blah blah blah"? Who is we? Your and your partner? You sound like a self help wannabe guru.

If you have to hide what you do then you have a problem that needs to be resolved. Plain and simple. Trust is not built on deceit.
Sorry friend, I didn't see such a rule.

In this post, I expressed my position. If my words remind you of some kind of "guru" - then I don't mind :)

And I totally agree with your last sentence. That's what I said, in a nutshell. Relationships are built on trust.