Does your spouse know you use gear?

I've been mulling over telling my partner about my steroid use but it has only been recently that it's become apparent but I don't see it leading to any issues.

I've been with her for 3.5 years and have been on TRT for 11. The first time she visited my home I told her all about TRT so she wouldn't feel weird if she saw a sharps container in my bathroom under the sink. Since we've been together I haven't been on cycle and haven't even been very diligent with my TRT so its only been recently that I wanted to tell her about my use. I started a cycle 3 weeks ago and have been ED pinning and there's been syringes in the garbage daily so she obviously knows I'm on something other than TRT. I told her a few days ago that I was "taking a little extra Test to improve my mood" and she didn't bat an eye so I think I will eventually have that conversation where I try to educate her and provide my rationale behind my use.
Mine knew from the beginning. We were walking through a mall one day and a few kids walked past us and we overheard one of them say to another one, “That’s all steroids rt there.”

She then asked me, “Well, do you use them?” I responded, “Yep, sure do, and if you wanna leave I understand, but I’m not stopping.” She honestly didn’t give a shit, in a way I think she’s always liked it. She jokes around and says stuff like if we ever divorced she would have to find another geared up asshole like me
From the start of our relationship I pointed out I was on steroids and wouldn't go off for anyone. When I told her I use steroids she just basically said she already noticed.

She wants me to be on. She likes me like this and is affraid I'll be a different person if I would ever come off. Didn't want me to come off when trying for a kid and now wants me to stay on forever since she's pregnant now.

But I do need to keep my health in check because she doesn't want me dying on her early because of AAS abuse, fair enough IMO.
Curiosity question here...of those of you who are married here (in any combination: male/female, male/male, female/female or whatever other pronoun combination you want to use these days) how many of you keep your use of gear a secret from your significant other?

I have a spouse who would absolutely lose her shit if she knew what I was doing and I'm wondering if anybody else keeps it under wraps?

As an alternate question, if you decided to do gear how did you go about telling the other person? Did you ask them to sign off on it or just tell them that was the way it was and too damn bad?

I'm sure there will be some smart-ass answers and I welcome those too because I enjoy the laugh but I am genuinely wondering if I'm the only one keeping this quiet to a spouse.
None of my GF's in the past have ever cared as it gives me 'Beast Mode' in the bedroom. My current GF didn't care to begin with, but we had a big argument (when I was 'off' gear and had been for about 3 months) but she blamed gear and said if I go back on it she would leave me. She is the only GF I have had who is a bit psycho though. I am currently hiding it from her and don't care because she takes Melanotan. I am only taking test though. I am avoiding Tren because everyone knows I am on cycle when I start Tren. If anything I am more chilled out when on cycle, unless I take Tren. I am not aggressive though, I just get really aggy and grumpy.

If what I am doing does not change my personality, then I don't feel like I need to tell her, hence avoiding Tren.

Funnily enough she seems to associate DNP as the drug that she hates the most... as apparently I am very grumpy on that.
I have often wondered about all the implications of this if I had a partner living with me, atm I live by myself and have always enjoyed my own company and am at ease with it, so I never have any issues with keeping things secret and hiding things away. BUT I have often thought of how I would keep up with keeping all the vials hidden in the spare room, boxes of barrels and various needle boxes. I would find it a real pain in the ass having to get it all out each time then dispose of wrappers and needles and hide the rest back away. Plus I love being able to display all my vials on the bathroom shelf Lol I enjoy looking at them when I go for a piss and when brushing my teeth!! LMAO But what others are saying is Very true - if they know you do gear and you get snappy with them the first thing thrown back at you will always be this is because you are doing steroids. I've known guys trying to get custody of their kids during divorces that their cheating wives have caused - the wife takes them to court and tells the judge the father is using and is addicted to steroids!! Judge orders a drugs test then its game over for the father - women are ruthless buggers when they want to be and will stop at nothing to get what they want including destroying you in the process.
You can hide it from a spouse but in my case after ordering 500 5mg dbol tabs from China like 20 years ago the cops come knocking on your door and the spouse finds out anyway.

And, charges went away I wasn't a dealer or anything and govt lied in their warrant but when you get divorced she'll use that against you in family court. Her lawyer will insist she does.

There are women out there who are very "420 friendly" or other drug friendly or takes PEDs themselves though and it won't be an issue. An educated guess on my part is this would probably be 5-10% of the women out there though, most of them single and probably always will be due to addiction issues. Add kids to the equation and suddenly they'll want you to be more cleaned up and responsible though.
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My son knows so if anything were to ever happen health wise he can come clean just to the doctor or EMS in case it has a bearing on anything at the time and I'll just deal with the fallout if they bring me back!
From a medical perspective if there's a problem it'll either be a stroke or a heart attack and it'll be irrelevant to the ER or ICU if you were taking steroids. With kidney failure or liver failure or prostate issues you can explain it to the doc yourself but they will only care that you stopped. Some kind of abscess causing sepsis or thrombosis will also be irrelevant, and your docs and caretakers will just judge you more if you were on drugs lol
Here’s the thing abt women and gear usage, it’s what they’ll say abt steroids in a custody battle if you ever split up. Every single guy I personally know who has trouble with Johnny law and steroids got in hot water over some bitch who cried steroids
Not married but long term relationships I find it’s not worth it to tell them more than I’m only taking a replacement dose of what the normal man produces. Made the mistake of trusting too many of them seeing as they weren’t judgemental until you show a little anger even though they are in the wrong and it’s the steroids causing you to be this way. Many women will say it’s ok until it fits their narrative to throw it back in your face
Exactly my experience. Women are dumb, and they will use any reason they find to start being "not happy" about something in the relationship, and they will blame it gear. When you are legitimately questioning something she has done, she will pull the "He's mean to me, and I will blame steroids" bullshit.

Tell them you take TRT from a doctor and that's it.

Isn't it bizarre that men will endure years and years of not being truly happy in a relationship, but the first time a woman is "not happy", she's got the green light to leave? You can never trust a woman, and a woman can never love you in the way you expect to be loved. Just accept it. It's their nature.
Isn't it bizarre that men will endure years and years of not being truly happy in a relationship, but the first time a woman is "not happy", she's got the green light to leave? You can never trust a woman, and a woman can never love you in the way you expect to be loved. Just accept it. It's their nature.
Interestingly, there's actually about 3% more women out there than men. But due to the natural order of things guys being more aggressive and what we've decided as a society, it's our job to pursue them and their job to say yes or no.

As a result, the more desirable guys have 2+ children and the least have zero. The ability to support and help nurture children with a good income and love for family is the largest factor they look for. And it works out really bad for the fat chicks with no suitors. We look for someone young and healthy who can bring a baby to term.
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lets hope she doesnt decide to leave you. its gonna be fun in divorce court when she decides to tell the judge about ur tren
Hide it from my first wife because she believed everything the media said about it but then got a trt script and brought it home. Went pretty smooth after that. New wife I told from the start. She actually has a mind to think with
I hate the lying part but I absolutely KNOW she will put an end to it because it could be a health risk at my age.
Have you stopped to consider whether she might be correct about the health risk at your age? Or are you dismissive?

It may have more to do with a dismissive attitude about a very real risk than about the truth of whether you do them or not.

Anyway, there won't really be a way to hide it.

Would she leave you if you gained 20 pounds of fat? That's a health risk, too.

Do you do cardio every day for 30 minutes? I am asking because if the answer is no, then that is a health risk, and she ought to leave your ass.

Maybe taking this health risk seriously and discussing her concerns and doing what you can to allay those concerns by taking your own health seriously, cardio, proper diet, blood tests, blood pressure checks, and so on, would go a long way to repairing whatever this dysfunctional communication/power dynamic is in your marriage.
You dint have to write a whole paragraph about who anyone chooses lol.
And yes ofcourse she knows and close friends. Im open.