Does your spouse know you use gear?

Met my girl last year in May. I fessed up about it in January of this year. We have a deep mutual respect and trust in each other. I didn't want to hide anything from her and never will as we plan to be together for years to come. I wasn't sure how she would react but I was pleasantly surprised.

She's also into health and fitness. We often work out together. She trusts my judgement as I thoroughly research everything before I jump on board. She see's that in me and tells me as much. I did a mini blast last year but am mostly just on TRT now. I may run a blast in April and she knows my intentions.

Having to hide something like this from your life partner/ best friend must really suck. I'd rather fess up than completely lose their trust (possibly ending the relationship) when they find out you've been lying to them for years. And they will eventually find out.

If I truly loved my wife and she was adamantly against it I'd go get tested by the doc and get on TRT legitimately. Think about the bigger picture. Is doing steroids more important than your wife and family? Fuck No!!! And if it is, then you have a serious addiction problem that needs to be addressed.
Curiosity question here...of those of you who are married here (in any combination: male/female, male/male, female/female or whatever other pronoun combination you want to use these days) how many of you keep your use of gear a secret from your significant other?

I have a spouse who would absolutely lose her shit if she knew what I was doing and I'm wondering if anybody else keeps it under wraps?

As an alternate question, if you decided to do gear how did you go about telling the other person? Did you ask them to sign off on it or just tell them that was the way it was and too damn bad?

I'm sure there will be some smart-ass answers and I welcome those too because I enjoy the laugh but I am genuinely wondering if I'm the only one keeping this quiet to a spouse.
Being on gear saved our relationship, in so many levels.
I didn’t read the whole thread, but my wife knows. I hid it from her for the first month of my first cycle, and she couldn’t tell a difference in my demeanor, so that immediately squashed any roid rage argument. But she was FURIOUS when I told her about it. She was hardcore anti drug (weed, steroids, anything not prescription basically)

My wife likes getting Botox, so I likened it to that. Aside from the legal aspect, she found that she uses Botox for the same reason I use AAS: it makes her feel better about how she looks and that improves her well-being.

After a couple of weeks she was over it and now she helps me with my injections. But she also knows that, even though I like to experiment with my cycles sometimes, that I always read and read and read some more on how the drugs act and react and how to mitigate any health issues as much as possible.
Damn all about some tough love aint ya?? ;) Respect.

I am not at all dismissive about the health risks or her opinion despite what folks may read into what I'm asking or describing here. At my age everything starts to come in to play as a risk when we get past our bulletproof years and start to realize we're on the back half.

I do 40 minutes of cardio 4 days a week but could absolutely do better. I skip red meat, fried foods and alcohol. Gallon of water daily etc. so I like to think that I'm following the rules as best I can but I'm not perfect by any means. I want to stick around as long as can so I do pull bloodwork usually every 3-4 months but more often if anything seems off or out of line. Which fortunately prior to this last round has not been an issue. However, no point sticking around if you're not happy in your own skin.

As for my dysfunctional communication/power dynamic I think we simply disagree on this particular topic and what we feel is a safe course of action. She's made her mind up that artificial Test is bad and we should ride things out the way the universe intended. I have a different opinion which is why I've chosen this particular path for the time being.

Maybe this is a bad comparison but if you took up skydiving and your wife was against it but the way it made you feel and the joy it brought you was a beyond incredible would you be ok giving it up? Even after explaining the odds of dying are pretty low and you have a backup chute and you've done training and feel 100% confident you are safe? Whatever you provide as rationale for your choice she says no. Not saying any of this sarcastically. I guess I am genuinely wondering at what point do you concede and do what others want you to do instead of what you want to do? Obviously skydiving has its risks but you accept them to enjoy it. Perhaps that concession is an expected and regular part of committing to somebody else and I am just not doing a good job at it.

Again, not saying I am right here or that my approach is the right approach at me I know it's not right...just wondering what others do in their worlds and why so I can look outside of my own and gain some insight.
My wife wrote my TRT doctor a thank you note.
TRT diagnosed and treated by a doctor, yes. But I'm not sure it's been proven with people self diagnosing, self treating and getting their stuff from an underground lab. If your body makes a normal amount naturally that is definately healthier that providing it with high normal amount of exogenous testosterone.
You’re right, and the study I was referring too (a very large sample over years) was also talking about Dr-prescribed TRT in older, low-T men. Just to clarify.
Married 5 years, no kids yet. I’m early 40’s. Wife was on board with me getting on TRT. I got on it 3 months into our marriage because I was showing all the signs of low test and all other tests for thyroid etc came back normal. I was afraid if I got tested for testosterone mine would come back around 350-400 and that would disqualify me so I took SARM LGD-4033 for 2 weeks before my blood test and it came back just over 100 for total test. Took a second blood test without the LGD and test came back 310. so I had to take another blood test (with LGD) and it came back 100 again. Got my script. Wife was even okay with me blasting (after i convinced her it was reasonably safe. Showed her all my clean bloodwork) Until after we tried for a baby for a year, I go get a sperm test and my sperm was zero after only 2 years BnC with test only.

It took me 2 and a half years and a few thousand dollars to get my fertility back. My wife was at her breaking point when we finally got pregnant, just to have a miscarriage 6 weeks later. This devastated my wife and she has changed her views on gear and now I’m only allowed TRT. She was so upset with me for weeks that we finally had a big talk that resulted in me throwing out $500 worth of gear (that I was only going to use after we got pregnant again and after the 1st trimester to make sure no miscarriage). I threw it out to prove a point that starting a family with her is more important that my muscles. The pandemic, 2.5 years of trying to get pregnant and the miscarriage has put her into the first depression she has ever had. After all this is behind us and we have a baby, she may be alright with me doing that one last blast I had planned. I just want to gain as much as I can with reasonable doses of reasonable compounds like test, primo, and anavar. Then maintain as much as I can on 200mg of test a week. Whatever I can’t maintain is fine. I just know I would be bigger than I am now.

No doctor even spoke about the fertility risks of TRT before I stated and even after 20 years of PED research I foolishly believed that to become infertal you had to be on for several years. I only read about fertility horror stories from dudes that had been taking roids for 10 years. I had no idea zero sperm was even possible. This has been the single biggest mistake of my life. Some HCG with my TRT from the very startcould have prevented this all had I known what the hell I was doing.

Tough choice. I've been in the situation where my wife (now ex) told me that she wanted kids or else.

Hindsight is 20/20. If I knew that we wouldn't work out, I would have told her just to leave me now. Then I wouldn't have to deal with her as an enemy for decades until our kids grow up.

My advice for young guys is to never ever ever get married and never never never have children. If you want to have a mentor/child experience, coach little league. Do no do not do not have children. Women who have your children do not grow closer to you, they grow farther apart. This is the truth of life that I wish I would have known years ago.
Wife knew of TRT, I never really told her about blasting. At least not until I started Masteron. 300mg/week and the constant badgering and I had to let her in on all of it.
Met my girl last year in May. I fessed up about it in January of this year. We have a deep mutual respect and trust in each other. I didn't want to hide anything from her and never will as we plan to be together for years to come. I wasn't sure how she would react but I was pleasantly surprised.

She's also into health and fitness. We often work out together. She trusts my judgement as I thoroughly research everything before I jump on board. She see's that in me and tells me as much. I did a mini blast last year but am mostly just on TRT now. I may run a blast in April and she knows my intentions.

Having to hide something like this from your life partner/ best friend must really suck. I'd rather fess up than completely lose their trust (possibly ending the relationship) when they find out you've been lying to them for years. And they will eventually find out.

If I truly loved my wife and she was adamantly against it I'd go get tested by the doc and get on TRT legitimately. Think about the bigger picture. Is doing steroids more important than your wife and family? Fuck No!!! And if it is, then you have a serious addiction problem that needs to be addressed.

I see what your saying, although do women think getting their hair done and eyelashes done and lips shot up with collagen are more important than family? Um, the facts say yes, they believe it is. They don't stop any of their self improvement regimens for family.

Don't fall for women's manipulation and double standards. Women are the most selfish, self centered, vain beings on the earth. They only want to question your own self improvement because they want to control you. Only slaves allow themselves to be controlled.
We talked about the possibility of have one child before we got married and I agreed to it so I’m the one who is in the wrong for screwing up my fertility even though it was a mistake, I didn’t do it on purpose.

I feel ya on the spouse growing apart from you after children, as I have seen this myself in other marriages several times. I don’t believe it happens in every marriage though. My wife and I have a great relationship. We agree on just about everything and never fight. She has just gotten really depressed over shitty circumstances which had made her feel worse about our difficulties trying to conceive. If we were 5 years younger she would have a lot more patience. She’s going to be 36 this year and I will be mid forties. This damn pandemic. I can’t wait for those responsible to burn in hell.
It did happen in my first - it didn't happen in my second, but I think it would have happened anyway in my first, and nothing like that has a chance of happening in my second due to the type of woman I married this time around. I learned a lot of what NOT to pick from the first time.
It did happen in my first - it didn't happen in my second, but I think it would have happened anyway in my first, and nothing like that has a chance of happening in my second due to the type of woman I married this time around. I learned a lot of what NOT to pick from the first time.
same. my first was a girl, my second was a woman.
I see what your saying, although do women think getting their hair done and eyelashes done and lips shot up with collagen are more important than family? Um, the facts say yes, they believe it is. They don't stop any of their self improvement regimens for family.

Don't fall for women's manipulation and double standards. Women are the most selfish, self centered, vain beings on the earth. They only want to question your own self improvement because they want to control you. Only slaves allow themselves to be controlled.

Never met a selfish woman that partook in any of those procedures. But down in the devils hell hole of L.A. it's quite common.

There's a big difference between being controlled and being respectful is my point. No woman has ever controlled me and if she tried, she knows I'm gone.
I was taking gear before we got together. She was over my house one day, maybe a few months into being official, and she found my stash.

It's my fault really, I did leave it in my sock drawer. Either way, we're married now, and she'd prefer I didn't take gear, but she's fine with it as long as I don't go overboard and risk my health or get 'too big', but what I know is that as I grow bigger, her perception of what is 'too big' increases as well, as she told me that when she sees guys she used to think we're average, she sees them as small now.
I discussed it with my wife before starting. I told her why, and my goals, and about getting blood-work, went to freeze sperm etc, in case we want to start a family, why I’m using hcg and what compounds I would take. If I was dating I think I’d say jack shit about any clandestine activities.

Imo it’s only fair that she should know potential health ramifications because it would be a bit fucked up if there are some negative outcomes that would impact her life. If it can have serious consequences, physically, financially etc. I’d rather be up front, and it’s a two way street.
It didn’t really bother my wife at all though, as she has to take hormones for medical reasons, so she doesn’t have a stigma towards hormone use and thankfully doesn’t really give a fuck about the law.

She also buys all the groceries and without an explanation about why I have her buy so much meat and sweet potato I would never hear the end of it.
Friends, first we will tell you a couple of funny stories about how our clients keep secrets from their wives that they take anabolic steroids :)

I immediately recall two cases. In one of them, a guy hid methandienone pills in a multivitamin jar. Of course, such guys most often do cycles every few months, and then they lose everything, because it is simply impossible to use only oral drugs forever because of the load on the liver, and they have not yet figured out how to hide injections. This case is not an exception and I would say that this is a whole subtype of hiding guys - "multivitamin lovers".

The second type of guys hiding steroids went further, but we personally know only one such case.

It is a guy, MMA fighter and martial arts coach, and with his sport and age about 40, he is in great shape, because for at least 5 years he has been using testosterone, anabolic steroids, gonadotropin and other products. He hides syringes and vials in a special compartment of his sports bag and always gives injections outside the house on certain days. I can't imagine how he hides bruises if he suddenly makes an injection in the wrong place (we all know what happens and how a small blood flow forms in this place). Considering that his wife has big balls and a very difficult character - we look with admiration for his ability to cover his tracks.

As for the topic itself, there is such a thing as a "life partner", this is a person with whom you have not just a mutual sexual attraction or a habit of living together in the same house, but a unity of spirit and views on the world. Accordingly, trust should be like yourself. Every man in the tradition of one relationship should first of all be the head of the family - the helmsman of the ship, and when a woman questions his decisions, it is hardly possible to build a strong relationship, at least in their traditional version.

We believe that trust in each other is one of the basic principles on which strong family relationships are based. Your companion should understand why you need to use certain drugs and support you in your goals, just as you should support everything in which she would like to be realized.

Perhaps someone will disagree, but this is life: how many people - so many opinions.
Friends, first we will tell you a couple of funny stories about how our clients keep secrets from their wives that they take anabolic steroids :)

I immediately recall two cases. In one of them, a guy hid methandienone pills in a multivitamin jar. Of course, such guys most often do cycles every few months, and then they lose everything, because it is simply impossible to use only oral drugs forever because of the load on the liver, and they have not yet figured out how to hide injections. This case is not an exception and I would say that this is a whole subtype of hiding guys - "multivitamin lovers".

The second type of guys hiding steroids went further, but we personally know only one such case.

It is a guy, MMA fighter and martial arts coach, and with his sport and age about 40, he is in great shape, because for at least 5 years he has been using testosterone, anabolic steroids, gonadotropin and other products. He hides syringes and vials in a special compartment of his sports bag and always gives injections outside the house on certain days. I can't imagine how he hides bruises if he suddenly makes an injection in the wrong place (we all know what happens and how a small blood flow forms in this place). Considering that his wife has big balls and a very difficult character - we look with admiration for his ability to cover his tracks.

As for the topic itself, there is such a thing as a "life partner", this is a person with whom you have not just a mutual sexual attraction or a habit of living together in the same house, but a unity of spirit and views on the world. Accordingly, trust should be like yourself. Every man in the tradition of one relationship should first of all be the head of the family - the helmsman of the ship, and when a woman questions his decisions, it is hardly possible to build a strong relationship, at least in their traditional version.

We believe that trust in each other is one of the basic principles on which strong family relationships are based. Your companion should understand why you need to use certain drugs and support you in your goals, just as you should support everything in which she would like to be realized.

Perhaps someone will disagree, but this is life: how many people - so many opinions.

No offense bro, but sources need to stay in their own threads.

And what do you mean by "we believe in trust and blah blah blah"? Who is we? Your and your partner? You sound like a self help wannabe guru.

If you have to hide what you do then you have a problem that needs to be resolved. Plain and simple. Trust is not built on deceit.