Met my girl last year in May. I fessed up about it in January of this year. We have a deep mutual respect and trust in each other. I didn't want to hide anything from her and never will as we plan to be together for years to come. I wasn't sure how she would react but I was pleasantly surprised.
She's also into health and fitness. We often work out together. She trusts my judgement as I thoroughly research everything before I jump on board. She see's that in me and tells me as much. I did a mini blast last year but am mostly just on TRT now. I may run a blast in April and she knows my intentions.
Having to hide something like this from your life partner/ best friend must really suck. I'd rather fess up than completely lose their trust (possibly ending the relationship) when they find out you've been lying to them for years. And they will eventually find out.
If I truly loved my wife and she was adamantly against it I'd go get tested by the doc and get on TRT legitimately. Think about the bigger picture. Is doing steroids more important than your wife and family? Fuck No!!! And if it is, then you have a serious addiction problem that needs to be addressed.
She's also into health and fitness. We often work out together. She trusts my judgement as I thoroughly research everything before I jump on board. She see's that in me and tells me as much. I did a mini blast last year but am mostly just on TRT now. I may run a blast in April and she knows my intentions.
Having to hide something like this from your life partner/ best friend must really suck. I'd rather fess up than completely lose their trust (possibly ending the relationship) when they find out you've been lying to them for years. And they will eventually find out.
If I truly loved my wife and she was adamantly against it I'd go get tested by the doc and get on TRT legitimately. Think about the bigger picture. Is doing steroids more important than your wife and family? Fuck No!!! And if it is, then you have a serious addiction problem that needs to be addressed.